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CoreVRVirtual Reality

Matterport Virtual Reality CoreVR: Home Run2845

WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
There are not enough (positive) adjectives in the dictionary to describe the Matterport announcement Monday (3 October 2016) that it:

✓ instantly enabled all 250,000+ existing Matterport Spaces to be viewable on mobile VR via GearVR and Google Cardboard.
✓ made automated VR conversion free now through 31 December 2016
✓ will offer VR conversions at $19 effective 1 January 2016
✓ offers a VR SDK
✓ major alliance partners included in the announcement (; CoStar, JLL, Sotheby's International Realty, Vacas, Lodgis, Mansion Global and HouseLens)

Many We Get Around Forum Members agree that a VR Tsunami is coming. You'll know when - when clients no longer ask:

✓ what's the ROI?
✓ whom else is doing it?
✓ what stats do you have to back this up?

I could imagine that these are the same questions that were asked when other platforms launched:

✓ newspapers
✓ radio
✓ TV
✓ internet
✓ computers
✓ smartphones
✓ tablets
✓ Facebook

For Matterport Service Providers, Matterport Virtual Reality is big, exciting, awesome, sweet news.

When the history of Matterport is written, Monday, 3 October 2016 will be one of the major milestone days.

For those of us that have spent hundreds (and thousands) of dollars on Matterport VR Showcase Beta conversions, we "get it" and are ready to hit the ground running to extoll the possibilities to our existing and potential clients.

For those of you still saying, I have heard of VR, but I don't get it, do three things:

1. Buy a Samsung phone (if you are an Apple fanboy like me)
2. Buy a Google Cardboard V2.0 and try Matterport VR
3. Buy a Samsung GearVR and try Matterport VR

As many of you (may) know, I have been shouting dive into Matterport VR for nearly two years so that when VR takes off, you will already have a learning curve - workflow - behind you so that you can hit the ground running.

Nearly all of us have competitors. Those of us first to embrace Matterport VR will have a competitive advantage to differentiate our marketing plan (to make our competitors irrelevant. Plus, in the early days, the ocean is always blue (become competitors jump in and turn the ocean red).

Today, as a Matterport Pro, you have a super-fast and (somewhat) super-easy end-to-end solution to scan, view and share 3D and VR models of real spaces.

While you may be stuck thinking about a chicken and egg challenge - people need mobile VR viewers to view Matterport Spaces of homes - that's simply not true in the Business to Business (B2B) space.

Imagine a furniture store sales person that can bring the showroom to the client in VR with Gear VR (and leaving behind a Google Cardboard).

Imagine hotel sales team bring their meetings and event spaces to event planners (and at trade shows)

Imagine commercial real estate agents bring their spaces-for-lease to out-of-town decision makers.

The Matterport VR news this week makes it easy to continue to be number one fan - even if some of their decisions lately make me cranky.

What else? What do you think about the Matterport VR news this week?


Post 1 IP   flag post
Nail Soup Media
Sarasota, Florida
GlennTremain private msg quote post Address this user
Post 2 IP   flag post
RGO private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Dan

I just returned from overseas vacation. I've tried to keep up to date about the MP upgrades and VR.

Simple question: MP is charging $19 to host a VR.

Is that a one time fee....monthly.....year fee ?

Thanks Dan
Post 3 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Matterport announced its CoreVR solution Monday: not to be confused with its stereoscopic VR Beta solution.

All Matterport Spaces that exist today - and created through 31 December 2016 are free conversions. (In, the default setting is to enable all your 3D Spaces to be viewable in VR. You have the option to say "no" ... Matterport announced that CoreVR conversions after 1 January 2017 will be $19: a one-time conversion fee.


Related Discussion

Matterport VR: Three Flavors of Conversion
Post 4 IP   flag post
RGO private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks Dan, now that I am home, I will be in touch about joining up....
Post 5 IP   flag post
Helen private msg quote post Address this user
I am curious as to what Matterport service partners will be charging to enable vr once Matterport starts charging the $19?
Any thoughts on how you will approach it? as an up sale, or adjust your pricing and offer it as a standard function to draw more clients?
Post 6 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Great question about Matterport CoreVR pricing to our clients.

Seems like an important enough topic to dedicate an entire thread to it ....

How to charge clients for Matterport CoreVR?


Post 7 IP   flag post
Sedry private msg quote post Address this user
Got my VR gear (Samsung) yesterday and already converted 2 showcase tours. Definitely a game changer. Hoping to have one at each open house so that buyers can check out our other OHs before heading over.
Post 8 IP   flag post
Louisville, KY
JohnLoser private msg quote post Address this user
There is a lot of discussion about VR right now. My question is this: As a photographer, I won't use the VR system directly; the real estate agents will use it. But I know I should have the tools to sell the VR technology to the agents. That means investing in a new smartphone (I am an iPhone user.) and VR headset. I understand that Apple might have a VR solution in the future, but I am sure we can't wait for them.

While I understand the Google cardboard VR unit works (sort-of) it seems that we are also trying to sell a premium product, so the "better" headset would be a more ideal choice for demonstrations.

Maybe finding someone who could make "branded cardboard viewers" is in order. Then a leave-behind might make sense.

Does it generally make sense to invest in this technology as an MP service provider? (After all, it's only a fraction of the investment we just made for a MP Pro outfit.)

Your thoughts?
Post 9 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
I'm really hoping that with the iOS version, we'd be able to use an iPod Touch 6. That would be ideal because I don't need a -PHONE- as a demo unit. I don't need to call people on a demo unit, therefore why do I want to buy a device that is made for calling people and taking pictures as a demo unit? It's a bit overkill. Of course, if it can sell tours, then it's worth it. iPod Touch is my ideal platform. Dedicated device!
Post 10 IP   flag post
Dana Point, CA
RPOceanic private msg quote post Address this user
I am sitting here as well, an Apple user trying to determine my best course in the interim as we await Apple compatibility. Should I trust that coming soon means just that and risk the delays that are not uncommon trying to implement new tech? Or do I go out and buy a Samsung phone so I can start playing/preparing myself right now? As Metroplex alluded to in his post.... buying a phone w/ all its capabilities for single use seems a waste

I'm thinking about trying to track down a used phone to get into the game.... anyone familiar w/ Samsung recommend a low cost used/older phone that may meet that need?????
Post 11 IP   flag post
Helen private msg quote post Address this user
@Metroplex360 I really like the idea of iPod touch as a dedicated unit!
Post 12 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

iPod Touch for everyone

So Matterport and MP2VR are in a race to provide a Matterport to VR conversion solution paired with their iOS app.

As you know, Matterport's track record is abysmal at announcing and either never releasing (Matterport Studio) or taking more than a year from its public announcement (Mattertags, and still with very limited functionality since its original announcement.

So, I will place my bet on MP2VR to be first (and with a better implementation). Sorry Matterport. Third-party developers move at a much faster pace (without the constraints of an aircraft carrier trying to make a u-turn in the Panama Canal.)

So, look for an iOS solution by the end of this year (2016), if not sooner, from MP2VR. (Now, that we said that, Gary will need to deliver!)

That said, I recommend buying a Samsung smartphone to get started in Matterport VR today. It will take you six months to wrap your arms around Matterport VR and be inspired about how you can differentiate your marketing plan to have a competitive advantage to get more business faster from existing and new clients and more importantly, new clients in other categories where the ocean is still blue.

While the technology will always change, getting started today gives you an advantage versus your competition that will wait for Xanadu.

This is a similar conversation about why I recommend buying a Ricoh Theta S today, even though it is likely that Ricoh will release its 4th generation in November 2016.

While the quality of the still images and video will likely improve dramatically in November, it takes time to learn workflow and think how you will make money with it. (I have a paid Ricoh Theta S shoot at sunset today (6 October 2016). One shoot pays for the camera and related gear.

So, rather than thinking about how buying a Samsung smartphone is going to cost you money - we have two that we only use for Matterport VR demos - think about how you can make more money sooner.

Peptalk over


Post 13 IP   flag post
Dana Point, CA
RPOceanic private msg quote post Address this user
Agreed regarding it being looked at an investment that will pay returns..... just that being a very new enterprise for me, there are so many things on that list with limitations in resources necessitating a triage process for me in making these decisions.

After seeing and being intrigued by the new Google pixel and daydream release..... if it were my choice to buy a non Apple phone today, it would be that. Wondering about Matterport compatibility with that anytime soon?
Post 14 IP   flag post
Louisville, KY
JohnLoser private msg quote post Address this user
I think we have the real answer in hand. Both iOS and Android platforms are viable and both platforms have loyal followers. If Matterport wants to continue to serve their customers, they will support compatibility with both platforms. An easy way to do it is to allow 3rd party developers - ney - even encourage them. Provide an SDK with an NDA requirement. I am certain there are those who will decide the market will reasonably bear the development costs.
Post 15 IP   flag post
Orange, California
craigsauer private msg quote post Address this user
I need more pep talk.

I don't have the Samsung setup, but I've used it to view Matterport VR, and I have Google Cardboard and a compatible Android phone, and I've used it quite a bit. I had a great success with VR recently when a local museum had me scan a historic property related to an exhibit they were having, and got the Samsung setup in the gallery for people to use. It was a big hit!

BUT: When I'm next in the market for a property, and I see one that fits my criteria that has a Matterport tour (and VR) associated with it, would I break out the VR headset to look at it, or just sit down at my computer? I'm sad to say that the computer is what I'd chose and I'm worried the vast majority of home lookers would feel the same.

When I try to put together a pitch for why realtors should pay extra (even $19) for a VR conversion of their Matterport tour, I end up with pretty weak arguments.

1. VR is hot right now and you want to be on trend.
2. It would be cool in a listing presentation to bring along the VR headset and show some recent listings that way.

But it's easy to argue against these.

1. VR is not YET hot, but it is coming on fast. So it might be valuable for me as a 3D Tour provider to be ahead of the curve, but is it really valuable for realtors to be among the first to "do VR"?

2. A big problem with VR currently is that you can't share what people are looking at. So it's really hard to give advice to someone about how to navigate or work the menus or something when you can't see what they are seeing. Strapping a VR headset on your client's head is a recipe for a frustrated and nauseous client.

Matterport sent me a one page marketing piece about the value of VR for realtors, and I'm pretty underwhelmed. Most of it just rehashes the value of Matteport Spaces in general "e.g., engage remote buyers" and points out that younger buyers are tech savvy and will be impressed with VR.

I need to hear some real stories about realtors who are investing in VR and buyers and sellers who were so impressed by the technology that they booked a Matterport scan because of the VR option or picked the realtor because they offered Matterport + VR as part of their marketing pitch.


Post 16 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
It's difficult to charge $19 for VR for a temporary tour if you are working with Realtors. How many people will actually pop out a VR headset?

I have non-Realtor clients who will pay the $19 fee and are planning on having VR headsets available in physical locations with the tours preloaded as an attraction for apartment leasing. To that purpose, CoreVR is absolutely WONDERFUL.

I have a VERY hard time upcharging on an item that has a set price that one can find on Google. (Thanks WGA Forum). I'm likely charging $20 because that's what it costs plus a dollar tip and I don't like ending things with 9.

It would be nice if there was a monthly fee to unlock VR on all models that are added during that month. $50/mo?

Matterport VR is only an option - there is NO conversion happening - hence it was 'turned on' for all tours. The VR app takes existing assets and projects them in a manner that will look nice on 'VR Headsets'... and honestly, that's fine. It's a lot of fun and it's immersive.

@Craig / #2 - I totally agree. I think that they need to add Chromecast support. Make VR even better.
Post 17 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
@RPOceanic Yeah, the Pixel phone is very compelling. I own the Nexus 5X and really love it for the price I paid via Project Fi ( It runs Matterport VR for Cardboard just fine and the phone was $200. I couldn't really justify buying the higher end Nexus 6P -- but the Pixel is a powerhouse with the amazing camera, amazing specs, fast charging and the beautiful build. I was somewhat drooling when I saw it. Samsung = Ick.
Post 18 IP   flag post
Orange, California
craigsauer private msg quote post Address this user
@Metroplex360 I like the idea of Chromecast mirroring the VR display!
Post 19 IP   flag post
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