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Zillow Certified Photographer Program2589

JonJ private msg quote post Address this user
Click on the image with the play button. It will open in a lightbox. Then, you will have to push play again.
Post 76 IP   flag post
BillJones private msg quote post Address this user
Jon, I think you did about as best as you could with their guidelines, that's why I opted out of their program. You just can't make a turn quickly and have anything in focus and later on your gimbal started sagging to the right. Using their program you are forced to upload an inferior product. Zillow doesn't care, all Zillow wants are the 2 minute clips so they can compete against Realtor dot com. Mine aren't great but I do get to edit them, usually stopping at a turn, removing me as much as possible, correcting the fisheye, I use gopro 4 silvers with KumbaCam 3 axis gimbals (they will sag every now and again as well). But in post I can do a 2 degree rotation and crop. My pricing is $175.00 I show up and you get to pick one option, $100 for second option, $50 for any others chosen. I am not a Matterport user.
Post 77 IP   flag post
JonJ private msg quote post Address this user
Hey Bill,
Thanks for the review. You are right about the stabilizer sagging. The wide angle lens I am using is pretty heavy, but it does a great job with minimizing distortion at the edges

Can you link to some examples of the work where the photographer is able to charge $50 or $75?
Post 78 IP   flag post
BillJones private msg quote post Address this user
I posted my youtube channel, the walk about are paid for and the fly about are new, a couple of freebie's while learning.
Post 79 IP   flag post
WGAN Standard
Las Vegas
VTLV private msg quote post Address this user
@frstbubble, thanks for the reminder. I put one in my Amazon wish list and forgot about it.

@JonJ, these are the links sent to me by Zillow. and

I'll see if I can find the Zillow links they shot.
Post 80 IP   flag post

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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
‪DJI gives its Osmo Mobile stabilizer a fresh silver look via @engadget
Post 81 IP   flag post
ORESHOOTER private msg quote post Address this user
I'm a RE residential and commercial shooter and have been lured into the zillow CP Program. Zillow has promoted the program using an i7 smart phone...So I purchased a DJI gimbal and Moment wide lens...So, I found myself a bit frustrated.....So, I found the videos with blown-out windows, "fuzzy" resolutions, even when the walk through slows. I've been a bit frustrated with the Zillow suppoort, so I'm seeking more information about this program. Has anyone experienced these issues and found solutions?
Post 82 IP   flag post
WGAN Basic
pixelray private msg quote post Address this user
Yeah, you are gonna get that with the windows no matter what. I went through this and finally settled on just doing exterior video shots - left and right pans, up and down pans...that's it. We already have enough to cover the inside with photos and 3D. Plus Zillow so prominently displays this vid so its the first thing people see - why start them off with something bad??

That satisfies having a video and gets the job taken care of with having the listing go to the top of their search results too. Win win - no ugly interior video.
Post 83 IP   flag post
IanRothStudios private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by ORESHOOTER
I'm a RE residential and commercial shooter and have been lured into the zillow CP Program. Zillow has promoted the program using an i7 smart phone...So I purchased a DJI gimbal and Moment wide lens...So, I found myself a bit frustrated.....So, I found the videos with blown-out windows, "fuzzy" resolutions, even when the walk through slows. I've been a bit frustrated with the Zillow suppoort, so I'm seeking more information about this program. Has anyone experienced these issues and found solutions?

I'm a part of the Zillow Certified Photographer program as well and I don't seem to have any concern for what you are talking about. Blown out windows is something that happens even with a high end video camera just because of the high dynamic range of an interior space. From what I have understood from my contacts at Zillow is that the purpose of these walkthroughs is not to be a high-end video, but rather to be a link between the photos and the actual floor plan of the home. I think it's a great tool that my clients seem to love.

As far as getting around the blown out windows, I haven't had a huge problem with this. Do you have any links to walkthroughs you have done? Maybe if I see them I can help out.
Post 84 IP   flag post
North Palm Beach, FL
hometakes private msg quote post Address this user
OK, I will say it upfront, I am anti Zillow and always have been since they showed their ugly face to the public many years back. As a once hi end agent selling over $150 mill in a 3 year period, I can honestly say that as a listing agent I would not want their crappy looking video on my Zillow listing. Talking here as an agent and not a tour provider, the video is crap. Also, no control over the edit? This tool will only serve to make 'me' the listing agent look like an amateur agent. Really good high end agents dont do marketing that looks crappy.

Image is everything when it comes to selling million dollar plus listings and this is laughable, no matter how many more views the listing gets. I honestly dont think that the majority of high end buyers use Zillow as a means to find a home as well as the high end agents using Zillow as a marketing tool.

The 'view virtual tour" link is buried under listing 'facts' now that they have their own video app.

Due to their wizardry in SEO, it made lower end agents have to buy into their expensive program. Kudos I guess to the smarts of the Zillow people, but bad for real estate agents. It now costs them more to do business.

Its my opinion that aside from IDX and agent websites, should be the only way of posting homes for sale to the public through the web. They are pushed from the local MLS to Agents already have to pay fees for membership to MLS as well as fees to their local realtor association if they choose to be a realtor (which most full time savvy agents are members). But as zillow gets a hold of the listing information somehow, the power house of SEO that they are, they have created through this dominance a means to create more costs for the average Agent.

My dislike for Zillow started when it used to make it harder to get a seller to list their home at a 'real market value' due to Zillows "home estimator" algorithm. If and when it over valued their home, the seller just kept pointing to that. It took a lot of explaining to the seller that it was incorrect. It also worked the other way around too when it undervalued a home. Some sellers suffered as some unscrupulous agents pointed to the value of zillow when it showed the home as undervalued so that they would of course get a really quick sale..... Sorry about the rant, but as a previous agent, I think Zillow was a really bad thing for the real estate business.....
Post 85 IP   flag post
WGAN Basic
pixelray private msg quote post Address this user
@hometakes - I'm with you for the most part and so are many other top agents. I hear all the time how much Zillow is hated. Esp cause of the "zestimates" and more recently b/c of the videos. It was horrible quality videos that were going up all over the place. and they forced people to do this video in order to get in the top of the search results. What a horrible way to start someone's experience of viewing a home for the first time...cause it's the first thing people see! But, I guess they are allowing real edited videos now. I guess they heard enough people complaining about their video quality being so poor. Plus, they make that video so prominent that it's the first thing people see! and you are right, image is everything and when you started off someone's viewing experience of a home with a crappy smart phone video...well, you know the rest. But I guess now you can upload a real video...which they make a very pretty penny on too I might add. Which is why we settled on just doing a few pans of the exterior of the property. Gets everything accomplished and i don't have to film inside...I already have Matterport and photos...why do I need interior video?? I Don't.
Post 86 IP   flag post
BillJones private msg quote post Address this user
where do they allow you to upload an edited video and do they charge? as for the original 2 minute video I already found a way around it.
Post 87 IP   flag post
TrustedPhotoDC private msg quote post Address this user
@billjones Zillow charges $149 for a produced video upload.

What's your work-around? If it is holding a mobile to a monitor and recording, Zillow is already on to you and removes these videos.
Post 88 IP   flag post
WGAN Basic
pixelray private msg quote post Address this user
Zillow also said that my exterior only videos were "against" the rules. But when they realize how much money the realtor that I do these for pays them monthly - well...let's just say the videos are still there.
Post 89 IP   flag post
North Palm Beach, FL
hometakes private msg quote post Address this user
@pixelray and @TrustedPhotoDC You have to be kidding me? $149 !!!!!! Thats absolute extortion. Yes, this is why they are hated among so many Agents. They turn around an make the agent basically pay for content that the agent already produces because they are now a powerhouse in the Google search results. Thats why as a previous agent, I would vote that MY LISTING doesn't go anywhere else other than IDX and Its my listing, my copyright. I blame the Realtors associate and the local MLS's. They opened pandoras Box and there aint no putting it all back in.
Post 90 IP   flag post
Dolloff private msg quote post Address this user
Just found this thread and I am amazed and intrigued on so many levels.

1) As a real estate visual marketing company, I could see adding these video walk-throughs to our packages for free, as long as a Matterport Tour or Professional video is also shot. Then we are not losing profit, but providing more marketing for our clients. These videos certainly do not take the place of our pro videos or the Matterport tours, but could just increase views, which would create more business for us in the long run.

2) We are also creating a 2017 Tech List- the tech we want to buy for 2017. The Google Pixel is very intriguing to me as it actually touts a better camera than the iPhone7 and has Daydream for VR. We have also been looking into the Osmo. What do you think? Buy Both? Go with iPhone7?

Post 91 IP   flag post
North Palm Beach, FL
hometakes private msg quote post Address this user
This is exactly what I am talking about from my above post. This article was from the LA Times about CBS morning show with the CEO of Zillow. See here
Post 92 IP   flag post
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