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New Blog: Why Authentic Twilight Images Outshine Virtual Twilights20716

Club Member
Suisun City, California
ScanYourSpace private msg quote post Address this user
In the competitive world of real estate marketing, capturing the perfect visual representation of a property can make all the difference. While virtual twilight images offer convenience, authentic twilight photography delivers unparalleled advantages. Here's why authentic twilight images remain the gold standard for showcasing properties.

Read more here.
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ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
@ScanYourSpace this is definitely a great idea in Southern California. Here in the Pacific Northwest we have had about maybe 5 days of good sun shining weather in the last 60 days. So trying to schedule a twilight shoot is almost impossible. If it was not for sky swap or virtual twilight. We would have little to no product but the other issue is, even when I deliver photos some agents send them out out and get the virtual twilight done themselves.

But I will agree and trying to get agents on board with it is a monumental problem. Even on cloudy overcast using a true twilight lit house with just a sky swap looks better than completely virtually created photo. But agents are familiar with the short cut and do not want to invest in the finer work.
Post 2 IP   flag post
Club Member
Suisun City, California
ScanYourSpace private msg quote post Address this user

Ah, the weather up north would bother me .

A realistic twilight with a sky swap would definitely be preferred over simulated twilight. what really bothers me is when you can see hard shadow lines on the ground and yellow windows that don't look real.

Post 3 IP   flag post
ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
@ScanYourSpace ya but sometimes we don’t have to spend time spraying down the driveway.🤣🤣🤣🤣
Post 4 IP   flag post
Los Angeles
Home3D private msg quote post Address this user
My clients agree that true twilight photography is much more appealing that the fake stuff. My clients are charged extra for twilight and feel it's well worth the cost. They're also the most fun to shoot!

Depending on the weather, 25-40 minutes past official "sunset" time I find myself running all over the property like a madman, to capture the sky at that last, final deep blue color that balances with the light emitted by the house, pool lights, landscape lighting, etc. Shooting twilight is one of those top challenges in still photography.

When the sky exposure hits that beauty spot, you have literally 5-10 minutes to get everything. Thankfully raw capture helps immensely as the dynamic range challenges are over the top. HDR is pushed to the max as well as careful zone trimming. It's tough, but it's also fun, as you're under the gun of the darkening sky. There's an adrenaline rush for sure.
Post 5 IP   flag post
Los Angeles
Home3D private msg quote post Address this user
This is a lightweight thread, as I don't imagine there's a lot of debate about the merits of real twilight over the simulated version, but I'll add this.

I just completed a shoot including twilight. Yes, we're fortunate here in SoCal as we commonly have clear skies at dusk which produce that rich, deep blue that adds drama. When I'm forced to do twilight on overcast nights, sky replacement is required. But the same shooting techniques apply.

It's great if a house has some landscape lighting, but if not, I've often add a couple battery-operated LED lights to help. The real art though is simply knowing what you can do with long exposures, the dynamic range of raw capture, proper HDR bracketing and, finally... running around the property like a bat outta hell during those brief few minutes when the balance is perfect. I think among all these factors, your experience and the dynamics of raw capture are most important.

On my most recent shoot I managed to grab 19 shots during that brief window. Here are a few.
Yes, this homeowner has a bronze statue near the front door.

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