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Which VR Viewer Artwork do you like best?3095

WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Promoted Post


We Get Around is getting ready to order VR Viewers from Forum Member Unofficial Cardboard.

Which of these designs by the We Get Around Art Department do you like better (and why)?

1. We Get Around "Blue"
2. We Get Around "Multi-Color"



Post 1 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
Dan, I like the four color but it's going to be far more expensive then the one color. What are your final cost for each with your quantity breaks?
Post 2 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Actually, Unofficial Cardboard will charges the same price for either of these two designs.

Basic, Standard and Premium Members - like you - receive 10 percent off VR Viewer Printing from Unofficial Cardboard.

For your Special Promo Code - and to receive the Unofficial Cardboard pricing rate card - please see your We Get Around Referral Network Welcome Onboard Letter. (See #13)

While based in the United States, Unofficial Cardboard ships all over the world.


Post 3 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks, Dan
Post 4 IP   flag post
Bon Secour, Alabama
Chemistrydoc private msg quote post Address this user

I like the clean professionalism of the "all-blue". The multi colored is eye-catching, but in the end, clean and professional always "trips my trigger"!

Can't wait to be able to order these myself!

Post 5 IP   flag post
UserName private msg quote post Address this user
The blue does seem more professional. Also consider this. I always wanted to see what a regular Cardboard viewer was like. Two weeks ago while walking through Walmart, a stack of these colorful boxes caught my eye.

That's the $15 VR headset Walmart had on display. I'm imagining I might not have even seen that stack of boxes if not for the busy colors, text and graphics. Each side of the box is loaded with information.

Maybe professional marketers use tactics such as going for the eye-catcher. Compared to this Walmart box, the two examples you showed are tame and they both look more professional. If you're not trying to get random people to buy your headset, you might go with the more professional look. If I was sitting in a Doctor's examination room, I guess I'd think the doctor was more "professional" if I saw a blue box, like your blue example, sitting on a table. If I was sitting in a movie producer or recording artis's office, I might think of the colored box as "creative."

Note: The Walmart headset's going back. Maybe the experience seemed horrible because I was used to using the Gear VR. The Walmart headset is awkward but more importantly it has a 60 degree field of view. Perhaps you get what you pay for when you shop for Cardboard headsets. Since the headset is still for sale at Walmart, people must be buying it. They may even love it if they've never experienced anything else.
Post 6 IP   flag post
Helen private msg quote post Address this user
I like the blue, but both are great!
Post 7 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Thank you for your feedback.

In the Creative Brief, I included a desire for Blue or Red (but that I was open to other colors).

I selected Blue because it is an an AUTHORITY color.
I selected Red because it is a PASSION color.


Since We Get Around will use these VR Viewers for demos (and giveaways), we will not go the Walmart design style.

Others have a preference and why?

Post 8 IP   flag post
North Palm Beach, FL
hometakes private msg quote post Address this user
Post 9 IP   flag post
manolohk private msg quote post Address this user
Second Option. More Fun! @DanSmigrod
Post 10 IP   flag post
Bon Secour, Alabama
Chemistrydoc private msg quote post Address this user
As an aside, back when I was working in corporate marketing at Bayer AG, they were changing the venerated "Bayer Cross" logo. After hundreds of thousands of DMs spent to experts, they chose the colors blue and green - blue to represent technical competence and green to represent environmental responsibility!

Seems they could have saved a pile of money by asking our wonderful forum!

Post 11 IP   flag post
Property3dNZ private msg quote post Address this user
I like the blue @DanSmigrod!
Post 12 IP   flag post
Istanbul, Turkey
alirizacil private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Dan,
I liked the second one.
Blue one seemed to me as a medicine box

Post 13 IP   flag post
UserName private msg quote post Address this user
manolohk may have a point when he says "fun."

My Walmart XTREME VR VUE box is fun and intriguing maybe because of what's on the box. It's like they put a commercial, instructions, fun uses, tips, specifications and enticing images right there on the box. They did that by filling all six sides of the box with content.

Here are some of the buzzwords and phrases you see ..

YouTube, 3D Movies, Games, Experience 3D, Universal Audio, FREE APPS, "Convert your phone into a VR cinema instantly!"

The QR code is even on the box above the words "Scan to learn more,". In addition, several photos show all the headset's parts and the bottom has a phone number and the manufacturer's website.

Even if I'm not a kid anymore, just exploring that particular box may seem like fun -- especially if the person only has no idea of what the "VR buzz" is all about.

Thinking about it that way in lieu of my Walmart experience, I also cast my vote for the second box because of the potential fun factor since it seems to have more content on it and those colors are nice too. Don't forget that folks who get the box will probably take it home where other people might see the box. If I'm visiting someone who has two boxes on the table, I might pick up the fun one first. If the box is a learning experience, I might be intrigued enough to ask what Matterport is if Matterport info is somewhere on the box. The box becomes a perpetual free commercial as long as the original owner doesn't throw it away. I'm just guessing, but I also think kids might grab the second box too even if that's not your target audience.
Post 14 IP   flag post
benn1973 private msg quote post Address this user
As give always I like memorable.
Go for the multi color.
On a side note I just bougt a Galaxy 7 and VR grear and cannot believe the difference in what you see it makes the VR Box that I started with just so much lower end that it's not even comparable.
Post 15 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Sounds like it is a choice between FUN (multi-color) and Professional (BLUE).

What are your thoughts?

Which should I pick and why?

Post 16 IP   flag post
North Palm Beach, FL
hometakes private msg quote post Address this user
Actually, Ive changed my mind. The secont one, Your name is larger on the front but still doesnt look too large.
Post 17 IP   flag post
UserName private msg quote post Address this user
Maybe we're interpreting the question as,

"Which box do you think would be better to give away as a demo"

when another question might be

"Which box do you prefer?"

Then, if we say box 1 or box 2, another question could be

"Do you know why you prefer that box?"

The boxes only have two attributes: color and content. Maybe we might not know why we choose a particular box and if we do, it might be a Coke vs. Pepsi thing where the audience is split. Blue represents authority, as you noted. It's also a gender color.

If I try to answer the "Which box do YOU prefer" question, I might choose box #2. If instead, the question is,
"Which box do you think someone else would prefer given a set of conditions," it's possible I might choose a different box. The second box doesn't really have red in it and it does contain blue. Maybe I like it because of that rainbow color mixture.

There's also purple in there. That's Prince's color. Here's a blurb about purple.
"Purple relates to high ideals, imagination and spirituality. Using purple in your packaging colors implies luxury, extravagance, premium quality or uniqueness, particularly if used with gold or silver printing or decoration."

I think i detect traces of gold in that rainbow of colors box.

So, I may not know why I like the multi-colored box. But, when I stare at the blue one, I like it too but in a different way. One way to test it all would be to give people the choice of picking either box assuming you went with both boxes. I think the blue one would look elegant on a shelf. The final possibility is that this is a tossup and either one works, however we define "work."
Post 18 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
Get both.

The colorful ones should be used for Realtors. The blue one for yourself for demos, and for corporate clients.
Post 19 IP   flag post
UserName private msg quote post Address this user
Both sounds good. For me, the blue one might make me go "there's something valuable inside" while the other one might make me go "there's something fun inside"
Post 20 IP   flag post
UserName private msg quote post Address this user


Post 21 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

I will comment on the above today (3 November 2016). In the mean time, here's some updated artwork for the Blue-Version. And, some additional views of the multi-color version.


Post 22 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Thank you (all) for your thoughtful help.

Seems like I asked you tactical questions (Which one you like and why?) rather than strategic questions such as ...

If I am doing demos with potential clients (real estate agents/brokers AND other verticals) (and then giving it to them), which one and why?

If I am doing photo ops (newspaper photo, TV interview), which one and why?

Does that help?


Post 23 IP   flag post
UserName private msg quote post Address this user
Here's what the competition (Oculus and Samsung) thought about it all

Their target audience is everybody
Post 24 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Two Related Forum Discussions:

Custom Printed Google Cardboard VR Viewers
Showing Matterport VR Space to a Client?

Post 25 IP   flag post
WGAN Basic
New Brighton, PA
frstbubble private msg quote post Address this user
Blue looks more professional. Multi looks more fun. I like fun! Get both let them pick the one they like. It could help you determine how to approach the sale.
Post 26 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

You are not making this easy for me.

At the moment, my bias is to order both and use the blue or multi-color one depending on whether I want to evoke business (blue) or fun (multi-color) - or give someone a choice - as @frstbubble suggests.

I have a meeting Thursday afternoon (10 November 2016) with Unofficial Cardboard, so if you have thoughts on this topic, please share them by noon EDT tomorrow, Thursday.


Post 27 IP   flag post
WGAN Basic
New Brighton, PA
frstbubble private msg quote post Address this user
Great decision @DanSmigrod! You decided to not decide.
Post 28 IP   flag post
Santa Barbara
Lizzg private msg quote post Address this user
Blue for office presentations and the like, multi for trade shows and other situations where you are not the only business showcasing their wares.
Post 29 IP   flag post
UserName private msg quote post Address this user
If both boxes work, it may not be possible to choose the "best" as we imagine a box in different scenarios.

The following is so far outside the box it's not even a box. Maybe it could work at trade shows if in the future you ever consider an alternative packaging solution ..

I'm not sure what that is but it's not a box and it's also a mystery. You could apply your own colors and design to a gift bag. Apple thinks outside the box. VR and Matterport in a way are outside the box too. The boxes you have are nice, but they're not that different from other product boxes you'll find on shelves.

A bagged product (grab bag) may stand out because it's a bag. I think people seem to like bags since a bag may remind them of gifts -- especially Christmas gifts.

Other benefits --

* A gift bag kind of like a present that in a way, you "unwrap." Here's a psychological study which says many people may associate gift wrapped things with joyous events since they've experienced joyous events in the past.
(The Psychology Behind Wrapping Paper)

* People may not only keep the bag but use it in a variety of ways. If your brand's on the bag, who knows who else will see the bag during it's lifetime.

* Maybe it's cheaper to put a VR headset inside a bag.

* The bag can also contain other fun stuff, such as colorful confetti, instructions and even a few candy kisses. Imagine folks at a trade show having fun seeing what's inside their "gift."

All that came to me from thinking - regardless of the box you create, it's probably been done before AND .. VR and Matterport are cutting-edge enough to demand a unique presentation that's outside the box. This might not work as a shipped product but I might check one out if I saw someone giving them away at a trade show. Perhaps gift bags that you "unwrap" do invoke positive feelings we don't understand.
Post 30 IP   flag post
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