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Best way to scan ducts with MP pro320666

RMB3DVR private msg quote post Address this user
Hi everyone. I'm no expoert in Matterport and I'm searching for the best way to scan ducts or false ceiling.
Let's assume i have a corridor which must be scanned and i want to also scan inside the false ceiling above it, removing some of the ceiling tiles (not all of them). Our first idea was to use a something to elevate the camera, like a table, but i'm afraid it would lead to flying position-circles or worse having both the corridor and the duct scans on the floor. Then we thought about using only 360s instead of 3d scans and place them like we place tags but the problem is: tags can go on ceilings, 360s can only go on vertical walls. How would you solve the problem?
Thank you very much
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Fathom3D private msg quote post Address this user
Use 360's. Instead of placing them on the map, link to each on in a tag that hangs down from the ceiling in the appropriate place.
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RMB3DVR private msg quote post Address this user
Thank you for your reply. I thought about that too but i couldn't find a way to put 360s inside tags. I can only upload files or link to a specific page online. You mean i have to upload the 360s somewhere and then link them back via tag? I actually have no idea where i could post my 360s in a secure way. And i don't even know how to export the 360s from matterport...
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viewmyspace private msg quote post Address this user
The best approach is to use an extended tripod (Amazon sells 22ft models for around $250). Open all ceiling tiles you plan to scan, complete the ground-level tour first, then capture a scan just below the first ceiling tile (about ¾ up), followed by another scan just above the ceiling tiles. In some cases, the mid-level scan may not be necessary. We use this method frequently, and it works like a charm.
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Fathom3D private msg quote post Address this user
What you would do is "link to a specific page online" like you said, and use a link that points directly to the 360 within the same tour.

If you're linking to a 3D part of a Matterport tour, it's best to use the "quick start" URL parameter "&qs=1" so it doesn't start with a dollhouse fly-in.

In this case since you're linking to a 2D 360 it skips the fly-in anyway.

If you prefer to have the 360 downloaded and attached to the tag as an asset rather than a link, it'll take more work to set up. (The interface is pretty unintuitive. You need to take a 360 "snapshot" first.) Here's how to do it:
Post 5 IP   flag post
RMB3DVR private msg quote post Address this user
Thank you. Do you maybe have an example? I mean, i understand the process but i am curious to see how it looks in the end. Don't you end up with lots of flying circles? And being the second scans above eye level how can you reach them?

This is a good idea. The first method works but i would need to have the 360 already in the model to being able to link to it. And i can't find a way to have it and hide its icon at the same time.
I also tried to link a 3d scan but this creates other issues: the scan has to be visible (otherwise the link redirects to the home position) and it creates kind of a tour inside a tour. Which could be confusing.
The second method would be perfekt but unfortunately it only shows the image as 2d not as 360 (just like an image). Or did i do something wrong?
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Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by RMB3DVR
Thank you for your reply. I thought about that too but i couldn't find a way to put 360s inside tags.

If you mean 360 views you can do it in workshop.
1)Open 360 views section
2)click on 360 view you want to put in a tag
3)click full screen on it
4) Click preview at the top right corner to hide all workshop tools
5)Press U on your keyboard
6) Copy the direct link created for the 360 view you have chosen to create a direct link for. After you press U you will see a small dialog opened at the top left corner with its direct link and copy button.

From this point you will have a URL that opens your 3D tour but goes directly to the 360 view. If you put that link in the Mattertag the view will be opened in the tag dialog.

360 view does not need to be added to your tour map for all this.
Post 7 IP   flag post
Fathom3D private msg quote post Address this user
@RMB3DVR If you follow @wingman's advice you should be all set. Do not drag to add the 360 views to the map. They will still be part of that space, and there will be no confusing icons on the walls.

Also, you could show all the ceiling 360s in a highlight reel to make a second easier way to navigate between them, instead of just the tags.

For the download and upload method, sounds like when you did the snapshots you took regular snapshots instead of 360 snapshots. The interface is bad, but it does work. Refer back to the Support article. Before you click the snapshot button you can select (top right) 16:9, 4:3, 3:2, or 360.

If you use the tall tripod 3D scanning method (how @viewmyspace does it), all the navigation circles will be on the floor. (They drop down to sit on whatever mesh is below the camera position.) Some positions will be eye level, some at the ceiling aperture, and some up inside the ceiling. You could disable the aperture scans for navigation. Those are just to enable alignment between the eye-level and ceiling scans. You could try it and see how it looks.

Keep us posted how it goes. And hopefully you'll be able to share the results.
Post 8 IP   flag post
RMB3DVR private msg quote post Address this user
Thank you guys, i totally missed the full screen mode on 360s. That should do the trick. Also the highlight reel is a good idea.
Thanks a lot for your help
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