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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
You can learn a lot about Matterport's plans by reading their job openings. For example:

"Matterport has the world’s largest dataset of aligned RGB-D images--200 million images from 220,000 different locations, and we want you to help us learn from it. We have a broad agenda for deep learning, including semantic labeling and segmentation, 3D object classification and pose estimation, depth from RGB, estimation of unseen 3D surfaces, texture/depth in-filling, keypoint matching, and dense stereo."

Here's the Matterport job opening for a Deep Learning Engineer

If you know what any of these means, it would be great if you could translate it for me



P.S. A link to all 43 openings, as of Sunday, 4 September 2016
Post 1 IP   flag post
franmts private msg quote post Address this user
semantic labeling and segmentation helps distinguish walls from floors from noise from objects in the raw point cloud

3d object classification helps to understand all chairs in the living room are all the same, so if you can see just one perfectly well, you can create the 3d mesh of the others perfectly well as well.

depth from rgb helps increase accuracy from the infrared, as you have 2 inputs for the same 3d mesh creation algorithm

estimation of unseen 3d surfaces - solves for example this:
Post 2 IP   flag post
jntooker private msg quote post Address this user
That post made me think...MP has the ability to "learn" from their dataset of images (provided by MP Pros) but do they have permission to sell or distribute them? I don't recall seeing anything like that in the terms and conditions but I'm curious.
Post 3 IP   flag post
franmts private msg quote post Address this user
Making it simple through the wording.. They do can analyse the dataset (derivated works from model metadata) and distribute it under Matterport's brand.

To my understanding, you allow them to sell (sub-license) your content without you receiving a penny (royalty-free) AND:
a) create 3d showcase
b) public display 3d showcase with your infos on MP's portal
c) distribute 3d showcase anywhere on the web (but you can delete/change infos if you want)
d) develop new products based on your content
e) create "derived imagery"
f) display the "derived imagery" on MP's Portal
g) distribute the "derived imagery" anywhere on the web

I'd like to hear from other people as well..


7.3 License to Matterport. You hereby grant to Matterport a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to: (a) host, reproduce, modify and create derivative works from the Raw Camera Imagery to generate the Showcase Imagery; (b) subject to Your direction, host, reproduce, modify, distribute, publicly perform and publicly display the Showcase Imagery and Model Metadata on the Matterport Portal on Your behalf; (c) subject to Section 7.2, distribute, syndicate and display the Showcase Imagery and Model Metadata on third-party websites and authorized apps through links to the Matterport Portal; (d) use Raw Camera Imagery, Showcase Imagery and Model Metadata for internal purposes such as product development, testing and troubleshooting; (e) create derivative works from the Showcase Imagery to create the Derived Imagery; (f) host, reproduce, modify, create derivative works from, distribute, publicly perform and publicly display the Derived Imagery on the Matterport Portal; and (g) subject to Section 7.2, distribute, syndicate and display the Derived Imagery on third-party websites and authorized apps through links to the Matterport Portal.
Post 4 IP   flag post
pirusan private msg quote post Address this user
After reading the job opening description three times, it is clear to me that Matterport should offer the job to @Metroplex360 on a signed blank check which he will fill with as many zeroes as he desires.
Yes, Matterport, I am serious.
Post 5 IP   flag post
franmts private msg quote post Address this user
Terms and conditions gets better at the end @jntooker!!! They touch your point very specifically, allowing them to basicaly do anything they want.

9. Usage Data and Derived Data. You acknowledge and agree that Matterport will collect through the Matterport 3D Vision System, and process and store on servers operated by Matterport or on Matterport’s behalf, data regarding Your usage of the Matterport 3D Vision System and data derived from the Raw Camera Imagery, Showcase Imagery, Derived Imagery and other Model Metadata that You provide via the Matterport Portal. You acknowledge and agree that Matterport may aggregate some of this data with similar information collected from other Matterport 3D Vision System users, and may share that information with third parties (in aggregated and/or non-aggregated forms); provided, however, that any such shared information will not identify You individually and will not include or disclose any of Your Raw Camera Imagery, Showcase Imagery, Model Metadata or Derived Imagery itself.
Post 6 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

I could imagine #9 means crowdsourcing floor plans, for example, and Licening an API so that could include floor plans as a value-add about why to use to search homes.


Other derivative works?

Post 7 IP   flag post
WGAN Basic
New Brighton, PA
frstbubble private msg quote post Address this user
I can see it also to mean that they can build a library of furniture for the model design they promised years ago.
Post 8 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
@pirusan No I'm just good at reverse engineering within a community that is not plagued with reverse engineers. If I were in the Pokemon Go community, I'd look like a clown.
Post 9 IP   flag post
jntooker private msg quote post Address this user
My interpretation of the T&C is that they can use portions of our data and do whatever they want with it but cannot display or distribute our finished tour products, except on our behalf (via our own public showcase).

I have an email into MP to confirm - I'll update here once I have some more clarification.
Post 10 IP   flag post
franmts private msg quote post Address this user
@DanSmigrod this is a nice plausible option, since all appartments in a building have similar floor plan.

Derivative works would allow to remove all furniture from an appartment and allocate it to as well... understanding of regional furnishing consumption behavior by gathering statistic on amount and kind of furniture... I'm even lazy to start wandering how many possibilities, maybe someone else could extend this list
Post 11 IP   flag post
jntooker private msg quote post Address this user
From Matterport:

"Thanks for reaching out with your question. As the copyright owner, you have all rights to your model. Matterport is not allowed to use your model in any marketing material without your prior consent. Your models are not shared by Matterport with any third party and are only accessible using your unique shared link since they are not searchable by the general public, including any search engines."

The only way they can display our tours on is if we submit them for consideration.

Well, that answers my question so if anyone else was wondering...
Post 12 IP   flag post
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