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Scanning Occupied Spaces - Challenges19634

US Building
Survey, LLC
Olathe, Kansas
rhelling private msg quote post Address this user
I’ve been scanning a lot of occupied spaces lately. It’s very frustrating…because tenants don’t want to allow access to certain rooms or allow me to hold open doors for any length of time.

Do you guys ever run into situations where you can’t prep the space ideally. The big one for me is doors.

The only way i can think to do this is scan with the door closed…and scan again with the door open…go into the other room…scan again with door open and again with door closed.

I can’t think of any other way to do this…
Post 1 IP   flag post
Los Angeles
Home3D private msg quote post Address this user
In the worst such situations, which sounds like you've been facing, I'll scan through the area, then come back when the door can be doorstopped open, repeat all the scans within 10' of the door (usually begin with node fully 10' away, eaiser to get alignment than close to the now-opened door) and after getting all these nodes rescanned (check alignment is good on minimap) then proceed through the door to scan the space.

I KEEP all the scans in the model while scanning.

When done, duplicate the full scanning set in Capture on the iPad, and then using one version (doesnt' matter whether original or copy) I delete those scans within 10' of the door that were captured while door was closed. This should result in the minimap getting "cleaned up" with any visibility of the door disappearing. Then upload for processing.

The Duplicate scan set is kept with ALL the scan points as insurance, in case you need to try other combinations of scan points to get a clean model.

Alternately, you can process the model leaving all the scan points in the set, but you will end up with obstructions in the doorway and likely not be able to pass through. In the finished 3D model you can Hide the "door closed" nodes, but the obstruction will remain. However you can use the Trim tool to cut the obstruction from the doorway, though it takes some practice to perform trims like this.

Last comment, all the above pertains to scanning with the Pro 1 or Pro 2. If you're using the Pro 3 you'll need to repeat all scan positions (with opened door) within 25-30 feet and still may need to use the Trim tool in the doorway. But it works, all the same.

Good luck with your scanning.
Post 2 IP   flag post
Vanaman06 private msg quote post Address this user
What I have always done is to skip past the closed door and scan the next room. Then I go back and scan in front of the door with it open. This seems to get enough data to not get alignment errors. Can be a pain with the Pro2 but you can get the hang of it pretty quick. Never have any problems with Pro3.

Only time I use open door/closed door in the same spot is if I’m planning to hide the room but want it to show on the floorplan, messy closet, etc.

If tenants are constantly giving you problems I would suggest contacting the company that hired you and make sure they are telling the tenant that you need to access all rooms and that all doors need to be open.
Post 3 IP   flag post
ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
@Vanaman06 what camera are you using? I have been very successful with the Pro3 scanning very close to closed doors then once within 10’ open door scan once a few feet from open door, once in threshold and then once a few feet on other side while door still open. Even tho the Pro3 has distance with LiDAR I have found the software has been able to build the model and allow easy transition thru the door way. This has been working for me. I wish I could show you a sample but where I do this is for my commercial work and can’t share. This has been only working with the Pro3. When I haven been doing similar spaces with Pro2 everything when near and insight of door needs to be open.

Always remember that even with the Pro2 as long as you do exactly like you are currently doing and after processing the model with only the door open scans and the model is built with a surface over the door you can now go into the edit command on finished model and use the removal tool to remove the modeling surface created over the doorway to allow a easy transition thru the space. A little more work but I have found that tool invaluable with the new model recently.
Post 4 IP   flag post
US Building
Survey, LLC
Olathe, Kansas
rhelling private msg quote post Address this user
Good advice guys…
I’ll try that on my next project that gives me a hassle…
Post 5 IP   flag post
Vanaman06 private msg quote post Address this user
@ron0987 I am scanning with a pro 3. I am doing the same thing but I usually just skip past one scan where the door is and keep going into the next room. Every once in a while the pro 3 will give me an alignment error so I just keep going to get some addition data since I am scanning the next area anyways. Even though rare it saves me from having to rescan.

I’ve never had an issue with a door blocking the pathway as long as I scan on the other side of the door.
Post 6 IP   flag post
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