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I-Guide versus Inside Maps3132

RichardBurt private msg quote post Address this user
Hello Everyone -- Greetings from sunny Santa Barbara !!

Now that the NAR show in Florida is over, all of the latest and greatest imaging technology should have been revealed by the major players in the industry.

Unfortunately, I was unable to attend the show. I have been a big Matterport fan in the past, but I really like the interactive floor plan which both I-Guide (Planatar) and Inside Maps offer.

I believe that the interactive floor plan is incredibly important for the real estate buyer to "connect all of the dots" and to obtain a full understanding of the property layout online in the quickest manner possible. It is becoming increasingly necessary to literally "spoon feed" the impatient internet shopper, and I believe that this single interactive "split screen" format accomplishes this goal

Sooooo ....I am going to purchase one of these two systems very soon since Matterport still has not offered this solution.

Please help me out here !!

The financial investment is so dramatically different -- less than $1,000.00 for Inside Maps and about $5,000.00 for I-Guide.

(1) Is the extra investment I-Guide worthwhile ??, and if so, can anyone tell me why ??

(2) Conversely, has anyone found that the smaller Inside Maps investment delivers a quality product that rivals I-Guide ??

Quality is just as important important to me than pricebold text

My initial impression is that I-Guide has the better quality -- BUT, is it really worth the extra $4,000.00 ??

I would appreciate quick feedback from anyone that has already done their homework and made a decision between these two Matterport competitors.....

Thanks in advance to all of my fellow hand working, forward thinking imagery artists.......HELP !!!!
Post 1 IP   flag post
ShahBatroukh private msg quote post Address this user
Couple of big differences. Presentation, measurement accuracy, and support.

In terms of presentation, you get 4-5 tabs in one click that shows everything you need.
Measurements are performed with a laser for BOMA industry standards of accuracy
Support from this company has been amazing! One of the founders routinely offers to come to any conference I present at to help out. Office staff is present all the time, and super nice.

I use both iGuide and Matterport. They are two different tools in my bag and because of the accuracy and presentation of square footage, real estate agents prefer that. They know about Matterport and don't seem to as interested because of all the add-ons for a floorplan, and website.

I have never used Inside Maps, but if it works on an phone, what's to stop an agent from doing it? How accurate are the measurements?
Post 2 IP   flag post
jfantin private msg quote post Address this user
I find i-Guide expensive ($70 per model per year up to 3000 sqft).

My average property is about 1,500 sqft and I charge around $0,15 per sqft, so it would be $225 for the model. It costs me $19 to process and then everything goes in my Matterport account where I pay a monthly fee for up to 200 models (that is $6 per year approximately).

Besides, the killer feature is the dollhouse which MP has and i-Guide has not.

I know that they offer you the floor plans but not all my clients demand that. Most of them are happy with the 3D model.

If I was to enter into the 360 images business, I would have to compete against the guys with Ricoh-Thetas and such, who charge ridiculous low prices and use an also ridiculous cheap hardware (I have used the word ridiculous two times, I guess that watching the presidential debates has had an effect in my english .

I am not saying no to i-Guide, but for now this is not the alternative that would makeme move from Matterport. Unless there is something that I am missing here. I will keep readig this post
Post 3 IP   flag post
Faga private msg quote post Address this user
I'm in the same position with Richard.
Other than iGuide, I take realvision into consideration but both are quite expensive per model, comparing to Matterport. Insidemaps seems like a good and cheaper alternative for customers looking something less exciting than dollhouse view...

However, I have some doubts about insidemaps' quality and accuracy. Any positive or negative comment from insidemaps users will be appreciated!!
Post 4 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
I simplify. None of the Ricoh Theta S solutions exist and what's let behind are Matterport and Planitar.

Using an IRIS-360 and other high end 360 cameras is nice too -- but I'm not aware of any vendors providing a turnkey solution for them.

Planitar's price per model is high for my taste. If you need floorplans created, however, it's comparable to Matterport and the time saved on shooting it is nice if you are shooting in volume. There's a way to justify Planitar being more cost effective than Matterport. It's just not immediately obvious. I'd be more comfortable with $35/model + $35/floorplan as an add-on.
Post 5 IP   flag post
JakeRees private msg quote post Address this user
Hi @Richardburt,
Im just south of you in Orange County, CA. Im a real big fan of (formerly toursler). Your setup cost, is closer to that of Insidemaps, with a product that I think looks and interacts better than Iguide. And like both of them, you get an interactive floorplan.

Personally, I think it is the best option out there. When I was originally looking, I looked at Iguide and Toursler, as Inside maps wasn't around yet (atleast not to my knowledge), and was blown away by what they are doing and how committed they are to making it the best product for both the service provider and the real estate buyer/seller/agent. And there is never an issue with talking with them about where they are going and how to make improvements.

It really comes down to whats best for your marketplace and for me it was a fairly obvious choice to make, as I sell it as a higher end product than matterport tours.

If you have any questions about it feel free to pm me and Ill tell you what I can without getting into trouble!
BTW I am not paid by to promote they're product, I just think its a dope product.
Post 6 IP   flag post
Shrkfin private msg quote post Address this user
I think, formerly Toursler, is the best alternative to Matterport. That being said, I can offer Matterport for less than I can due to their high costs for processing, hosting, etc. The turn around time is longer and it just isn't as good of an experience for the end user.

Inside Maps just isn't ready for prime time in my opinion. Every tour I have seen on multiple devices looks and acts clunky, I would never give that to a client and expect them to be happy with it.

I-guide seems clunky to me as well and with it being more expensive than Matterport, I just don't get it.

I also do not get the floor plans that everyone is offering. I rarely have clients interested in them and so the Matterport solution is just fine with me as an upgrade for $36.

In summary, for my money, Matterport is the best solution at this time for most situations.

Post 7 IP   flag post
sbetts1000 private msg quote post Address this user
Really? I have been doing virtual tours since the late 90's beginning as a beta tester for IPIX then for years with Easypano. I have found that clickable floorplans are a must. I don't know many people that enjoy fumbling from room to room 4 feet at a time.

From what I have seen on the market, Insidemaps offers a great cost effective solution and their HDR feature is the best I've seen. Blown out windows, while accepted as commonplace, greatly degrades the quality of a presentation. Matterport struggles in low light which is often a problem, and I don't like inching my way through a tour. Iguide is way too expansive, though I like the feel of their final product.
Post 8 IP   flag post
iGuide CIO
and Co-Founder
Kitchener CAN
Kevin_iGuide private msg quote post Address this user
The cost comparison is a very curious topic for us as we have the run the numbers between iGuide and our competitors and see iGuide as a better cost alternative.
How do you build your direct cost per unit / tour?
We simply use Back office Processing Charges and Photography costs. We then look at the capacity for shoots per week.

It would be great to know how you determine your revenue versus cost per tour.
Post 9 IP   flag post
Las Vegas
DaveFahrny private msg quote post Address this user
I saw insidemaps and decided to try it out. I have only done I scan of a commercial property. I like what I see so far and I feel there will be uses for this platform. It is easy to use and I like the quality of the photos. I like that I can put my logo or the clients logo on the branding. My biggest thing is being able to do exteriors. I also really like the difference in the time it takes to complete a project. I am still learning the system and InsideMaps has some definite pluses for me. I will be using Matterport for most projects but InsideMaps will definitely open new possibilities. I will add that I have had very good customer support. The very important part of the product for me! Isn't Technology Wonderful!
Post 10 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Shrkfin
I-guide seems clunky to me as well and with it being more expensive than Matterport, I just don't get it.

I've argued that iGuide seems clunky to me too With enough people saying this, maybe they'll take some feedback and create some options

I personally love RealVision's platform -- which differs from iGuide on a very simple 'packaging' level. I believe that RealVision's packaging and ability to work with a camera that you may already own are the two advantages over iGuide.

iGuide uses brilliant technology to aid in creating an accurate floorplan through a dedicated 3D scanner that is mounted to their customized Canon camera and always running as you walk through a home. In addition, @Kevin_iGuide and his very dedicated team are amazing to work with. Their enthusiasm, presence at conferences, presence here on the forums, and their web-based workshop events that they do with their operators is why I am convinced that iGuide is "the other platform."


I know very little about RealVision. There is no telephone number on their website and from what I have heard, iGuide has faster turn around times, is less work for the photographer in post processing, and provides unique tools that RealVision cannot provide (including accurate floorplans and measurements). With iGuide, you can download all assets (stitched photospheres for Google Street View and Facebook) -- with RealVision, I do not believe that you can.

RealVision is a fantastic product -- but what if iGuide and Matterport had the exact same 'packaging' (the viewer)?

My 2c
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