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Customers option to pay for own hosting ?2811

ScanMan private msg quote post Address this user
With more and more of my scanned models requiring long term hosting beyond a couple of years im curious to know if any one that has good communication with Matterports development team knows if long term hosting by the customer is on the cards. I can't guarantee that the Matterport model will be profitable for myself in 3 years time and who knows if I'll still be a subscriber to the service but my customers need some reassurance that their scans will live on if I get hit by a bus tomorrow ?
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3Dwalkmethru private msg quote post Address this user
@ScanMan I have dealt with vacation rental companies, as well as some developers that need long-term hosting, what I propose, is one-year free hosting then they can carry their own account or pay me a one-time yearly fee for year two and so on. In event that I consider leaving the industry I will have no other choice, but to have them host their own accounts.
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ScanMan private msg quote post Address this user
Indeed that's a good idea and Thats pretty much what I offer now. I'm just hoping that Matterport either themselves or allows a 3rd part to facilitate hosting for single models in the very near future.
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Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
I'm reckless and don't charge hosting. Until I hit the '300' model limit (which I've heard is a 'soft' limit), the amount that I pay for hosting is counterbalanced by the waiver of processing fees, so essentially, I'm not paying for hosting. The only limitation that I have is that 300 model limit ... which I'm hoping will go away. I think the highest tier should have an 'Unlimited Models' hosting fee. Cloud hosting is cheaper than dirt -- it's bandwidth that costs money, and I don't think that I'm going to cost Matterport enough to make them lose money.


Crossing Fingers

You know ... it would be nice if Matterport addressed this issue by allowing us to act as 'resellers' wherein we could set hosting fees that customers pay directly via Matterport. Either Matterport could standardize what we can charge for hosting (Flat or Per Model) or let us go hogwild. They could make some $$$ by being the middleman.

If I see $ for Matterport, I see a useful suggestion.
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benn1973 private msg quote post Address this user
Yearly hosting is where there is good money to be made. Even if you dont want to do matterport in a year or two charging $10 per month and having 10 models hosted pays for itself then the rest is cream.
Hosting is where you can earn some easy dollars.
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ScanMan private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Metroplex360
If I see $ for Matterport, I see a useful suggestion.

Originally Posted by benn1973

Hosting is where you can earn some easy dollars.

Indeed I hope Matterport can also see benefits. Its a win win for everyone. My main concern right now is that I can't offer my high paying exclusive long term clients the guarantee that their scans will live on beyond my involvement with the company. I'd really like to be able to offer my customers the piece of mind that they can take control over the hosting if I'm not in a position to manage it for what ever reason wether that's me moving on to newer technology or me get struck by lightening.
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