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Outdoors with Panono and Ricoh Theta S2312

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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

360º Spherical Video (Ricoh Theta S) MUG Forum Honorary Members

I tested Panono and Rioch Theta S today (Sunday, 31 July 2016) in the quintessential Mission Doleres Park in San Francisco.

Panono 360º Spherical Photos
Ricoh Theta 360º Spherical Photos
Ricoh Theta 360º Spherical Video


1. I like the outdoor results of the Panono (much) better than the Ricoh Theta S
2. The Ricoh Theta S video is too soft-focus. It's barely usable
3. The light/small Ricoh Theta S enabled me to a do a shot that I would not have attempted with the Panono

Ater I completed the above, I read a post in the MUG Forum about setting HDR within the Panono app. I'll need to check if I set the HDR on for the hotel room shoot yesterday and for today. (I believe I did.)

Plus, a friend sent me an email saying besure to do a firmware upgrade on the Ricoh Theta S that supports HDR. I'll need to check if I did that firmware upgrade and if I set HDR on.

While the Panono did have stitching errors with action shots, it's unlikely we would experience stitching errors outdoors with static spaces.

What do you think about how the two cameras compare?


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Charleston, SC
marswalker private msg quote post Address this user
Panono looks great. The theta is fun but I have had poor results using indoors. Outdoors is so so.
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