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What if MP links crached346

CKC private msg quote post Address this user
Hi all,

Just wondering how you respond when clients asking what if MP links crash or just not you put any clause in the contract? How do we protect client and ultimately ourselves? Thanks
Post 1 IP   flag post
Jamie private msg quote post Address this user
Not sure his you mean crashes. The link should work if you gave them the correct one.
Do you have it turned on public? Can you view the link? Could they ever view the link?
Post it here and we can check for you
Post 2 IP   flag post
CKC private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Jamie,

Sorry for the confusion. I meant when you sign a contract with a client and he asks "OK, when all done, you will send me a link and embed code but what if MP suddenly closes shop and the link is not working" A client asked this.

Post 3 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
Post 4 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
The hard fact is we're all screwed
Post 5 IP   flag post
CKC private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Gary,

So there is NO any sort of guarantee system, rather than a lame verbal one when asked by clients?
Post 6 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
Nope, no guarantees at all from MP, as all of our businesses depend on them staying in business. If another solution was to come on the scene and take there business away and they folded as you asked there would be nothing we can do. In fact if you read the fine print in MP terms they own our Showcases.

That not to say that they will have any problems but it's something we have all had to consider.
Post 7 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
@CKC Matterport has received $26+ million in funding in a space that is about to explode (in a good way).

For example, Google, Samsung, Microsoft, Facebook (and others) have major initiates in virtual reality gear that all needs VR content.

I am thrilled how easy, fast and seamless it is to create 3D and VR Tour content with the Matterport platform.

Your clients should be throwing money at you to be among the first to leverage the Matterport solution to help differentiate / have a competitive advantage to get more listings; and get more buyer and seller leads.

If your potential client doesn't get it; move on to helping others.


Post 8 IP   flag post
CKC private msg quote post Address this user
Liked the positive reasoning, thanks Dan!
Post 9 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
Dan, CKC question is a far inquire. You're right that VR is about to explode but that is no guarantee that MP will stay in business. What CKC is asking as would any one who produced content is what happens to my content if the company folds.

MP is one of the few cases where you the producer don't own you content. That is very clear as what sits on or in your iPad is completely useless it needs the MP Showcase. and If MP folds your screwed.

We all know that it's just a matter of time before there are loads of VR devices on the market. With load of VR devices come loads of VR apps. I do believe that MP will weather the storm but I can not forget the BILLIONS that were lost in the last big tech boom with companies who appeared at the time to be rock solid. Major tech chances every 6 months and no one knows what around the corner.

The one issue that would solve this problem once and for all is for every user to host their own data. If that was the case this issue would never have been brought up.
Post 10 IP   flag post
CKC private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Gary,

Very good points.

But I guess for now, what we can do is reposition ourselves as more of "Creative Agency" that curates/interprets unique spaces by using a mix of multimedia tools to wow the clients so in this way MP is just one of our many tools...
Post 11 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
@CKC @GarySnyder

Matterport has 12 job openings.

That probably adds $1+ million annually to the company's payroll (already 50+ employees).

This space is growing and I am thrilled to be among 250 Forum members that are pioneer in 3D and VR tour creation.

Now, go get some new clients that share your vision.


Post 12 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
CKC, at the present time there is nothing that even comes close to what MP is offering. The true beauty of a MP VT is remarkable but clients have to understand that technology changes and nothing is forever certain. Just look at CD's and DVD's.

I don't want to sound like DR Gloom but an important point to consider is if you exchange money for a job "this is a binding contract" and if MP were to fold in the future you could be sued for not fulfilling your agreement with your customer.

I think Dan should approach MP with some form of guarantee that if for some unforeseen reason MP was to fold that our content would be made available to us. Companies who produce software have to place their code in an escrow account so if they were to go bust someone else could step in and keep the application running for their customer base.
Post 13 IP   flag post
CKC private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Gary,

That's right. So for now we would have to give up on a scanning job when a client wants this to be black and white in the contract....and yes if MP really wants to be a sustainable company rather than just a startup, they have to be a responsible one.
Post 14 IP   flag post
CarlosFHdz private msg quote post Address this user
@CKC ,I've posted this before in a similar thread, I too am concerned about MP changing everything and it is a huge risk to take for all of us, but it's the nature of the beast. Specially for being part of the initial Matterporters offering services. The contract I use is very lengthy and we provide all the terms and conditions before a deposit is paid. My lawyer went through the MP terms and conditions and included on mine what we need in order to be protected and disclose those to my clients as well. Then we created an additional contract for pricing and other terms including how a MP shutdown would be handled in terms of money, payment, refund etc. We want to be fair, disclose what we need to, and be protected at the same time in the event of a MP shutdown or drastic change that would affect our business and customers.
Post 15 IP   flag post
alx3D private msg quote post Address this user
Just want to comment @Gary:

First off let me say
I agree a guarantee, even if just to host what we have already done for 1 year, would be nice big weight off our shoulders and MP terms of service are horrible. In practice they are all nice guys and seem very fair but their terms put 100% of the risk is on us. Do i think they will fail? No. but I did when I bought my first camera. Buying is a big risk.

but Gary Said:
"MP is one of the few cases where you the producer don't own you content. That is very clear as what sits on or in your iPad is completely useless it needs the MP Showcase. "

Before buying the camera I talked to Paul extensively about the terms of service and how crazy they were.

We (not MP) own the content that we produce. we can only access it through matterport and they can hold our content hostage, not letting us see it unless we pay..... but the content is our intellectual property.

although it doesn't sound like much I think it is important to keep this in mind

Post 16 IP   flag post
CKC private msg quote post Address this user
Hi alx3D - Yes Paul did tell me that we own the content. So it sounds like legally we JUST own all the OBJ files...
Post 17 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
Guys, yes I agree that in theory we own the content but what good is it if we can't view it without the Showcase. Yes, there is the exception of the less then perfect OBJ's but that is not why we all invested $5,000 to $6,000 to own ....,OBJ's. And don't forget my point that even the OBJ is unattainable unless you maintain your subscription to MP. If for some reason your subscription was suspended or the cost was to go up to a point that did not make business since, your SOL.

Granted if you download every OBJ for each model you produce then at least you have these. The point of this conversation and how it started was that CKC asked about continued access. I too don't think that MP is going anywhere but and it's a big but if they did again we would all be screwed.

We all need some form of assurance that there is a insurance policy in place to allow us all access to the Showcase player as well as access to AWS who host our data. In addition we also need assurance that the application which renders our data will be accessible to us all. Without these guarantee if for some reason MP was to close we'd all have a very expensive boat anchors.
Post 18 IP   flag post
CKC private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Gary,

That's right. Honestly for now, from a legal and business affairs perspectives, MP is still a toddler, very far from leading camera players like Sony, Panasonic or Canon. A company is respectable not just for its leading tech edge but more importantly for its outstanding customer service.
Post 19 IP   flag post
crullier private msg quote post Address this user
Does matterport charge for model downloads?
I know there is a charge for upload/processing.

Post 20 IP   flag post
CarlosFHdz private msg quote post Address this user
You can download the .Obj file for free after processing. At this time there is no other type of model download.
Post 21 IP   flag post
crullier private msg quote post Address this user
Carlos, what about the photos the "raw" photos the camera takes? Can those by downloaded also?
Post 22 IP   flag post
crullier private msg quote post Address this user
I am trying to imagine what would happen if I scan an office building, I download the obj. and the "hosting" term for that client is up. So we agree that we are taking down the SC. 30 later he calls that wants it back up. Is there a way to bring the SC back up or reprocess it? - I am use they would not was for us to go back an re-scan again.
Post 23 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
At the present time all of your models stay active. You can move your models from Public which anyone can view if they have the URL to Private, this shuts off anyone from viewing the model but the model still stays in your My-Matterport library. I hope that answers your question.

The one area to consider is at any time you no longer pay your monthly subscription to MP all of your models go dark.

I regards to your other question about OBJ. I would suggest downloading an OBJ file from one of your models as you can see the images but I found they were of little use. If your are looking for images to offer for your customers I would suggest using the Workshop and taking Snaps of the images you want to capture.
Post 24 IP   flag post
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