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A Ghost Floor is created by Matterport upload processing20600

WGAN Standard
Lisbon, Portugal and London
Pedrotex69 private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

Another problem I have and never come across it before is that on the upload of one of my jobs a ghost floor is being created.

So I did an Hotel that the ground floor is actually floor 5 and goes down until Floor 0 (but in this model showed only goes down to floor 3) and goes up until Floor 8.

The problem I am having is that on Floor 5 between the stairs and the elevators some of the scans I did are not showing in Floor 5 but they are showing in Floor6, so Floor 6 the image keeps jumping from Floor 5 to 6 and vice versa, also going up from Floor 4 to 5 or going down from Floor 5 to 4 halfway the stairs I can not go up or down.

Finally the biggest problem is that when looking at the model in Dollhouse view I can see an extra Floor between Floor 4 and 5 (it is looking black between the other Floors).

I did a video that shows that better:

As anyone come across this before, can you help me?

Thank you so much,
Post 1 IP   flag post
Belfast, United Kingdom
3dshowcaseuk private msg quote post Address this user
I would check all the scans on the app are in the correct place and floor then reprocess and untick the box that says detect floors
Post 2 IP   flag post
WGAN Standard
Lisbon, Portugal and London
Pedrotex69 private msg quote post Address this user
I did and they are, I did reprocess several times and did it with the untick box for detect floors also, nothing seems to work.
Post 3 IP   flag post
Santa Barbara
Lizzg private msg quote post Address this user
I have had this problem, MP tech explained to me that each floor needs at least 6 scans in order to create a floor. I try to get at least 8, then hide the ones I don’t need after processing. Could this be your situation? If you can’t get more scans reach out to tech-support, they did help me when Mine came up like that, but it was a couple of years ago.
Post 4 IP   flag post
DigitalTwin private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Pedro,

I had a similar problem doing a location scan for a film project. 7-floor stairwell in an apartment building. When I got the model back, there were multiple scans from one floor placed on a different floor. I tried to do some realignment in the capture, checked everything, and re-processed. Same result. I went back and rescanned using April tags located on each level and between each floor on the stairwell. This did solve the issue. (or at least it worked), I can't really state this scientifically as I did take more scan points in addition to the April tags...

Post 5 IP   flag post
ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
@Lizzg I have never heard of a minimum number of scans to create a floor. I think I have used floor separation on buildings that had large landings. I no longer have those models but they were commercial buildings where the landing were quite large separating the floors but only took maybe 3 scans and I never had these issues and that was back with a Pro2.
Post 6 IP   flag post
WGAN Standard
Lisbon, Portugal and London
Pedrotex69 private msg quote post Address this user
Thank you everyone, at the moment Matterport support is looking at it, and I was told the following:
"I can see the floors were scanned out of order and line of sight was broken between consecutive scans. This is what caused the model to process incorrectly. Each scan needs to be able to see the immediately preceding scan unobstructed by walls/doors/floors/or too great a distance. We recommend always starting at the lowest point in the model and scanning upwards to help avoid these types of issues."

Appreciate all the input, I have plenty scans in each floor, but some of them were taken in different days, also the Hotel reception is on Floor 5 as the Hotel is in a cliff, so I did went straight up on the stairs from floor 5 to floor 8 on the same day, then a few days later I went down from floor 5 to floor 0 and I think that is here where the problem might be.

Matterport is looking into repair it now for me, so thank you so much to you all.
Post 7 IP   flag post
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