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Pro3Pro3 ProblemsWarning

WARNING! Beware the Matterport Pro3 T-Mounts with Brass Pins!!20235

Bon Secour, Alabama
Chemistrydoc private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All -

After a frustrating few days, I wanted to take a breath and share my experience with a chronic problem with the Matterport Pro3 T-Mount. After I completed a job of approx. 40,000 sq ft, I was unable to remove the T-mount from my Pro3 camera, regardless the amount of wiggling, jiggling, etc that I could perform onsite. I simply unscrewed the tripod from the mount and went home.

I contacted Mike Vorce of who was extremely helpful. He has seen this, apparently, many many times before. Digging deeper into the issue, it seems like this is the result of an internal screw backing out over time and becoming wedged in the very mechanism that locks/unlocks into the base of the camera. Digging even deeper, it seems that there have been several versions of the T-Mount that have found their way into the Matterverse. (see photo)

Only the mount shown in the middle of this photo seems to cause this problem. And, it seems that a number of these have been sold on eBay (where I purchased this one). A few months ago, that was the only place to find one. They are embossed with "Matterport" on the body, and seem to be OEM. They can be recognized by the pin used at the hinge point of the mount lock to the mount body. The ones causing this defect appear to all be brass or brass-colored. If you have one of these, I highly suggest that you replace it with one that does not have a brass-colored pin AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

I only purchased mine from eBay because there were none to be had through the normal channels. By all appearances they appear to be authentic. It is speculated that they may have been an original design that was later scrapped, and somehow, someone got ahold of the discarded prototypes and put them up for sale on eBay.

In any event, avoid the headache (and cost) and just toss any of these! Just say "no" to brass pins in T-Mounts. Just say "yes" and "thank you" to Mike Vorce / for continued help in keeping us running.

Good Saturday -

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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Thanks for sharing and the shout-out for Mike Vorce @MatterFix ...

Two related WGAN Forum discussions:

1. failure of PRO3 mount: solution?
2. tripod adapter does not lock the camera well MATTERPORT PRO3
3. Help! Pro3 T-Mount Won’t Disengage!


Post 2 IP   flag post
ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
I will go back to my original statement why can’t it be just a standard 1/4 20 or 3/8 stud or female screw base.
Post 3 IP   flag post
dave3d private msg quote post Address this user

Looks like all the cheap pro3 mounts are gone from Ebay. We went though the 5 we bought faster than I'd hoped. If anyone finds another listing for them please make a notification post!
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ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
@dave3d and why would you have to keep buying mounts for a $5000 dollar camera. Something seems wrong here, have you contacted customer support for help?
Post 5 IP   flag post
ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
@DanSmigrod is only people that responded to this thread seeing this or is everyone seeing it so if someone has an outlet they can refer @dave3d too?
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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Do you want to start a new topic asking your question so that everyone receives an email alert to the new topic?

While this discussion is public, the only ones that receive email alerts are those already posting here: you, @dave3d and I.

Happy holidays,

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