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WarrenVandal private msg quote post Address this user
My understanding of the current Matterport pricing model is that each tour comes with one year of hosting. What is the actual cost for hosting in the second year, third year, etc.?
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JohnBecker private msg quote post Address this user
Warren, Matterport charges us monthly for hosting. You select the level of hosting you want (by the number of tours you want to have in your account at any given time) and are charged the corresponding amount. You can keep a tour in your account for a month or 5 years; it doesn't have any impact on what you pay.
Post 2 IP   flag post
Wandsworth U.K.
RobinLycka private msg quote post Address this user
If you max out the basic account with 100 tours and just keep them there, it basically cost you USD 0,49 pr month pr model to keep them hosted.
Post 3 IP   flag post
WarrenVandal private msg quote post Address this user
What I am trying to get at is how much to charge those long term clients. Many of the real estate tours will only require only short term hosting - maybe a few months. But for commercial, retail, historical tours that may require several years of hosting, what are some of the pricing strategies?
Post 4 IP   flag post
Wandsworth U.K.
RobinLycka private msg quote post Address this user
Well, as long as you stay in business and have models that you can remove from your account to keep it under 100 (for the basic sub.) you´re fine, there´s no recurring fee in the same way as the intial processing fee. You do however need to pay the monthly fee to keep them alive, so in case you end up closing down your matterport business I´d recommend stating a small annual fee for models you think will be hosted for a longer period of time.

We include two years of hosting and charge $25 p.a. after that.
Post 5 IP   flag post
DSPhoto private msg quote post Address this user
I was talking about this on another thread.

I hope that everyone is licensing their work for commercial use. This is done with images and video so why not with these models?
Post 6 IP   flag post
benn1973 private msg quote post Address this user
This is a good source of recurring income. You should charge a fee per month maybe $10 per month, this is not a lot for the customer but can add up for you!
Post 7 IP   flag post
WGAN Basic
New Brighton, PA
frstbubble private msg quote post Address this user
Our pricing scheme provides for a price to produce a tour and then we add in a licensing fee for the first year of hosting. It varies based on whether it is a developer for a whole housing plan or a real estate agent for a single listing. If they need it hosted for more than a year we have a recurring licensing fee that we agree on. It can either be for a 6 month period after the first year or yearly.

Our price to produce the tour is based on square footage. Our licensing fee is based on the initial asking price for realtors and estimated selling price for all homes in a housing plan. For rentals, we just figure an annual or semiannual plan price. Would work the same for historical as rentals and businesses.
Post 8 IP   flag post
Louisville, KY
JohnLoser private msg quote post Address this user
We just started our Matterport services. By reviewing pricing information around the country (Thanks to Dan for the access), and talking with a very large local realty firm, we determined what seemed to be appropriate pricing for models. Our prices are higher than some areas and lower than others. We kind of fall "in the middle".

We have a "scanning" and model prep service rate based on the size of the property (with a number of SQ FT price ranges) and two rates for hosting (6 months and 1 year terms). Our scanning price includes 6 months of hosting. In some cases, we might give a year of hosting if it makes "sales sense" at the time. (At the raw cost of USD$0.49 a month, we can afford the $3.00 to do it.)

We state clearly that our company owns the copyright of the images and models and that we are licensing them to the customer. So far, the response has been... "Ok, I understand."

Prospects have said the pricing is fair and I have some potential work in the offing....

Let's see how well it works.
Post 9 IP   flag post
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