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Billing Plan Change2780

BabluN private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Guys,

I tried to change my billing plan today and was not able to do it as it kept giving me a message that "You cannot upgrade your subscription". I am currently under the "Business Monthly" plan and want to change to the "Basic Monthly" plan. Has anyone done this change before? I've already written to Matterport support about this, but I don't want them to come back to me stating that "Sorry, since you were on the "Business Monthly" plan, we cannot allow you to change to the "Basic Monthly" plan. Please note that my current total hosted models in my Matterport account is 76 and is well under the required 100 hosted models required under the "Basic Monthly" plan. It is no longer a viable option for me to continue to be under the "Business Monthly" plan. What do you guys think?
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franmts private msg quote post Address this user
There's only one way: talk to them. If they say no, there's no 'hacking' on the billing site and they will tell you why. The only problem I can imagine right now for not beig allowed to downgrade is if you have more people as account users than Basic allows. Or maybe you can downgrade for starting the following month only.

Let us know afterwards!
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skycamguatemala private msg quote post Address this user
I want to do it as well!!!
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Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
Just be careful. I downgraded due to a slow month and then the next two months were busy and I paid so much more in processing fees that I saved in monthly service fees.

They -will- downgrade you if you ask nicely. They might also upgrade you if you ask nicely and are right at the start of your month (And you realize you are going to have too many scans).

I'm sorry to hear that you're downgrading your account. I assume that you are averaging 3-4 scans a month right now. Otherwise, the fees for the higher monthly pricepoint are offset by the savings on processing. In other words, in a world where you scan 11 models a month (regular + large tours = 11), the hosting is negligable and you are saving money.
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BabluN private msg quote post Address this user
I'm not sure what's going on, I've got a mail stating that my plan has changed by Matterport, but when I try to verify that on the website by clicking on change, it tells me that I'm not allowed to upgrade. I still haven't heard from Matterport support, I will post an update once I hear from them.
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