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What is your biggest mistake?3294

TourMySpace private msg quote post Address this user
Hello Fellow MP Providers!

My name is Bill MacDonald and I am getting my First Matterport Pro camera tomorrow. Been waiting 1 week for shipment. ...

I have been browsing this forum and have gotten a lot of good ideas. Thank you to everyone who posts.

If I could ask you one question, What was your biggest mistake setting up your Matterport business? or What would you recommend to do first to get new clients?

Thank you all

Bill MacDonald
Post 1 IP   flag post
Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
Queen_City_3D private msg quote post Address this user
If you plan to service real estate clients, don't wait to get the WP3D plugin which you'll likely hear a bunch of people on this forum rave about. (I consider it a mistake on my part to have waited as long as I did).

The link for Matterport allows you to showcase the 3D Showcase... and that's really it. I recall one angry call from a home seller who received that link from her REALTOR® how was irate that there were no pictures of the backyard which she took great pride in(this was before the 360° scan was an option). Of course there WERE pictures of the yard, but those were obviously sent separately as the Showcase (at that time) couldn't include any exterior views.

Using the WP3D plugin fixed that problem as we were suddenly able to easily create single-property websites that showcased the 3D Showcase, but which also could include property information, photos, videos, floorplans, etc.
Post 2 IP   flag post
justinv private msg quote post Address this user

Is this your main business or are you adding this to your existing business?

I would also suggest WP3D. Ross answers any questions you might have and is very quick to reply to emails. You will need a wordpress website to install the plugin but they have work arounds to get it going on other platforms.

I would not buy the case they suggest because I am very rough on things, so I purchased a Pelican case 1510. It was not that much more and plenty of room to put an iPad in there as well.

There is a thread on the top of the forum about items to buy. I wish I came across it earlier because I like their camera mount better than the one Matterport suggested.

I would just offer a price and bundle the single property website in the price. You can even buy an .info for a few dollars on godaddy. I don't know the exchange rate but it shouldn't be too much!

Do you know a few realtors? Maybe they can help you get a few other realtors you do not know to use you.

My last tip off the top of my head is to go after the average homes and not mansions. You can get in and out fairly quickly versus a bigger house taking several more hours. Then realtors think it is for the upper end homes and not do it on the average homes. I promise they are your "bread and butter". I take bigger homes on but do not go for that market.
Post 3 IP   flag post
TourMySpace private msg quote post Address this user
Wow, Thanks JustinV

Lots of great tips. I bought the mount that matterport had suggested and I will have to wait to order the one suggested here.

I am currently working full-time in a somewhat unrelated field (IT)

I do know a few agents and they are on board when I am ready to go. I want to do this part time until I am able to transition to full time when I get a steady flow of clients. I really want to be working for myself by hopefully March.

Thanks again for your input.

Post 4 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Standard Members of the We Get Around Referral Network receive free use of WP3D Models.

Post 5 IP   flag post
JonJ private msg quote post Address this user
If I had to start again, I would offer photography services from the beginning. This will really help to supplement your income and build your client base. I found that real estate agents are not interested in scheduling multiple companies for photos and Matterport. You can get started shooting HDR photos about $1000 for a DSLR and wide angle lens. I use a photo processor to retouch my pics!
Good luck!
Post 6 IP   flag post
justinv private msg quote post Address this user

I would also invest in a good camera for still shots. Sometimes you can get good pictures but most of the time they are grainy. People want a one stop shop and don't want to call someone else to take pictures.

I would offer any service that they need and you feel comfortable doing.

Do you have an idea about your pricing? Look at the welcome email and see if they have a pricing page for someone near you. This is where the more things you can do, just bundle it all together and charge more money. I would push selling them a website and a 3d tour for their listings instead of selling them Matterport showcases. Most people don't know what it is and it takes too long to try and tell them about it. Just show them an example and let them play with the model on your iPad.
Post 7 IP   flag post
TourMySpace private msg quote post Address this user
I will have to get a few under my belt before I invest in a camera as well. I broke the bank getting the MP Camera because of the Exchange Rate, Shipping and Taxes.

Thank-you for the Advice.
Post 8 IP   flag post
TourMySpace private msg quote post Address this user
I just bought the plugin WP3D Models and am setting it up now.
Post 9 IP   flag post
justinv private msg quote post Address this user
That is honestly the best thing you can do for yourself and new business. Market yourself for building property websites and 3d tours. Tell them to use the website for marketing purposes. Bundle it and do a package with a custom url like, I have realtors loving it.
Post 10 IP   flag post
TourMySpace private msg quote post Address this user
That is awesome. Thanks Justin!
Post 11 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

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