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Another Autoreel Sample20630

ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
Just more Support for Autoreel - I think this is a Game Changer for Photographers!

I wanted to take a moment to share my more of my positive experience with Autoreel – this is an innovative product that has truly transformed my workflow. If you’re looking for a reliable and intuitive solution to manage your camera gear more efficiently, Autoreel is definitely worth considering.

Highly recommend it to anyone in the photography community who’s looking to take their workflow to the next level!

I’d love to hear more thoughts on this?
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Taoiseach_7 private msg quote post Address this user
I find it worrisome. While it is impressive, I can see it taking work away from real estate photographers. Realtors are singing it's praises, because they can take a series of photos with their iPhone/androids and have this software color correct them. This will eliminate the need for photographers, videographers and possibly 3D tours.

Some realtors are notoriously cheap(as attested to by some of the reviews) They also talk. Once word gets around, I can see this being problematic for our industry.
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ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
@Taoiseach_7 I understand your feeling on this but how many times have you spent time on a video, the shoot, the post editing then the software cost, to have your agent pick it a part for a few shakes, color corrections and or to long to short and or cost. I am new to video and have spent time on video and had an agent pick it a part then say he wanted it for free for future work. Then never got a return call because I reduced the price but would not give it to him for free.
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ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
@Taoiseach_7 I personally think some agents look for the slight edge to pick the product apart to try for the discount and if you invest a lot of time and or money its hard to justify that discount, here if this video cost me $20 I have no problem writing that off and moving on to the next project and keeping the agent happy without the hassle, they think they're getting a deal and I spent little to no time on the project.
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Taoiseach_7 private msg quote post Address this user
@ron0987 I was a graphic designer for 20 years. I get it. You ask a client what they would want to see, they defer to you as the "professional," then you deliver, then they have an opinion. I totally get it. What I'm worried about is being bypassed by realtors, who will not hire "professionals" and do it themselves.

Having said that, there are some realtors who do not want to take the time to take the photos or are intimidated by tech and will seek out a photographer. I will say this, If you have an agent that is trying to get something for nothing. Politely find another client. Photographers and videographers are aware of how much commission a realtor receives. IMHO it is inexcusable for a realtor to nickel and dime a photographer or videographer or 3D tour specialist for the most important aspect of their marketing.

I'm thinking about using this for my next shoot. And I will markup accordingly. After all we have to make a living too.
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WGAN Standard
Las Vegas
VTLV private msg quote post Address this user
That pricing plan is a tough one to swallow. They offer you 3 free videos a month and think, I could sell this to existing clients on a stagnate property that's not moving. The excitement wears off when you realize you get 5 photo frames for the video short and only 15 seconds to cramp it into. Now if your client wants anything longer, your cost jumps to $119 on your end for double the photos and video time getting you to 30 seconds of material.

The Ken Burns effect doesn't appear to have been challenged since 1957 until now with Autoreel. Let's hope more programs crack the code on whatever this one will be called.
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ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
@VTLV but then it also jumps up to 10 videos.
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Club Member
Buffalo, New York
GETMYVR private msg quote post Address this user
For primary real estate listings that will be seen on Zillow, Redfin and Realtor websites, video isn't worth it. Video is really great to show and share on social media if it's a narrated walkthrough with the agent.

Over the past 3 years I've analyzed all the competitor videos compared to my matterport 3D.

Every 3D tour I've done has had a 2,000% advantage over the most compelling video that was professionally made and shown on a listing.

Videos have a start and a stop. Videos range from a minute to 3 minutes. The viewer only sees what the cameraman wanted you to see.

3D tours have no start or stop button. They have an enter button and you can cruise around the model as long as you want.

Guys, and girls, there's really no comparison.

And I'm working in the hottest real estate market in America, I can tell you agents are still more inclined to take cell phone pictures. Agents don't know about the importance of floor plans. Agents don't know about the importance of 3D tour.

Let's educate agents on the tools that do work for list. And that is professional photography along with floor plans... And if you really want to sell it faster and probably for more money, and increase your sales funnel at least 10 to 100 times... Then 3D tours is where it's at all day long. 100% guaranteed.
Post 8 IP   flag post
ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
@GETMYVR I totally agree with you on educating the agents but that I think is way harder then I would have ever believed it would be after doing this 12 years. My brother-in-law is an agent and he would rather use his phone on every listing. Because he is family I have offered him Matterport for free, and photos for free and he still will use his phone. There will be a rare occasion that he calls but I think that’s when his boss put pressure on him because his photos don’t look very good.
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