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Matterport: Charge us More: We'll Be Happier3058

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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
The (latest) self-inflicted gun-shot wound by Matterport Thursday (27 October 2016) could be solved by Matterport recognizing that its various channels have different needs and charging Matterport Service Providers more.


Matterport Opening: VP/Customer Frustration
Matterport Ugly Footer (Matterport Logo/Terms of Service
Matterport Kills Services Discussion Index
Matterport changed where they display TERMS
In response to the recent Matterport branding & Terms and Conditions


For example, Matterport logos and terms of service, to name two "features" drive Matterport Service Providers nuts.

Matterport needs to study - and implement - successful channel marketing such as VIMEO.

For example, We Get Around pays an addition $59.95 per year so that we have the following flexibility:

1. Who can watch this video? Options include:

✓ Anyone
✓ Only me
✓ Only people I choose
✓ Only people with a password
✓ Only people with the private link
✓ Hide this video from

2. Where can this video be embedded?

✓ Anywhere
✓ Nowhere
✓ Only on sites I choose

3. Enable video review?

4. Vimeo embedding ...

✓ Show/Hide ViMEO logo
✓ Swap-out custom logo

5. Create custom URL
6. Replace video without changing the URL

I could imagine Matterport charging Matterport Service Providers $4.99, $9.99 or $19.99 per month more to have a white-label version of Matterport Spaces. (Ideally, there are only benefits of this tiered pricing. And, by the way, for reasons outlined by @Metroplex360, the pricing is NOT per model like the Matterport plans for $19 per model. Once Matterport does that, clients (may) expect that for "x" dollars more, their model can be Matterport logo free. This benefit needs to be designed for Matterport Service Providers.

We Get Around also pays for Pro versions of other platforms such as SmugMug to have control over branding and uses.

What else? What other platforms should Matterport review to help them understand the different between a Matterport Service Provider and an end-User?



P.S. This post was inspired by this post in this discussion ...

Originally Posted by @jfantin
I make my living by teaching business strategy to MBA students in three universities in my country.

Besides that, I work as a consultant to different companies and a year ago I started this business with Matterport cameras and other equipment to cover different customers needs. I like innovations and I saw potential in Matterport's technology.

So, after more than fifteen years teaching, researching and consulting on strategic issues, I believe that I have some authority to declare that I have never seen so many strategic errors in the head of a single company in such a short period of time.

Either is it that they are having growing pains, and don´t know how to resolve them, or perhaps it is just plain strategic blindness. They don´t even know which business they are in and hence they are unable to take appropriate decisions.

They think that they are in the business of selling cameras, but in fact they are in the business of providing interactive experiences in the web, based on proprietary technology. Selling cameras is just a secondary business (or should be considered as such if they want to survive and prosper).

Instead of pushing more cameras to real estate agents, they should create conditions to grow the Matterport ecosystem allowing other developers to add value, while they keep charging and collecting processing and hosting fees from a growing base of MSPs.

While one real estate agent with a camera may upload a few models per year, before quitting after realizing it wasn´t such a good business as he thought in the beginning, a MSP could upload hundreds maintaining a continuous stream of monthly fees!

Forcing their branding as if by doing it they would sell more cameras or steal clients from the MSP's base is silly and hurts the relationship with their strategic partners...that is us.

I hope Matterport will react in time. If not, at least it will serve as a nice case study to share with my students.
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RGO private msg quote post Address this user
I already have 3 clients that want their project ONLY open to them or through them.

Vimeo is the perfect format to follow. MP, you'll make more money and give clients what they some or many cases, privacy that they control.

Come on have a very successful model out there with many HERE.....that wish the same thing.....

AND You'll make more MONEY

How cool is that ???

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Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
I love it! These are GREAT ideas to help Matterport make more money while keeping their MSPs happy!

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North Palm Beach, FL
hometakes private msg quote post Address this user
Absolutely.. There's no shame in copying if you see a great idea. People have copied me, I have copied others.
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