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Pricing for mass project3220

alsangio private msg quote post Address this user
How much would you be willing to discount (on %) from your base price per sf/m2 if you get a contract of basically unlimited work for a year?

I know this depends on the market, but I need a starting point.

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AAS private msg quote post Address this user
How much do want to make that year. Unlimited work is great but if you go to low your yearly income will be low. For me personally i would figure 8 hours a day your scanning say 12000 square feet a day. I would need to make 1000 a day so the lowest i would go would 8.5 cents. But i would also let him no that price is only if there giving me that quantity.
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Wonderdawg private msg quote post Address this user
You could also consider a retainer basis with a set number of properties/sq footage per month as a "bank" to draw from. For you, avoids feast or famine, balances the models on your monthly plan and the client would appreciate the steady cash flow as a line expense.
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Jamie private msg quote post Address this user
Yeah I agree.
If they want you exclusively then start with a retainer and go from there. You could perhaps give them goals to hit for discounts. E.g $10,000 per month gets you 100,000 sq ft. 100,000 to 150,000 is then an additional 8c per sq ft, 150,000 to 300,000 is 6c per sq ft. Etc
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ScanMan private msg quote post Address this user
I was recently approached with the same proposition.
Unlimited work for as long as I could provide it. I could have outsourced the work to local cheap labour but I also have customers in that area who are paying full price and decided that those customers were more valuable than the bulk market.

The one thing people tend to forget with Matterport is the simple fact that its a very time consuming process. Unlimited work takes unlimited time. If your working every day non stop staring at your iPad you will not have the time to develop new work and grow your business. You need to decide what your own personal day rate is and what your time is worth. Don't forget to take into consideration the hosting fee's. I have a minimum fee of £350 in the UK. But different markets and local wages have a different effect on the way you can charge. Whats the average day rate of a tradititional professional photographer in the Dominical Republic ?
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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Can you post the email that you received and redact the potential client identifiable info?

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ScanMan private msg quote post Address this user
@DanSmigrod I should clarify that I meant it was a similar proposition and not the same as client as @alsangio
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