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Video: How to Activate SEO for Virtual Tours20433

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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

WGAN Marketing Video of the Week

Video: Programmatic SEO for 3DVista Virtual Tours using Webstudio with Baserow | Video courtesy of 360Creators YouTube Channel | 7 Novembert 2024

Video: How to Activate SEO for Virtual Tours

Hi All,

Are you doing this for Matterport tours? Please create a "how to" video and share.


Post 1 IP   flag post
Los Angeles
Home3D private msg quote post Address this user
Haha. No, I'm not yet doing it because Ronald has just released this today!

That said I will be. Ronald is smart, innovative and always looking for ways to accomplish things easier and more efficiently. He's currently working on a project for me using open-source and other tools avoiding expensive subscription services that want to lock us into their systems, draining our resources for years.

I encourage anyone with a unique problem relative to virtual tours, and especially 3DVista tours, to reach out to Ronald.
Post 2 IP   flag post
Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
I am afraid it will only work with self hosted on your own business website tours.
Embed tours that are hosted somewhere else and being used via iFrame will give your website higher engagement rates but a business won't get any single click done in an embed tour recorded towards their ranking.

That is why when I a client comes to me for better ranking on Google and asks for a Google Maps tour I do not offer them a 3D tour from Matterport that is used to capture their business for Google. I know what they want and their embed google maps tour placed on their website will do a much better job for their ranking creating a second point online on their website where every click inside their map tour will go to their GBP.
Post 3 IP   flag post
360Creators private msg quote post Address this user
Thank you for sharing Dan!

And thank you for the kind words Home3D 😁

@Wingman, I'm not sure I fully follow you on getting extra clicks. You mean that the visitor will visit other pages on the same domain, right? If so, then what is possible is to create a dynamic interface on top of the iFrame to link to other relevant pages. It's something I didn't get into, because I felt that might overcomplicate the tutorial. Let me know if I actually understood you correctly.
Post 4 IP   flag post
Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
When you embed your Matterport tour on your website all clicks inside your tour go to my.matterport.com. Simply because that where this content is coming from in iFrame.
Your website gets 0 clicks recorded for your ranking in this case. It is kind of fair as
a) you display a media hosted somewhere else and for Google it is not considered your content
b) your google analytics script is not trigered as your page content is not reloading, only a content of your iFrame is.

There is nothing you can do to get clicks recorded for your website if you want to use a 3D tour there. You only get a timer for engagement rate ticking as your website users are currently on your website so google will give you a higher engagement rate.

What I was referring to about embed tour from Google Maps is that if your client find nothing extraordinary in using a 3D tour on their website, only comes to you for better ranking on Google and asking to create a Google Maps tour for their profile then offering them to put their embed Google Maps will do a much better job for ranking than just having a google maps tour on maps alone and not using it as embed content on a business website.
Post 5 IP   flag post
360Creators private msg quote post Address this user
Ahh I see, I understand you better now.

I'll give it some more thought, thanks.
Post 6 IP   flag post
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