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Buy a Matterport Camera in France3443

webmarketimmo private msg quote post Address this user
Hello, I am French and new on the forum. I am a real estate photographer, I make 360 ° virtual tours and aerial photos. I would like to buy a Matterport, I contacted directly Matterport in the USA then their dealer in England, they explained how to buy it but as I speak very bad English (thank Google Translate), I am not very Comfortable to do so with them. Do you know of other ways to buy it from a French dealer? I have browsed the links on the forum but I have not found a site with online payment. Would you please advice me to give me. Thank you in advance.
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WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Welome to the We Get Around Network Forum ...

Two options for you:

1. Buy from Matterport
2. Buy from the Official Reseller in England.


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webmarketimmo private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Dan,

Thank you very much

Post 3 IP   flag post
North Palm Beach, FL
hometakes private msg quote post Address this user
@webmarketimmo I am curious, why you were not comfortable with Matterport USA?
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sandyswiss private msg quote post Address this user
Bonjour Webmarketimmo, je suis basée en Suisse et je peux t'aider.... je n'ai pu acheter que via les US et pas du tout en UK. Ce n'est pas compliqué, mais il faut environ une dizaine de jours pour réceptionner la marchandise. Tu peux me contacter [private message me] Sandy

Google Translae

Hello Webmarketimmo, I am based in Switzerland and I can help you .... I could only buy via the US and not at all in UK. It is not complicated, but it takes about ten days to receive the goods. You can contact me [private message me. sandy
Post 5 IP   flag post
North Palm Beach, FL
hometakes private msg quote post Address this user

Bonjour Sandra,

s'il vous plaît écrivez en anglais car c'est un forum parlant anglais. Im sûr que vous essayiez d'être utile, mais tout le monde qui lit ce post ne comprendra pas ce qui a été dit. Merci!

And this is what I asked of Sandy:

Hello Sandra,

please write in English as this is an English speaking forum. Im sure that you were trying to be helpful but everyone else who reads this post will not understand what was said.

Post 6 IP   flag post
Jacques private msg quote post Address this user

@webmarketimmo, I'm located in France and I bought my camera directly from Matterport USA and had it delivered to a US address through
The process is not that easy, with lots of administrative papers to fulfill (mainly for customs), it's better to speak/write correct english.

I know that now Matterport sells directly to Europe through the UK. Have you tried to contact them (Matterport UK) to see if they have someone speaking french to assist you?

Post 7 IP   flag post
webmarketimmo private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by sandyswiss
Bonjour Webmarketimmo, je suis basée en Suisse et je peux t'aider.... je n'ai pu acheter que via les US et pas du tout en UK. Ce n'est pas compliqué, mais il faut environ une dizaine de jours pour réceptionner la marchandise. Tu peux me contacter [private message me] Sandy

Google Translae

Hello Webmarketimmo, I am based in Switzerland and I can help you .... I could only buy via the US and not at all in UK. It is not complicated, but it takes about ten days to receive the goods. You can contact me [private message me. sandy

Hello Sandy, it's very kind of you, I will certainly contact you if I have questions.Bon weekend
Post 8 IP   flag post
webmarketimmo private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by hometakes
@webmarketimmo I am curious, why you were not comfortable with Matterport USA?

Originally Posted by webmarketimmo
I speak very bad English (thank Google Translate), I am not very Comfortable to do so with them. Do you know of other ways to buy it from a French dealer? I have browsed the links on the forum but I have not found a site with online payment

Hello Hometakes, this is what I explain: I do not speak English correctly and there is no online payment for French buyers. I prefer to have a French interlocutor in case I have technical problems for example.
Post 9 IP   flag post
webmarketimmo private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Jacques

@webmarketimmo, I'm located in France and I bought my camera directly from Matterport USA and had it delivered to a US address through
The process is not that easy, with lots of administrative papers to fulfill (mainly for customs), it's better to speak/write correct english.

I know that now Matterport sells directly to Europe through the UK. Have you tried to contact them (Matterport UK) to see if they have someone speaking french to assist you?


Hello Jacques, thank you for your reply. Yes I contacted Matterport UK and here is their answer: : [redacted] is the authorised Matterport Local Reseller for the UK market. Our agreement with Matterport only enables us to distribute cameras within the UK and not into Europe. Unfortunately we are unable to ship cameras to France.
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