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New Matterport Parameters Discovered.2242

Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
Show Matterport Dev Console Log:

Want to control it a bit more?

&log=1 - Warnings only.
&log=2 - Default
&log=3 - Verbose


Hate using ?m in your URLs? Try ?model=

Picky about which CDN to use?



Would you like to completely unbrand your tour? Completely remove the Matterport Tour along with your own branding? And remove the dollhouse button?



Here are all of the possible parameters in the order that they are processed. I believe that a LOT of these are ignored. Those above are the only ones I had any luck with. I'd LOVE for you guys to research this a bit more.

If you want to do your own poking, search for "valueFromHash"


My List:

title = 0
Show no title.

m or model = Model ID
Matterport Model ID

play = 0/1

f = 0/1/2
floors - ???

_cdn = cloudfront | fastly | cdn-1
Force Matterport CDN!

start = #
Start Override -
1 = Start player in panorama
2 = Start player in dollhouse
3 = Start player in floorplan (Zoomed in VERY far)
4 = Start player in outdoor (Future feature?)

tag = NULL
Possibly disable mattertags?

auth =
Possibly used in Workshop to view private tours

brand = 0 | 1
Show / Hide Branding for MLS

play = 0 | 1

help = null | 1

log = 0 (disabled) | 1 (warnings) | 2 (default) | 3 (verbose!)

h1 = 0 | 1
Start Highlight Reel

bn = 0 (default) | 1
Show COMPLETELY Unbranded Tour -- no Matterport Branding!

wh = 0 | 1
Disable Mouse Wheel

op = 0 | 1 (default)
Nav Tags Enabled ?

og = 0 | 1 (default)
Gallery Enabled

mark = 0 | 1 (default)
Mark 360 Images -- If not 1, crossOrigin = anonymous,

sessionTrackingRate = 0.15 (default)
Might relate to analytics that we aren't being shown

nt = "" (default)
Link Destination - Related to unpublished MatterTag Link Feature

ppm = 0 (default)
Pulse Markers - ? - Can't figure this out.

shortStep = 1 (default)
Prefer Short - ? - Can't figure this out.

mf = 1 (default)
Mesh Free - ? - Can't figure this out.

guides = 1 (default)
Map Guides

paths = 1 (default)
Always Show Paths

mfpm = 0 (default)
Mesh Free Pause Mode - ?

st = 1500 (default)
Teleport Time in milliseconds

kb = 0 (default)
Enable/Disable Ken Burns Effect

bdeg = 15 (default)
Ken Burns Angle in Degrees

bdmin = 6 (default)
Minimum Ken Burns Angle in Degrees

lp = 1 (default)

ts = -1 (default)

startMode = "a.DOLLHOUSE" (default)
onload = "a.PANORAMA"
Not sure.

console = 0 (default) | 1
Show Matterport Console!!!

ut24 = 0 (default)
User Test 2_4


Another thing...

Might be fun to compare different versions...

But don't try running your model on the old version:
Post 1 IP   flag post
alx3D private msg quote post Address this user
You are on another level!
Post 2 IP   flag post
BayAreaAdam private msg quote post Address this user
@Metroplex360 Scary good!
Post 3 IP   flag post
kjoman private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks! Very impressive!
Post 4 IP   flag post
pirusan private msg quote post Address this user
@Metroplex360 You are way over my head/pay rate!!!
Post 5 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
A lot of these parameters don't SEEM to do anything. However! I haven't tested them on a tour that has a guided tour setup ... I would LOVE if the folks here on the forum could work on perhaps taking the list and making it a bit cleaner and documenting it a bit better -- would be a cool thing to share.

1. Dan could post a page on for SEO value.
2. These parameters can be integrated into WP3D Models
3. When you guys figure out what they do, I can add them to WP Matterport Gallery Shortcode Embed.
Post 6 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
Added parameters to Matterxport with an easy way to play with them.
Post 7 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
MatterXport has been taken down at the request of Matterport. They are concerned for the privacy of users and do not wish for people to be able to download OTHER people's assets. I concur and respect this greatly and this was a concern I expressed to them that I had when I submitted this tool to them for review.
Post 8 IP   flag post
alx3D private msg quote post Address this user
Understandable. Very impressed with it although I only spent limited time using it!
Post 9 IP   flag post
WGAN Basic
New Brighton, PA
frstbubble private msg quote post Address this user
@Metroplex360 you are doing some very valuable work! What you have accomplished over the last few days has increased the value of my Matterport Camera immensely. I hope it moves Matterport in the right direction to support the Pro on this forum. They have promised an API and being able to alter the contents of the models and wall color ect. but have yet to show any sign of advances. I believe your work is a positive step in that direction. Please continue with your research and hopefully Matterport will reward you. If not I know members of this forum will.
Post 10 IP   flag post
KateKratochvil private msg quote post Address this user
I need a code to be able to get rid of the severe mustard-yellow color casts that are ruining my models!!
Post 11 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
@frstbubble After this experience with MatterXport and talking with the Matterport Developers, I'm pretty confident in their abilities and the direction of the platform. Very excited! I'm also happy to know the structure of all of the files that are used in displaying our tours -- the ability for us to provided edited panos for use in the tour is not a stretch of the imagination at all. I feel that I have a large understanding of how everything works now and unless I'm delusional, I believe that my work may have pushed the release of the API with authentication tokens up on the agenda.
Post 12 IP   flag post
aerialpixels private msg quote post Address this user
hey @metroplex360

your parameter &bn=0 or 1,
you said no matterport branding.

do you mean that little 'powered by matterport' logo when loading the model will not be shown?

cos I tried it and the 'powered by matterport' is still there.
Post 13 IP   flag post
Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
@aerialpixels it's minimal branding. I believe this was setup for a certain uber of bed and breakfasts
Post 14 IP   flag post
aerialpixels private msg quote post Address this user
oh u mean air bnb ? hahahaha
Post 15 IP   flag post
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