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Anyone experiencing the MATTERPORT SQUEEZE?3098

StevenHattan private msg quote post Address this user
I'm a bit frustrated but will work through it.

Matterport services are HARD to sell to the real estate market. Realtors love the technology but they don't want to spend the money. Most take pictures with cell phones because can't spend $100 (or whatever) let alone pay several hundred for a 3D walk-through.

Now Matterport is doubling down to sell more cameras and take away my business.

I market to 13k Realtors and thinking about sending a blast email suggesting that if they are considering buying a Matterport camera that they should either join this forum first or call me before they purchase so they can be 'properly' educated.

There are pro's and con's to both of this.

Is anyone else experiencing the "Matterport Squeeze"
Post 1 IP   flag post
Integratedman private msg quote post Address this user
Steven..TY for sharing..all good answer your question..I am not feeling that here in Southern Ontario...I am feeling reluctant realtors..but that seems to be a a cold realtors have in Canada and the USA..:0..
Post 2 IP   flag post
E3D private msg quote post Address this user
Yes it makes me pissed that MP is using us to sell more cameras rather than using us to sell a common place in the industry. I just feel like who cares if mp sells more camera and there are more realtors using the the end it just means that this service will be more common and sellers will see it as more of a necessity than a perk, just trying to see a bright side i guess...
Post 3 IP   flag post
ScanMan private msg quote post Address this user
Yup - Its all happening within the time line that I personally predicted to myself when I bought into Matterport just over a year ago. I gave myself 18 months before the race to the bottom began. I wasn't that far off being right. The race to the bottom is well and truly underway.All helped along with the short sighted game plan that Mattterport currently have. I can't personally see a future in this making me money beyond the next 12 months unless Matterport either get some vision and implement a longer term strategy that includes us MSP's or a competitor comes along and takes up the slack where Matterport is failing. Im not investing too much in this venture. Its just one of many media services I offer and I'd love to see it being part of my long term offerings but there's no way its going to be sustainable if Matterport carry on the way they are!! They have their sights set on bigger things than us unfortunately :-(
Post 4 IP   flag post
VRPM private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by ScanMan
Yup - Its all happening within the time line that I personally predicted to myself when I bought into Matterport just over a year ago. I gave myself 18 months before the race to the bottom began. I wasn't that far off being right. The race to the bottom is well and truly underway.All helped along with the short sighted game plan that Mattterport currently have. I can't personally see a future in this making me money beyond the next 12 months unless Matterport either get some vision and implement a longer term strategy that includes us MSP's or a competitor comes along and takes up the slack where Matterport is failing. Im not investing too much in this venture. Its just one of many media services I offer and I'd love to see it being part of my long term offerings but there's no way its going to be sustainable if Matterport carry on the way they are!!

I don't see any sign of a race to the bottom in the UK - there can't be enough providers for that to be happening?
Post 5 IP   flag post
ScanMan private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by VRPM
I don't see any sign of a race to the bottom in the UK - there can't be enough providers for that to be happening?

Im talking with some big names in the property sales and letting industries. All potential high end large volume clients and they have all been approached directly my Matterport with the proposition to do it in-house themselves.

There are also plenty of chancers Iv'e come across that are dabbling with the technology thinking its a business in a box with no business plan offering cheap scans. Many of the UK providers were recently approached by a chancer asking us all to quote for a job in Morocco.All of us thought it was a legit business lead. He milked us for our knowledge and then blatantly admitted that he was going to buy a camera and set up and undercut us all by 75%. Trust me the race is on.
Post 6 IP   flag post
Viewing private msg quote post Address this user
@ScanMan @VRPM The UK MSPs really should arrange a meet up soon to discuss strategy. Like you've said, there aren't actually that many of us in the UK so it makes sense to work a plan together to make sure we all make the most of this opportunity.
Post 7 IP   flag post
VRPM private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by ScanMan
Originally Posted by VRPM
I don't see any sign of a race to the bottom in the UK - there can't be enough providers for that to be happening?

Im talking with some big names in the property sales and letting industries. All potential high end large volume clients and they have all been approached directly my Matterport with the proposition to do it in-house themselves.

There are also plenty of chancers Iv'e come across that are dabbling with the technology thinking its a business in a box with no business plan offering cheap scans. Many of the UK providers were recently approached by a chancer asking us all to quote for a job in Morocco.All of us thought it was a legit business lead. He milked us for our knowledge and then blatantly admitted that he was going to buy a camera and set up and undercut us all by 75%. Trust me the race is on.

A lot of the resi agencies wont want the hassle of doing it in-house, just like they don't often have in-house photographers. As for the chancer guy, he'll lose money if he undercuts you by 75% so he won't last long
Post 8 IP   flag post
ScanMan private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by VRPM
A lot of the resi agencies wont want the hassle of doing it in-house, just like they don't often have in-house photographers. As for the chancer guy, he'll lose money if he undercuts you by 75% so he won't last long

Residential is not my target market and Im not too worried because the little I have done in this area doesn't really pay enough to make it profitable but whilst exploring this end of the market 2 larger residential clients initially used me to get them up to speed then hired minimum wage staff to take on the task full time but only after they got a phone call from Matterport suggesting that this is an option for them. We are certainly in a better position in regards to America as the technology is newer here. The market won't be destroyed by other MSP's it will just be diluted and devalued by Matterport's current strategy. Im not moaning. I'm just looking beyond the next 12 months and marketing my product to a niche market which works just fine for me :-)
Post 9 IP   flag post
grmngrl private msg quote post Address this user
Just received an email regarding that issue from MP. What a joke. They talk about that they do that to provide us with referrals.

I never even got one!
Post 10 IP   flag post
grmngrl private msg quote post Address this user
Matterport email!


A few of you have reached out recently regarding our efforts to promote MSPs, and a recent email campaign to real estate professionals. We would like to take an opportunity to address these concerns, as well as to tell you about some of the new things we are doing to drive additional business to MSPs.

As you know, we surveyed all MSPs earlier this year and heard one thing loud and clear: you want more leads! In an effort to make this happen, we recently asked for feedback from leads who requested to be connected with a Matterport Service Partner.

We found that only 33% of those leads successfully ordered a Matterport scan service after we sent them to an MSP.

We currently spend over $50K per month generating and distributing leads to our 1,450 official MSPs. We want to grow this free lead program, but the results that we get from the program need to improve. This program needs to result in more business for MSPs than it currently does or it isn’t cost-effective.

By surveying the leads we’ve sent to MSPs, we have found that there were a number of reasons why they did not order scan services, and we are actively working to address the reasons that are under our control. We will share detailed findings with you in our upcoming November MSP Program webinar, and also provide suggestions on how you can keep lead conversions and customer satisfaction high.

There are thousands of these leads who have not yet purchased a Matterport Space from an MSP, but expressed interest in buying future scans. We’re working to remind them of all the great reasons to order Matterport scans, to tell them about new 3D Showcase features, and to drive them to MSPs like yourself. We are trying to drum up business for you!

We are scrubbing our database

We recently started to ramp these efforts. In doing so, we discovered that about 15% of our scan leads were incorrectly coded in our database, and may have received our general marketing emails in addition to emails promoting the MSP network.

Now that we are aware of the issue, we are scrubbing our databases to ensure this doesn’t happen again. We appreciate your patience as we work through this issue and toward effective marketing that drives more business for you.

Our efforts have been paying off

Over the past few months, we have made several other important updates to the visibility of our Service Partners and the option to purchase scanning as a service. Our initial data indicates that it is paying off!

We have seen a 33% quarter-over-quarter increase in scan lead volume this past 6 months, and we’re launching new efforts to drive even more volume. Our goal is to ensure that existing leads are fully educated about the benefits of Matterport’s 3D Showcase and remind them to connect with you for services.

So in sum: we heard you and we are committed to making our MSPs successful. Demand for Matterport and 3D scanning has never been higher, and the press and positive exposure around the Matterport network has been phenomenal. It is our intent and goal to help everyone in our ecosystem to be successful.

Below are some FAQs to address some commonly asked questions. ...

Thank you for your patience as we get this right.

- The Matterport Service Partner Team

Frequently asked questions:


No! Some of you have written us expressing concern that your customers are receiving promotional emails from us. There are a few ways this may happen:
Frequently, clients will write to Matterport to inquire about camera ownership, and may subsequently realize that partnering with an MSP is a better option. When they don't let us know that they have chosen an MSP, we continue to communicate offers, product announcements, etc.
Some Scan leads specifically request to continue receiving updates and promotions from Matterport even after they have been connected with a service partner, so we keep them on our general email list.
Copyright © 2016 Matterport Inc., All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Matterport Inc.
352 East Java Drive
Sunnyvale, CA 94089

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Post 11 IP   flag post
Property3dNZ private msg quote post Address this user
@grmngrl The only time I have had a referral from the MSP program was someone trying to get our pricing and lied to my face about what he was doing....
Post 12 IP   flag post
grmngrl private msg quote post Address this user
@Property3dNZ had the same happening, she has now the same price structure that I have.
Post 13 IP   flag post
Property3dNZ private msg quote post Address this user
@grmngrl people suck! I had someone email me last week saying he had multiple houses and wanted prices. We asked questions - how big is the house, whats the address etc but his responses just weren't quite right so i googled his name and what do ya know... hes a real estate photographer (and not even a good one he wouldn't know a straight line if it hit him in the face)! He went as far as to lie to me and tell me he is out of town right now (because the number he gave me to call him on was in a different part of NZ) and told me to call him at a specific time AT HIS GRANDMOTHERS HOUSE - she answered when I called. When I hit him up and said I knew who he was and what he was doing he laughed and said he was just trying to get my prices. Seriously?!?!
Post 14 IP   flag post
ScanMan private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Property3dNZ
hes a real estate photographer

If you know his company I'd suggest a little 2 can play at that game. Have some fun with it but concentrate on moving forwards as well . I'm only too guilty on focusing on negatives when I shouldn't. But I'm also guilty of a little fun retaliation now and again :-)
Post 15 IP   flag post
grmngrl private msg quote post Address this user
@Property3dNZ you are funny! Do you do only real estate?
Post 16 IP   flag post
Property3dNZ private msg quote post Address this user
@ScanMan Lol I would love to but hes not even in the same region as us! He's in little town New Zealand!

@grmngrl We started out focusing on just real estate but we do a whole bunch of different stuff now!
Post 17 IP   flag post
grmngrl private msg quote post Address this user
@Property3dNZ that is great, the same here.
Post 18 IP   flag post
aerialpixels private msg quote post Address this user
I hope I dont get flak from you guys here.

I feel the same about many issues regarding MP 'stealing' our business, putting their branding on the tours which we want as white label.

But just wanna share some thoughts:

1)Does market want you at your price? - a book I recommended to another forum user, The Personal MBA: One of the key points it states - no point having a great product and service that people want, but nobody wants to pay (the price you set) for it.

For my MP projects, I have not yet really touched the regular joe realtor. When I do the sums to consider transport costs, manhour costs, bugs and such (sunlight position requiring another day scan), and a thin thin profit margin, it all works out to a price where the regular realtor doesnt want to pay. I have done market research (another point the book talks about). Survey the market. Hold seminars to realtors etc.

To make it work with regular realtors, I'd have to run a business model that does bulk quantity (mutiple cameras, multiple staff) to get it worth everybodys while (considering the realtors have access to the same tech as we do, and all we help them is in terms of time). And since the tech is proprietary, my (i wanted to say 'balls', but I think Dan is going to redact that...hahaha) key business 'thingy' is in the hands of someone else. MP. They change a term, a tech, an etc, and the whole business model for me could fail. As opposed to, for exampe (bad example) a regular camera I own as well as the output of that regular camera.
As such, I see this MP camera thingy as really a side income, extra service to my main work. When I bought it, Like @scanman, I gave myself 12-18 months to make some cash, before I'd have other competitors on my tail.

2) MP is a business too - They spent millions on R&D on the tech. Venture Capitalists to answer to. They need to be profit making. Sure there are businesses which are customer focused. But still profits are the bottom line. If MPs current customer base (us MSPs) are not cutting it for them (and their VCs) to be happily laughing to the bank, then they have every right to do what it takes for their company to flourish. So we shouldnt be crying foul (too much). Nobody owes us a living just because we bought their camera. (I bought 2).

3) Race to the Bottom - It happens everywhere. Its called barriers to entry. Low barriers to entry, then every Tom, Dick, Harry is gonna jump in. No differentiation, then price becomes the main differentiator.

Same went for aerial photography. In the not too long ago days (3 to 4 years back?) where it was in the realm of Radio Control planes enthusiasts who would build the bird from scratch, to today, DJI the market leader in consumer/prosumer drones - tap on an ipad and fly it almost idiot proof. Initial tech knowledge & skill barrier of how to build and fly a drone became obsolete. Prices for aerial photography services came tumbling down HARD.

At least for traditional photography, there is sometimes art involved. Creativity. But for MP, it is somewhat more straight forward. Yes we do say we have skills or experience to deal with bad stitching or lighting conditions, but truthfully it is still an easy thing to do and learn. I have taught and sent some of my staff to do scan jobs easily.

Didnt mean to hurt anyones feelings, but just wanted to share that business is like that. Gotta stay nimble, and adaptable.
Post 19 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
@aerialpixels I completely agree.

I think it might be worth considering another thing:

#1) Are you an MSP look for a clientel?
#2) Do you have a clientel and are looking to be an MSP?

I came in at #2. I bought into Matterport to service existing clients with a new product that I felt confident about. I believe that my experience as an MSP has been extremely positive because of this. It took a few months and several freebies before my clients went from hesitant to demanding for more tours. I believe that due to existing clients, I was able to build up a portfolio that would then entice others.

So I would love to know -- are the success architectural photographers in the forum the success MSPs in the forum too?

Is Matterport a great add-on to an already successful business -- or does it work as a new venture looking for new clients?
Post 20 IP   flag post
ScanMan private msg quote post Address this user
I definately fall into the add on section. It's become a great hook to rekindle old clients attention and gain new attention in a very niche market which I'm already established in. I would not be able to survive on just Matterport scans alone. I do a few real estate bits of work here and there but the 1% commission sales make the real estate companies shy away from what is a relatively high cost product. I often hear, Wow thats amazing, we love it but we just can't justify the cost. Its all very well having an amazing product but its pretty useless if the market can't afford it. I have employed a business developer to explore the avenue of producing volume scans for a few potential clients it will involve out sourcing the labour and charging a price which the client can afford on volume. I don't know if it will work in the UK market and Im nervous about implementing such a strategy for fear of diluting the value of the product. But the alternative is to continue listening to potential clients tell me they love the product but can't justify it.
Post 21 IP   flag post
Wandsworth U.K.
RobinLycka private msg quote post Address this user
I actually think it would be great if one of the big UK chains were to buy a bunch of cameras and start offering matterport spaces on most of their properties. It would create pull from the market as most of the small/medium independents would rather outsource than invest in a camera and do it in-house.

I´ve been in the industry for the last 9 years, and I´ve had meetings with all the major chains in the UK on head office level. Dating back to more than a year ago now, none of them had even heard about the technology, at least now some of them are beginning to notice it.
Post 22 IP   flag post
Viewing private msg quote post Address this user
At some point in the next three years, VR will be part of every basic package sold by estate agents and not bought by the seller as an additional service. I'm not saying that MP will be the widespread choice for agents - it will likely be a cheaper alternative. However, higher end properties may still get the MP treatment so we need to keep a hold of that camera.

Everybody seems to be thinking about today when it's the future we should be thinking about and planning for. My last full-time job was as a digital strategist at a data/tech company who are now market leaders (I'm not saying that was down to me by the way!). I'm only sharing my experience of how to approach this but it doesn't necessarily make me right.

I will suggest this again. We should all meet up and discuss strategy on how to approach this (all from the UK). It is not abnormal for similar companies to work together to set standard prices and services. This technique spans every industry and you see it every day without probably realising that's why certain items and services are roughly very similar in price. The figures haven't been plucked from the air. This is fairly new technology in a fairly new market so this is the perfect opportunity to do something similar. If we all look out for ourselves, people will lose out and some may wish we talked this through first. Don't rely on existing customers not to jump ship just because you've done a good job in the past and are on friendly terms. This is business.

I mean all of that with the best intentions.
Post 23 IP   flag post
JonJ private msg quote post Address this user
I am in a unique market in that one company dominates the market share with >50% of all of the properties. About a year ago,they were approached by Matterport about purchasing a camera...and they did! I thought that would be great as it would build public awareness of the product and other firms would have to follow suit which would hopefully lead to additional work for me. Fast forward a year and there has been very little change in demand and only about a 3% increase in Matterport tours on the mls.
Until the general public demands this service, the demand will not grow. And yet Matterport continues to market to agents? I don't get it.
Post 24 IP   flag post
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