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How to Add 360 Panos to Your Matterport Tour19870

Sdoughtie private msg quote post Address this user
I typically provide 360 Photos of the roof on projects. To be honest, trying to carry the Pro3 Camera and tripod up a ladder would spell disaster for me at some point (accident prone). I use a Theta and a lightweight tripod for this.

Adding 360 Photos post processing can be done a number of ways. Matterport allows embeds using various services. I found this to be cumbersome and come at an additional per-project cost.

I use several products for this:
imagemagick Opensource
Pannellum Opensource
Web Hosting with SSL Certificate (I use Linode ) You can get an SSL Certificate from Namecheap.
Ricoh Theta Camera

1. I have not tried to add 360 photos using the Matterport app. Frankly, I am afraid of reduced features of the model due to using another camera instead of the Pro2 or Pro3.
2. You will have to get installation instructions from the makers of the products listed.

I use imagemagick to process all of my regular and 360 images. I've been using this program since the Amiga so I have a bunch of scripts, Mac Automator files and .bat files I've made over the years, I may post them at some point.

I use the following command to create a 200px X 150px thumbnail of 360 images. Change the 001 (two places, in italics) for your image name. The resulting file will have a "t" at the end of the name. (if you are on Linux or MacOS omit "magick" ).

magick convert 001.jpg -resize "200x200^" -gravity center -crop 200x150+0+0 001t.jpg

If you want a .bat file to drag a whole folder to, create a .bat file using this code:

FOR %%a IN ( *.jpg ) DO magick convert %%a -resize "200x200^" -gravity center -crop 200x150+0+0 %%~nat.jpg

I upload the 360 photos to my web server. I have Pannellum installed on my server; however, technically you could use it from the Pannellum site to access photos on a different server. I don't recommend this. Pannellum has the ability to display a standalone full window 360s using a direct link. I use the standalone in Matterport.

Test Link

panorama= is for the url of the image file.
autoLoad=true&autoRotate=-2 tells Pannellum to autoload the image and slowly rotate.

In the Matterport Tour, I add a MatterTag. Upload the thumbnail.

Then I add a link using the Pannellum direct link. (although, I autogenerate these using php on my site)

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Osaka, Japan
Meidansha private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks for the detailed explanation.

I use MPEmbed as it includes a 360 player in their "custom billboards".

However if I get a client that cannot use MPEmbed for some reason I will save this and give it a try.
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Sdoughtie private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks for the tip, I will check it out!!!
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Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
I am quite sure you can just use Import 360 feature of the app to add a 360 from any camera and add it as 360 view. Once it is inside Matterport you can link it using a direct link. This eliminates any need to use external hosting service for your aerial 360. The only downside it will be downscaled to 8K after import.
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Sdoughtie private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Wingman
I am quite sure you can just use Import 360 feature of the app to add a 360 from any camera and add it as 360 view. Once it is inside Matterport you can link it using a direct link. This eliminates any need to use external hosting service for your aerial 360. The only downside it will be downscaled to 8K after import.

Do you know if it affects the ability to purchase a matterpak? In past experience, having camera’s other then then matterport pro and lidar in a project will disable the matterpak option.
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