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Gear 360/Ricoh Theta S streetview compatible2228

Wandsworth U.K.
RobinLycka private msg quote post Address this user
Does anyone know exactly how the street view ready functionality works with the Samsung Gear 360 or Ricoh Theta S ?

I´m specifically wondering if I could potentially sell it as a service to businesses that want to be listed on street view in addition to having a matterport space.

Does it work in the same way as Googel business view so you can walk from street view and into the shop ?

I´ve tried reading about it, but can´t seem to understand fully how it works.

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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Video: Interview with Google Street View (and Trusted Photographers) Manager Charles Armstrong at IVRPA 2016 in Quebec City.


Any of my notes helpful from the Google Street View Session at IVRPA or my video interview above?

Helpful Links

Spatial Media Metadata Injector app
Ricoh Theta S Supports Google Photo Sphere XMP


Post 2 IP   flag post
Wandsworth U.K.
RobinLycka private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks @DanSmigrod.

I still do not completely understand it though, but from what I can gather by browsing Google streetview, you can publish the 360´s, but not move directly from the official streetview (blue lines) to the spheres you´ve published.

I guess it´s possible to sell it as "Are you listed on Google streetview", but it´s kinda suboptimal if you can´t move from the actual streetview and walk into the shop in the same way as the Google business view offered by the trusted photographers.

Anyone else that can shed some light on the subject?
Post 3 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Good news ...

Google Street View (and Trusted Photographers) Manager Charles Armstrong let me know today (Thursday, 21 July 2016), in response to your question ....


At our Street View Summit in Amsterdam (the week after the IVRPA conference), we had a Q&A session where I answered this question.

In short, we're actively working on connecting UGC Street View with Google-driven Street View — and consistently styling the two types — so that UGC contributions they're just as discoverable.

The only distinction between these types of content will be attribution that either credits Google as the contributor or any other photographer.

In the mean time, there's still plenty of value to be had, even if the connection from street to business isn't there.

You can still offer first-class virtual tours which are embedded into Maps business listings, search results, discoverable from the map view, etc.

Anyone who's interested can learn more at:

Google Street View DIY Options

Google also has a handful of relevant help center pages to offer…

Setting up and connecting 360 cameras
Tips for creating multiple 360 photos
Publish and connect 360 photos
Publish to Google Street View
✓ Share, Transfer, or Embed 360 Photos


@3DscannUK thank you for your great question.

Does the above help?


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TrustedPhotoDC private msg quote post Address this user

Street View Trusted is Business View. The name was changed in September 2015.

Most professionals will tell you that the 14MP of the Theta S is too low for quality work. The Samsung Gear 360 has a higher megapixel, but crappy stitching. There are places for the Theta S, but indoors, the small sensor is not very good in low light, which includes most businesses. Outdoors at 100 ISO and manual settings, you can pull an ok image.

How to Sell Street View Trusted to a business has been asked and answered in many forums devoted to SV.

FYI no-one walks down a street(with SV) and virtually into a business. They either view it in the Map apps, Knowledge Graph, or from an embedded tour on a webpage.
Post 5 IP   flag post
Wandsworth U.K.
RobinLycka private msg quote post Address this user
So, quality questions aside - if I understand this correctly - I could potentially get a Samsung Gear 360, walk into a shop, take a 360 photo, post it on Google and it would appear on their Google listing as the "see inside" feature?
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