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EVOX Images: 360º Photo Spheres Inside Cars2476

WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

360º Video: Start at :15 Video 1 of 3

✓ Thinking about shooting Matterport inside a car?
✓ Wondering about how car dealerships will evolve with Virtual Reality?
✓ What are the challenges of shooting 360ºs inside of cars?
✓ Matterport Spaces meets Mattertags meets EVOX Images?

EVOX Images has an amazing library of 9,000 360º spherical images inside of cars with its eye on VR and its free Samsung Gear VR app, RelayCars.

I chat with EVOX IMAGES CEO David Falstrup and Vice Chairman/International Advisory Committee Dave Weber about 360º spherical photography meets the inside - and outside - of cars.

[This video was recorded 20 June 2016 and embargoed until today (22 August 2016)]

360º Video: Start at :10 Video 2 of 3

I get a demo of EVOX Images Virtual Reality meets CarsRelay app ("Way, Way exciting" "Better than being at the dealership"

Imagine how Matterport might easily and seamlessly be integrated in virtual reality with bonus digital content.

[This video was recorded 20 June 2016 and embargoed until today (22 August 2016)]

360º Video: Start at :07 Video 3 of 3

Bonus: I take a test drive of EVOX Images Samsung Gear VR RelayCars app AND a car! (Stereoscopic experience mashed up with CGI)

[This video was recorded 20 June 2016 and embargoed until today (22 August 2016)]


What else? Your thoughts on the evolution of 360º spherical photography meets autos and automotive dealerships.


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franmts private msg quote post Address this user
Dan, EVOX link is broken.. works fine.

Very nice topic by the way

just don't think MP would be able to scan such small interior (70cm minimum scan distance and stitching of small interiors is too bad) but CAD models + gear 360 does the trick good enough!

Their app is great! Easy to spend 5-10 minutes on its virtual cars
Post 2 IP   flag post
mori private msg quote post Address this user
We did some tests with MP inside cars, but it always ended with some major stitching errors.
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Gerhard private msg quote post Address this user
Here is one I did awhile back , got the inspiration on the forum. The only objection I had was with the steering wheels badge looks funny.

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Gerhard private msg quote post Address this user

Don't know why it did not work on the previous post
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smcclell private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks for vid Dan.

What manufacturer is going to be only doing VR to sell cars that you mentioned?
Post 6 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
David Falstrup is my "half-cousin" as he is my paternal cousin's half-brother. In a manner of speaking we have a familial connection, although we haven't met.
Post 7 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
@smcclell Evox produces assets as a 3rd party that car manufacturers / dealers can purchase from them. It's like VERY specific stock imagery made possible by their stellar reputation in the industry that they've been building for YEARS. The dealerships 'loan' them the vehicles and they shoot them in their own facility that I believe features a rotational stage of sorts for rotating the vehicle for exterior shots, etc.

It's a great business model and the auto industry has only a few vendors on this scale to work with. Evox is great. If you've EVER been to ANY site like on the web, you've likely been looking at their imagery and not known it.
Post 8 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
@smcclell I recall that it is General Motors for their "5th tier" dealerships (that will not have cars!)

Post 9 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
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