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MSP's requests being offered camera sales3096

ScanMan private msg quote post Address this user
If a potential customer fills out a MSP request on Matterport's site to get a quote and be put in touch with a service provider like us they are now met with a message from Matterport asking if they want to buy their own camera instead of waiting !!! Try it and fill in the details with your own address and see for your self !! Its laughable. At least thats what Im gonna do. Im all cried out now so laughing is the only option left.
Post 1 IP   flag post
Hartland, Wisconsin
htimsabbub23 private msg quote post Address this user
We all know the company behind the technology is a complete failure and joke. I tell everyone not to buy a camera from them. Love the product, hate the company.
Post 2 IP   flag post
JohnBecker private msg quote post Address this user
Way to cut the legs out from under your existing client base, Matterport.
Post 3 IP   flag post
Belfast, United Kingdom
3dshowcaseuk private msg quote post Address this user
Nothing new there. A year ago I contacted to ask if there were any MSP in my area and they emailed back a price for the camera.
I believe their policy is, if you contact looking for an msp they try the dames thing first if that fails then then provide our details
Post 4 IP   flag post
Expertise private msg quote post Address this user
Every time I almost talk myself into buying a Matterport, I read some BS like this.
Post 5 IP   flag post
DSPhoto private msg quote post Address this user
Just saw this too. Very funny. Personally I think find out the price of the camera only further helps our cause.

"$4000! Plus monthly fees? Screw that!"- Reasonable real estate

Which is also why we should charge more for this service!

It's justified to do so.
Post 6 IP   flag post
San Antonio, TX
EricThomas private msg quote post Address this user
Its literally like MP has no vision, mission statement, plan, or thought process of who/what is their true customer. I worked for a company that was in this same exact spot.

A complicated product that we manufactured and sold to a distributor, who sold to a brick/mortar shop, who then sold it to the end user. End user paid a huge marked up price for this product because of how many hands it touched. Constant fighting at the manufacturer of who our customer was...was it the distributor, the shop, or the end user that bought our product. All while keeping in mind that the distributor and the shop both sold competing products as well. This is what happens when you don't have a clear path/vision/mission statement. You start to spiral out of control. Seeking sales no matter who its from, only worried about sales $$ and market share.
The flow through buyers start to turn on you, because you have not identified which of them is your true customer and client you care about. That manufacturer I worked for is now long gone....Once a better product was released, with a plan/vision, we lost all support.

MP will soon learn this valuable my opinion.
Post 7 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

Some related discussions:

Agent e-mails from Matterport
MSP's requests being offered camera sales
Matterport stealing our customers
Anyone experiencing the MATTERPORT SQUEEZE?
Matterport Service Providers: Business Slow?
Is Matterport contemptuous toward us?
Matterport Requests Additional Permission...
Matterport Reading: "In Search of Stupidity"
Matterport Eliminates Footer Logo Banner Bar
Matterport Opening: VP/Customer Frustration
Matterport: Charge us More: We'll Be Happier
Matterport changed where they display TERMS
Cheap cameras for Monkeys ??
Matterport Kills Services Discussions - Index

Post 8 IP   flag post
Bellevue, Washington
Tosolini private msg quote post Address this user
Did you receive the MSP newsletter as of an hour ago?


A few of you have reached out recently regarding our efforts to promote MSPs, and a recent email campaign to real estate professionals. We would like to take an opportunity to address these concerns, as well as to tell you about some of the new things we are doing to drive additional business to MSPs.

As you know, we surveyed all MSPs earlier this year and heard one thing loud and clear: you want more leads! In an effort to make this happen, we recently asked for feedback from leads who requested to be connected with a Matterport Service Partner.

We found that only 33% of those leads successfully ordered a Matterport scan service after we sent them to an MSP.

We currently spend over $50K per month generating and distributing leads to our 1,450 official MSPs. We want to grow this free lead program, but the results that we get from the program need to improve. This program needs to result in more business for MSPs than it currently does or it isn’t cost-effective.

By surveying the leads we’ve sent to MSPs, we have found that there were a number of reasons why they did not order scan services, and we are actively working to address the reasons that are under our control. We will share detailed findings with you in our upcoming November MSP Program webinar, and also provide suggestions on how you can keep lead conversions and customer satisfaction high.

There are thousands of these leads who have not yet purchased a Matterport Space from an MSP, but expressed interest in buying future scans. We’re working to remind them of all the great reasons to order Matterport scans, to tell them about new 3D Showcase features, and to drive them to MSPs like yourself. We are trying to drum up business for you!

We are scrubbing our database

We recently started to ramp these efforts. In doing so, we discovered that about 15% of our scan leads were incorrectly coded in our database, and may have received our general marketing emails in addition to emails promoting the MSP network.

Now that we are aware of the issue, we are scrubbing our databases to ensure this doesn’t happen again. We appreciate your patience as we work through this issue and toward effective marketing that drives more business for you.

Our efforts have been paying off

Over the past few months, we have made several other important updates to the visibility of our Service Partners and the option to purchase scanning as a service. Our initial data indicates that it is paying off!

We have seen a 33% quarter-over-quarter increase in scan lead volume this past 6 months, and we’re launching new efforts to drive even more volume. Our goal is to ensure that existing leads are fully educated about the benefits of Matterport’s 3D Showcase and remind them to connect with you for services.

So in sum: we heard you and we are committed to making our MSPs successful. Demand for Matterport and 3D scanning has never been higher, and the press and positive exposure around the Matterport network has been phenomenal. It is our intent and goal to help everyone in our ecosystem to be successful.

Below are some FAQs to address some commonly asked questions. ...

Thank you for your patience as we get this right.

- The Matterport Service Partner Team


Frequently asked questions:


No! Some of you have written us expressing concern that your customers are receiving promotional emails from us. There are a few ways this may happen:
• Frequently, clients will write to Matterport to inquire about camera ownership, and may subsequently realize that partnering with an MSP is a better option. When they don't let us know that they have chosen an MSP, we continue to communicate offers, product announcements, etc.
• Some Scan leads specifically request to continue receiving updates and promotions from Matterport even after they have been connected with a service partner, so we keep them on our general email list.
Post 9 IP   flag post
ScanMan private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Tosolini
Did you receive the MSP newsletter as of an hour ago?

They seem to be saying the right things but doing all the wrong things. This company is deaf and blind to what MSP's need to succeed. As my teacher used to tell me at school "so much potential but must learn to apply himself" Matterport stop the B.S and put some action behind your carefully selected words.
Post 10 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by ScanMan
Originally Posted by Tosolini
Did you receive the MSP newsletter as of an hour ago?

They seem to be saying the right things but doing all the wrong things. This company is deaf and blind to what MSP's need to succeed. As my teacher used to tell me at school "so much potential but must learn to apply himself" Matterport stop the B.S and put some action behind your carefully selected words.

I am nominating you for most best thread of the week. What a response from Matterport! Can't wait to hear everyone's perspective.

WGA is the best referral network. It has three highest quality leads if you after lucky enough to get one!
Post 11 IP   flag post
Wandsworth U.K.
RobinLycka private msg quote post Address this user
I like how they added a FAQ at the end, and it´s not even a question, just a statement saying that they are not mining for agent emails
Post 12 IP   flag post
Expertise private msg quote post Address this user
The implication from Matterport seems to be that MSPs are charging too much. Otherwise, all "scan leads" would have ordered scans.
Post 13 IP   flag post
mori private msg quote post Address this user
Here my reply to MP:

To share experiences from Europe and especially Germany I can share the following informations and experiences:

- 95% of our leads ask for customisation of a player skin (branding, design, language etc.) -> this is NOT possible with the MP-Platform
- 80% of our leads from real estate ask for login/form-protection for their tours -> this is NOT possible with the MP-Platform
- 100% of our leads interested in a VR experience want to integrate this in their existing or a new branded app -> this is NOT possible with the MP-Platform
- 100% of our leads in the area of government have the requirement of local hosting due to government rules -> this is NOT possible with the MP-Platform
- 100% of our leads want to have a product without any stitching errors -> Postproduction & Reupload for this is needed -> this is NOT possible with the MP-Platform
- 70% of our leads want to have the 360 panoramas for Facebook-Marketing and also a Google Streetview-Version -> this is NOT possible with the MP-Platform

From my point of view this should answer the questions for the main reasons why it´s very hard or nearly impossible to sell Matterport-Services.
Post 14 IP   flag post
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