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Geo Week 2025Scan Your SpaceSparks Media Group

Geo Week 2025 Wrap up!20691

Club Member
Suisun City, California
ScanYourSpace private msg quote post Address this user
I'm out here in cold Denver, Colorado. It's currently 4 degrees F with snow on the ground.

I finished three days of Geo Week 2025! What a blast, this was my first time attending.

I got to meet Dan in person! we've had many shows together and many calls together and it was great to meet the man, the myth, the legend in person!

I also got to meet some new friends! networking at these shows is so fun, easy, effortless.

I saw a lot of great products, most outside of my budget! and had a lot of great conversations.

I also learned a lot. I recorded a few presentations and will post them on my youtube channel.

All in all this was a great experience. I would encourage anyone who is thinking about attending these conferences, just do it! there's so much value in them.

time to pack, I can't wait to get back to Cali weather.

Tom Sparks Scan Your Space (a Division of Sparks Media Group) Founder and CEO Tom Sparks | |
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Ocala, Florida
OrangeHill private msg quote post Address this user
Gee thanks @ScanYourSpace, just go ahead and make my severe case of FOMO that much worse,) Great pic of the Capture Posse! Looking forward to your posts and hoping others will also be generous with sharing their highlights and take-aways.

BTW, does anyone else find it curious that GEO Week was held at a venue with no apparent 3D tour available?
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