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IVRPA - Paolo's conference notes1919

Bellevue, Washington
Tosolini private msg quote post Address this user
This week I've been attending the annual conference of IVRPA (International Virtual Reality Photography Association - Some of the top panoramic photographers are here. I wanted to share a few notes as they might be relevant to this group:

• Last year this event was mostly 360 panoramic photography, so the VR part is fairly new and fueled by the new trend
• There are no Oculus or HTC Vives around. Some Gear VR, and many cardboards. This is not the traditional VR gaming crowd
• There are A TON of 360 contraptions, some home made by talented individuals, some invented by startups
• Yahoo and Google are here keynoting and presenting on new ad formats, Google Street updates and the new Android VR platforms. No sign of Microsoft, Facebook and other major players
• The GoPro Omni rig is very interesting The problem with traditional GoPro rigs is syncing the cameras all at once, managing the download from multiple SD cards, stitching, aligning, correct issues. Very time consuming. The Omni addresses most of it, and new software like Kolor AutoPano Video makes things faster
• On stage I saw both vendors and agencies who are succeeding with 360 narrative. Their message is 'Don’t wait, start shooting and learn'.
• Photogrammetry
○ Not a trivial technique and requires a lot of discipline in capturing photos correctly RealityCapture creates 3D models from images Agisoft PhotoScan creates 3D models from images great examples for Vive
• PTGui is the industry standard for stitching 360 images and videos
• Pano2VR powerful tool to create virtual tours using photo spheres
• KRPano ( powerful tool to create virtual tours and have granular control in XML/HTML, but with almost inexistent GUI. Stretch scenario: you can hard code very nice smooth presentations featuring 360 media
• You can do 360 video with a simple DSLR and using a combination of Photoshop, PTGui and masks. The advantage is that you can still direct the shots from behind the camera, but it requires more work and has some limitations
• Had dinner with the founder of They hack GoPros and replace lenses and mounts for best results. He explained me how 360 cameras quality depends on lenses, processor and sensors. The Ricoh Theta is one of the best examples of compact camera with good resolution, but they are challenged to keep the smaller form factor and increase the video quality at the same time. They think the Kodak SP360 4K is OK for just consumer use, GoPro has better components, but the default lenses could be better Use markup to create VR experiences that work across desktop, iOS, Android, and the Oculus Rift launching its own VR framework codenamed KEN - Kolor Eye Next (based on HTML5, Three.js) - Preview seems promising - Beta will likely launch later this year. Cinematic VR agency - Using technique of switching between 360 and normal video helps 360 video producers in combining VR and normal content, stills, forced cuts, and orientation to maximize narrative. Requires its own player and uses metadata to separate the video layer from interactivity is an aggregator and licensor of 360 photos is a Russian agency focused on panoramic photos / videos. Impressive aerial footage that is being licensed to media outlets. They created an internal tool VRAP to manage 360 files and view them quickly. They plan to start selling it around July paper about Depth Cues in the Human Visual System sells remote controlled rovers that can accommodate 360 gear and will stabilize them provides 360 rigs and body mounts - I expect they will feel the competition of the GoPro Omni pretty soon. They also span off which is a full service VR agency. It's a common pattern for VR agencies to start building tools and for VR hardware companies to start offering content services.
• From Koncept VR presentation:
○ New dynamics in VR production (older video production techniques don't translate always well in 360)
§ Conceptual - Role of the viewer and camera, set as character
§ Creative - Compose action around the viewer, direct / guide focus and attention
§ Technical - Cameras, staging, camera motion
○ New rules in VR production
§ Main action occurs at the center of the equirectangular
§ Direction of motion is always towards the center of the equirectangular
§ Subject's distance to camera conveys its importance (closer = greater emphasis)
○ Some techniques that need rethinking
§ Composition
§ Choreography
§ Lighting
§ Soundscape
§ Motion
§ Editing

Event bonus - It was fun getting to know our fearless forum leader @dansmigrod, @BarrieFisherPhoto, @truespaces and other MP members.

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Wonderdawg private msg quote post Address this user
Great notes! Thanks so much for sharing.
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APN private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks for the summary!
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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Thank you SO much for this IVRPA summary. Fantastic!

Great commentary and the links are helpful too.

Fun visiting with you through-out the conference.


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TuanDinh private msg quote post Address this user
Thank you Tosolini.
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aerialpixels private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks for the notes!
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360Verbeelding private msg quote post Address this user
wauw, good job. sounds you had fun.

Grtz Rene.
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