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What does someone charge for this service?20

ccctucker private msg quote post Address this user
I am trying to get an idea on this service and what others are charging. I am also looking for contract examples to protect myself. Any help would be appreciated
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CharlieB private msg quote post Address this user

I agree that would be helpful. I just read an article on Inman that mentioned a company in Florida is charging $200 a home. And I notice a company in California that has a minimum of $750 and they go up from there.

I am in a market where the majority of the homes that are selling are in the $125,000 to $175,000 range. The next range is up to $250,000. While there are homes up to and over $1 million those sales are slow....maybe lending these homes to more exposure with a virtual tour.

I am trying to think outside the box and don't feel that I can go into my market with a high cost of entry and think that I can make a go of it just waiting on the higher priced homes.

I also don't think that I want to do a "one price for all homes" approach as a large sq footage home would be much more work.

Thinking that a minimum price like $200 up to a 2000 sq ft home and then anything over would be a price per sq $.10 or $.15 or $.20...etc.

In our market we have a lot of homes that are vacant so I am thinking that a price for vacant homes could be a litte less than occupied or staged homes.

With this said I really want to figure out a plan that might offer some residual a subscription plan. A setup fee for a Brokerage or Agent then so much per scan/model and so much per month either per model or up to a set number of models. Say something like $99 a model $99 a month for up to 10 models and then $19.95 per month per scan over 10....

Or even make the cost of entry low to concentrate on the monthly income...something like $99 a home, but the homes are priced at .10 to .20 a sq ft, with the balance being at $29.95 per month until sold or paid in full. If I can get a consistent number of scans/models each month I can see a steady residual income of $3000 or more per month...just rough figuring assuming a decent adoption.

I feel that if I price it too high there is nothing to stop brokers from buying their own Matterport camera in my market. Need to provide a service at a price that makes them want to use my services....anyway just still trying to put my pricing ideas together. Appreciate any other thoughts and ideas.

Post 2 IP   flag post
DoyleRealtor private msg quote post Address this user
I've seen a few places charge per square foot, but be careful to spell out what is included in your contract. Keep in mind you're incurring a monthly expense to host models in matterport's cloud system. If a client is expecting you to host their model for years and you're no longer pulling in additional income there is a diminishing return. Example: You charge $1,000 for a model for client XYZ today, 1 year from now it'll have cost you $600 in monthly fees to host the model in the cloud.

You have a few options here;
1) Add a monthly fee to client for hosting
2) Set a limit for how long you'll host the model
3) Continually add enough new clients, and set a price that is profitable for you in the long run.

As far as cost in general, there are a number of variables including size, detail, and time. Each potential client is unique and each market place will be different.
Post 3 IP   flag post
CharlieB private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DoyleRealtor
1 year from now it'll have cost you $600 in monthly fees to host the model in the cloud.

Thanks for sharing....good points. The lowest hosting plan is $50 a month to host up to 100 models, am I overlooking or missing something on the hosting?

DoyleRealtor are you doing the work on your own listings?

Post 4 IP   flag post
DoyleRealtor private msg quote post Address this user
It is but if you only have 1 client who is paying to host their model, then the min. cost per year is $600

Yes, I currently use Matterport exclusively for my team's listings. We're the only ones in the area doing so at this time.

I imagine it won't be long before local photography companies offer it as an add on. I know one of them was interested but had concerns about how blown out the windows show up in the models
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CharlieB private msg quote post Address this user

Although the price of the Matterport is fairly high it is still affordable and my fear is that not only will other photographers, like you mention, but also other Realtors will invest in a camera for their office.

And as I want to be able to offer this as a service I want to be careful not to price myself to the point where it makes more sense for them to buy their own camera.

I think there is only a short window before Matterport, or someone else comes out with another camera that will be more affordable even still.

My goal is to supplement my income while establishing my brokerage in our new town of Las Cruces NM. Who knows where this will lead but I hope to be able to get to know the local builders better as well as the other local Realtors.

And sunny Las Cruces isn't going to be easy on the washed out windows either. Something that certainly needs to be addressed especially when you have big outside views.

I hope that the software will progress to the point where you can preview your shoot while you are at the location so that you can make sure that you have the best shots.

What I don't know yet is if you can go back to a location and "replace some scans". Or do you have to replace an entire floor or the entire scan? Any thoughts on how you would do this....I haven't yet done my first complete model...

Also on this note do you know if you have to replace a model are you charged $19 for the new model even when replacing the old one? I suspect so...
Post 6 IP   flag post
CharlieB private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DoyleRealtor
had concerns about how blown out the windows show up in the models

DoyleRealtor, I brought this up to Matterport Support yesterday and mentioned to them that a Photographer friend of mind was correcting for the wash out with his HDR photos on his computer....and I was surprised to find out that they have HDR capture in the Matterport....

Seems that the issue is doing some type of software adjustment on so many frames from so many basically they are doing an average at this time that works for most everyone.

I expect that we will see improvement in this in the future. We are so early in this game of affordable 3D modeling....
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