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Capture 2.xCapture AppWish List

Matterport Wish List: Capture App2009

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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Anything that you would like to add to this Matterport Wish List for the Matterport Capture app (that I originally emailed to Matterport on Tuesday, 5 May 2015?

This list originally appeared in the Matterport User Group Forum thread ...

Matterport Capture App Wish List

The list is a compilation of MUG Forum Members' wishes that have appeared in the Forum.




Here is a summary of the ideas suggested in this thread so far (in addition to your last post)

High Priority / Minor Resources

1. Differentiate trim, window and mirror on the mini-map. (For example, different color lines)
2. Add a unique, positive sound when scan is successfully added to the mini-map. (This way, I can save neck strain by not needing to look at the iPad so often. Shoot for six hours that the head strain adds up.)
3. Option to geo-tag model (at least capture it and ask in 3D Workshop)
4. Add compass setting (North) for first scan. This will be helpful for gyro viewing mode on an iPad. (Plus, in VR mode, I would like 5. North to face North when I start).
5. About existing trim, why do I need to enlarge the mini-map to grab and edit? (Does not feel intuitive to need to do this.)
6. Can you hide the menu like Apple dock works? This would give us more space to view mini-map
7. Why is it when you make a line active, you move the non-active trim line near it? Can this be fixed?
8. For scenarios where we shoot spaces with doors open and close, we need an edit tool for permeable boundary. For example, in I shoot the hidden pantry in the Kitchen with the doors closed for all scans but one. When I open the pantry door and shoot the walk-in pantry, I can not walk into the pantry in the mode.

High Priority / High Resources

1. Keep reducing time to enable large spaces to be done much faster: 1) time to scan; 2) time to transfer data to iPad; 3) time to process; 4) time to move camera
2. Archive models in the Matterport cloud (so that six months later I can add the model back to my iPad and edit the mini-map to take advantage of future TBD enhancements). Plus, I would prefer my freelance photographers to be able to transfer the model to me to be able to edit and have the master (rather than via sharing account).
3. Preview scan on the iPad; or, at least the last scan or three

Low Priority / Minor Resources

1. Change name to Matterport Capture App Pro
2. Add progress bar to deleting scans. When you delete many scans, hard to tell if something is happening.
3. When uploading, also show “Description” text in
Label rooms within Capture app (and/in in 3D Workshop): standard room names + custom
4. Wish List button: makes it easy to email to report error messages, bugs and ‘what happened’ at that moment.
5. Presently, Capture uploads in the background, which is good. Can you add the same “progress” while uploading (even though I have not selected upload)? (It’s a visual cue that my connection to the internet is working.)

Low Priority / High Resources

6. When the Capture app crashes, does it auto-generate a report to Matterport? If not, it should. If yes, add option to opt-out (or at least know that Capture is reporting the crash to Matterport).
Enable adding a detached building button to go along with new floor on app. For example, 18 cabins close together - same Inn – not not attached.
7. Marking a window at the top of an A-frame house results in a rectangular window going to the highest point in the room.
When you accidentally hit the lock button during a scan and then quickly reopen the app, the scan does not take and the scanner goes through all six phases. It would be nice if it would just reconnect (or, at least stop the scanner)
8. Add progress bar to duplicate model. When you duplicate the model, it is hard to tell if something is happening.
When a scan fails, do not delete the data. Alert us that the scan alignment failed. Save the data. Take an intermediate scan. Retry alignment with saved data. This would save a lot of time and allow us to move the camera greater distance with confidence.
9. How to enable two people to scan the space and merge the two? I start on the first floor and Alex starts on the second floor.
10. New edit tool for trimming data on the Z axis to clean-up skylights
11. Rollover free monthly scans if not used from the previous month
Offer pre-purchase package of scans to bring down the price per scan. 12. For example, instead of $19 per model (up to 100 scans), pre-pay for 100 @ $10 per model (up to 100 scans)
13. If you buy the Matterport Cloud Business Service Plan @ $1,499 yearly, the free models (11 per month) should be anytime in that year (11 x12 = 132).
14. When deleting a scan, can you auto-detect that it is a “support beam” and warn about deleting it? (So the house of cards does not collapse).
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ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
We talked about running two cameras on single job and the ability to merge them to create one job. I cannot remember which category that was placed under, app or camera. I would hope that is still on the list.

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ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
Sorry just saw it.

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