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Matterport: Why the Community is Feeling Mad3100

WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Matterport,

Since you read EVERY WORD of the We Get Around Forum, we thought we would make it easy for you to see why the Matterport Community is feeling Super-Mad at you.

You had SO MUCH GOOD WILL from SO MANY OF US: FANS from the MOMENT we did our first spin of the Camera. You LOST YOUR WAY.

With 11,000 monthly visitors to the We Get Around Forum - many whom are researching buying a Camera - is this really the messaging that you want them to read?

Stop the spin. Be transparent (with yourself and with us).

✓ Give us back our 3rd party solutions like publishing to Google Maps
✓ Give us back our 3rd party tools like measurng (stop killing it)
✓ Make the APIs and SDKs public: should be your #1 priority
✓ Make TERMS tiny again and move it to the top right
✓ Get rid of that HORRIBLE logo bar at the bottom. It's rediculous
✓ Stop asking Pros for free stuff; it's embarrassing
✓ Charge us more for white label; we'll all be happier: Study Vimeo
✓ If you are going to charge for VR, charge us monthly. $19 per VR conversion makes it too easy for client to say, but Matterport only charges you X.
✓ Be honest about the cost of buying a Matterport Camera. Most of us spend $10,000 on Camera Gear and Accessories
✓ Be honest about your comparision of what a Pro charges versus buying a Camera. You're building false expectations by agents. When they call a Pro, they are expecting that a scan cost pennies
✓ Perhaps you should turn over your leads to the We Get Around Referral Network. We actually care about helping Matterport Service Providers succeed faster.
✓ Spend your marketing dollars on growing the space: not selling cameras. (And, you will sell way more Cameras when consumers ask agents for scans.)
✓ Stop telling people how easy it is to scan. It's not.
✓ Be honest about how long it takes to scan a space
✓ Think long term. As your product gets more complex - 3D/VR/Highlights Reel/MatterTags/3rd party solutions/3rd party tools/use of scan data, etc. - it's the PROS that MATTER. It's the PROS that will shoot a TON more scans to generate the most processing, hosting and ancillary revenue
✓ Change your terms and conditions to allow creative use of the content we create
✓ Create a Board of Advisors of Matterport Pros and fly us in to talk with you.
✓ Stop using the Beta program as a way to quiet vocal Members of the community through NDAs
✓ Staff your Support to handle instant chat.
✓ Create a program to incent Pros for selling Camera.

I am probably mising some items that the community may add below. In the mean time ...

I plan to write something VERY VERY VERY POSITIVE ABOUT YOU - Matterport - Thursday, 3 November 2016 evening, but in the mean time, here is an index of the Matterport community sentinment (and it's not good):



Agent e-mails from Matterport
MSP's requests being offered camera sales
Matterport stealing our customers
Anyone experiencing the MATTERPORT SQUEEZE?
Matterport Service Providers: Business Slow?
Is Matterport contemptuous toward us?
Matterport Requests Additional Permission...
Matterport Reading: "In Search of Stupidity"
Matterport Eliminates Footer Logo Banner Bar
Matterport Opening: VP/Customer Frustration
Matterport: Charge us More: We'll Be Happier
Matterport changed where they display TERMS
Cheap cameras for Monkeys ??
Matterport Kills Services Discussions - Index

Post 1 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
I love my Matterport Camera and totally agree with all of these points. I bought a camera, but sometimes feel like it doesn't belong to me. I did not buy into a company but have found myself interacting with the company. that I feel passionate about finding solutions and disappointed when the boss says no.

MSPs shoulder all of the consumer risk and we are passionate about what we do! We love our cameras, we love showcase and we are happy to find creating solutions to maximize our investment.

Matterport sent us a survey recently. I would love to see the results.
Post 2 IP   flag post
StevenHattan private msg quote post Address this user
How about a simple conference call set up by Matterport?
Post 3 IP   flag post
jfantin private msg quote post Address this user

I wrote to Matterport ... and they listened. or so it seems. In fact, according to Linda (VP Marketing at Matterport), they have already corrected the misleading $70 per model figure.

I checked and it is right:

Now they say: " ...or do it yourself to get operational efficiencies and minimize your per-listing costs"

No reference to the famous $70 per model.

This is the exchange of posts:

My post:

"...the $70 per model is all over Matterport communications and hence it makes sense that when a prospect contacts a MSP and receives a $0,20 per sqft quotation runs like hell.
By the way, I would like to talk to the sales representative that told me that the Matterport services were quoted between $ 0.30 to $ 0.70 per sqft depending on the market. What a joke!
So, to sell a camera to a service provider you say that the price is $0.70/sqft and to sell a camera to a real estate agent you say that $70 per model is OK?[/b]
[b]You know, I am sure that the ticker name when Matterport makes its IPO will be M, but not for Matterport but for Misleading

Answer from Linda:

Thank you for this additional feedback. I understand your concerns and we have updated the website to reflect the options more clearly.

I will also be in touch with our sales team first thing in the morning to discuss what you have brought up. The MSP pricing that you suggest they quoted you is way out of line. We have not trained them to say that, so I will ensure that this does not happen in the future. Quite frankly, we have seen MSP pricing start at below $0.10 a square foot to significantly higher, depending on the breadth of services offered as well as the geography and size of model.

So perhaps something is changing in Matterport.

Post 4 IP   flag post
StevenHattan private msg quote post Address this user
The salesperson I talked to said thirty to fifty cents per square foot.

I've had DOZENS of Realtors not to business with me at seven cents per square foot.

I thought Matterport was going to be the wheel. It's turning out to be nothing more than a rusty spoke.

I'm not blaming Matterport by any means...this is new to all of us.
Post 5 IP   flag post
WGAN Basic
New Brighton, PA
frstbubble private msg quote post Address this user
How about let us own our content!
Post 6 IP   flag post
PeterMcCready private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by frstbubble
How about let us own our content!

I've been asked about that a lot this week when pitching the possibility of replacing earlier VR photography with a Matterport visit, that and "Can the bar along the bottom with the overly prominent terms be removed?"!
Post 7 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

I just did a post about the bar at the bottom here.

Post 8 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Seems like a timely post. Moving it to the top for additional thoughts.

Post 9 IP   flag post
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