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Viability/ risks2500

DMR private msg quote post Address this user
Doing a risk analysis of getting in to this ..few concerns and wondering if other's have thought of the same
Some of these are country specific and some general
- Technology Competition
1 What if some other equally good technology comes along at a much cheaper price! or worst free! or near free
2 Hosting overseas: Do non US clients worry about this? and hosting costs in USD for non US users
3 Unable to scan outside: Like Faro!
4 Own logo: large er clients may not like the MP logo and want's to have own embedded
5 Long term client: Apart from Real Estate sales which is generally short term when pitching this to clients such as Hospitality and Monument Digitization( historic places) do they show resistance at the thought of ongoing hosting costs?
6 Other competition like
6 Saturation: Are there any plans to curb saturation ( Australia)
I know MP does not charge any franchise fee but still!
Post 1 IP   flag post
Jamie private msg quote post Address this user
My thoughts

1. Always going to happen. New tech is always going to come out. If you worry about that, you will never buy anything and miss the boat.
Free, unlikely. There is always a financial motive for inventing things. There already are several things out that compete against matterport in a similar but different way.

2. Yes, always a concern for non US. Being in Canada we feel the pinch as well (I'm also originally from Australia) Not much you can do about that unfortunately

3. You can now take exterior panoramic shots and have them appear in your photo highlights. Definitely a plus. It's not perfect, but it's better than what was available before. Faro's are fantastic bits of gear, but certainly affordable for most, and the end product isn't as user friendly or usable to the markets targeted by matterport.

4. Yep agree with this one. Matterport's business model is to sell cameras to as many people and have them pay their subscription. While I don't like this, as a business owner I respect it.

5. Yes and no. Mention it to begin with, don't be too expensive for it, and offer to improve their model as improvements happen (mattertags are a good example of added value)

6. These guys just look like a CMS for real estate photography. I wouldn't compare this to matterport at all.
For saturation, totally gonna happen with this tech or something else down the track. This is where it is heading. Just watch major companies like redfin adopt matterport. It's like facebook buying Oculus. They are doing it for a reason and you should either jump in with both feet or not at all. Sure you might buy stuff now and then that you regret later, but deciding not to and then seeing someone else do it and succeed will give you far worse regret.
That's my 2c, or USD 1c
Post 2 IP   flag post
Chris private msg quote post Address this user
What part of Australia are you looking at? There are a few of us already servicing Melbourne.
Post 3 IP   flag post
3Dwalkmethru private msg quote post Address this user
Matterport has great deal to lose if they let it get away from them, so ride their efforts nothing is guaranteed in this earth.

I had a slow month and last week of month landed a $28K scan .. Keep pushing you will get something they are plenty of fish and the bait (lure) is good for now ..
Post 4 IP   flag post
Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
Queen_City_3D private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by 3Dwalkmethru
I had a slow month and last week of month landed a $28K scan .. Keep pushing you will get something they are plenty of fish and the bait (lure) is good for now ..

Did I read that right? a $28,000 scan? or did you mean $2,800?

Either way, good for you!

I'm curious which industry has the coin to pay for a model in that price range? Government job?
Post 5 IP   flag post
3Dwalkmethru private msg quote post Address this user
It's a large multiple scan project.
Post 6 IP   flag post
Jamie private msg quote post Address this user
Yeah I'd be interested in knowing an industry that would pay that amount for a scan. Most I received on 1 job was $5,000
Post 7 IP   flag post
JC3DCX private msg quote post Address this user
From South Africa,

1 It will happen, but wont be free, and MP will ensure that they stay relevant. Look at MicroSoft... all these years and still around.
2 Yes, I am concerned but nothing I can do about it, so accept it. The USD - ZAR is biting me quite hard, and every time our president opens his mouth the ZAR takes another dip... ouch!
3 Can do outside scans under certain conditions and 360 scans introduced and working good
4 use WP3D plugin from Ross
5 Cant see why Matterport will not be around for the next 10 years, might just improve over time,
6 Not a match to current offering from Matterport

My 0.01USD or 0.14ZAR
Post 8 IP   flag post
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