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BLK360 + Pro3 in one tour, how to combine both?19181

EMILIANO private msg quote post Address this user

I would like to know what is the best way to combine scans taken with Blk360 G1 and PRO3. What precautions to use based on your experience.

Thank you

Post 1 IP   flag post
DZeigler private msg quote post Address this user
You can utilize both using the Capture App. Just connect to the camera and off you go.

You may have to restart the app and/or cameras from time to time. Other than that it is easy.
Post 2 IP   flag post
Gladsmuir private msg quote post Address this user
Hi @Emiliano,
Have you a specific situations where you were thinking of combining scans from both units during a capture?
Having used the BLK360 G1 with the Pro2 I understand the logic of using the two very different units to provide a combination of covering large areas with the former along with the superior imagery from the latter.
So far I have not come across a situation where the more dense point cloud of the BLK was required, so I know of no real situations where both have been combined.
On larger captures, say 1500 scan points, the massive size of the data will overwhelm most non-specialists computing capacity.
Increasing the file size above the 1.5 million points per scan of the Pro3 by using the Generation 1 BLK360 for some scans would put further pressure on the computer system.
I look forward to hearing from any contributors who can provide feedback on their use of the two LiDAR units combined.
Post 3 IP   flag post
Osaka, Japan
Meidansha private msg quote post Address this user
On several occasions this year I have combined pro2 with Leica for better photographic quality combined with better graphic quality. Also because the Pro2 can become difficult to use when doing 1000 scan points plus.

In cooperation with another creator who uses a pro3 we have used the Leica and Pro3 simultaneously. The pro3 indoors and the Leica outdoors, as the outdoor photographs were not so necessary but the exterior dollhouse was a request from the client. The Leica has the advantage of being useable even when the tripod wobbles a bit so we usually elevate it up to heights of 3 or 4 metres.
Post 4 IP   flag post
EMILIANO private msg quote post Address this user
@DZeigler @Gladsmuir @Meidansha

I used the PRO2 for 1198 scans and the PRO3 for 39 (external) scans. Apart from the long processing time, everything ended successfully. I have now sold the PRO2, but I would like to integrate the work with the BLK360 G1 for external/internal use while at the same time using the PRO3, so as to optimize working time. Thanks for your advice.

Post 5 IP   flag post
ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
@EMILIANO if you already own a Pro3 what are you trying to achieve with the Blk 360. Just trying to understand since both are similar in capture capabilities.
Post 6 IP   flag post
EMILIANO private msg quote post Address this user

The answer is simple. Despite being a happy owner of a Pro3 (which I use exclusively for surveying buildings) they offered me a used BLK360 G1 for €4500. An excellent price, plus the possibility of subsequently aligning the scans taken with the BLK, and being able to scan very tall building facades (over 20ml) would be really useful to me

Post 7 IP   flag post
ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
@EMILIANO Wow for that price I personally would do the same, yes I totally understand and would not pass that deal up.
Post 8 IP   flag post
EMILIANO private msg quote post Address this user

even if for each processing that includes even a single scan carried out with BLK, I will have to pay €29, I will be able to do two jobs/in the same job and work with 2 people and reduce acquisition times.

Post 9 IP   flag post
EMILIANO private msg quote post Address this user
Hi everyone,

update to my thread, from today I own the BLK360 G1... now after updating the firmware to the latest version, we will proceed with some tests...

stay waiting....

Post 10 IP   flag post
EMILIANO private msg quote post Address this user
Hi everyone,

After some TESTS carried out (changing settings-scanning speed), between BLK360 G1 integration and CAPTURE APP, I can say that I was "a little disappointed".
The app (or is it the BLK360?) WITHOUT ANY REASON, at random, starts scanning and freezes, finishes scanning and does not send the data, disconnects. Both the BLK360 G1 and the Capture app are updated to the latest firmware and release version (5.28). This is very frustrating. I carried out tests with IPAD PRO 2GEN. As soon as I can I'll try with my iPhone 14 PRO MAX. Any advice or should I use the CYCLONE REGISTER 360 BLK app (which costs a fortune)??

Post 11 IP   flag post
Osaka, Japan
Meidansha private msg quote post Address this user
@EMILIANO the integration of the Leica to the Matterport Capture App is not so great. First I will answer your problems then I will suggest 4 things to be aware of when using the Leica.

"should I use the CYCLONE REGISTER 360 BLK app" Buying the cyclone register app will not fix this. It will work better but it cannot be integrated with Matterport. If you want to create point clouds outside of Matterport this is a viable option and the Cyclone Field App lets you see your work in 3D in real time.

"changing settings-scanning speed" Only use medium density scan and either HDR 2 or 3 (2 if indoors with no windows and 3 if a larger dynamic range is necessary). Trust me I have seen the results of low scan density and high density is a waste on Matterport.

"starts scanning and freezes" Always turn the camera off and refresh the App when this happens. You cannot reimport a scan from the Leica where the Leica froze without freezing it again so don't try.

"finishes scanning and does not send the data". This is the App going to sleep on the job. Refresh the App and reimport the scan from the Leica.

In general if you get a situation where the camera stops working there can be a couple of reasons.

1. the iPad lost it's wifi connection with the device. This can happen easily. The Leica was meant to be used on building sites where having the technician in the shot was not considered a problem. To avoid losing connection I leave the iPad below the tripod or walk around behind the Leica as it spins holding the ipad.

2. You must make one Pro3 or Pro2 scan first before starting with the Leica. I don't know why, but if you want to combine the two cameras and not scan completely with the Leica, the Matterport capture App needs one Pro2 or Pro3 scan to start the ball rolling.

3. If the Leica stops before finishing a scan turn it off and let it shut down properly. If you hold the button too long it will force shutdown and even if you start it again it still won't scan properly. To fix this allow the Leica to shutdown properly refresh the Matterport Capture App and turn the Leica back on again.

4. When your Leica hits 25% on remaining battery power change the battery. When transferring data the demand on the battery peaks and it can suddenly run out of power.
Post 12 IP   flag post
EMILIANO private msg quote post Address this user

Thank you very much for your advice. I will try to make the best use of them.

Post 13 IP   flag post
Osaka, Japan
Meidansha private msg quote post Address this user
Not a problem! I don't regret my buying a Leica (for what would have been 31,200 Euros at the time!)

If you use it in conjunction with big tripods or an aerial work platform (or both, like I did) you can do this!

Once you have managed to use it with matterport I urge you to explore using it to make point clouds for architects too to get the most for your investment.
Post 14 IP   flag post
EMILIANO private msg quote post Address this user

update, today I did some tests (based on your advice) and:
1) I did two scans with my PRO3, using the second as scan 1 of the 2nd scan project with the BLK360 G1
2) I carried out 7 scans with HDR 3 at Medium Resolution. No alignment problems between the BLK360 scans (thanks for the "tip" @Meidansha) apart from 3:55 min per scan against the 25sec of the PRO3
3) I started importing the 7 scans into 1 project (1:55 per scan) , everything was fine, apart from 2 misalignments (I was in a car park and the rows of parking spaces highlighted the errors!!!). I deleted the two scans made with the PRO3, and the errors disappeared.
Where am I wrong? If I load the project without scanning, will PRO2/PRO3 still be processed?

Thank you

Post 15 IP   flag post
Osaka, Japan
Meidansha private msg quote post Address this user
@EMILIANO I hope I haven't misunderstood your question, but if you delete a PRO2 or PRO3 scan and upload it is gone and won't appear after processing.

Some misalignments correct in processing anyway so unless it is going to cause problems scanning on the ground I ususally leave them and upload to see what happens.

If I am in the middle of a project and the misallignment is going to put out the following scans I choose between deleting the misalligned scan and trying again or using the new repoositioning tool in the capture App. The repositioning tool is still in beta and is a bit hit and miss (literally) so I usually recan if it is a Pro2 scan as it is quicker.

I don't know why but the capture app seems to give priority to Matterport cameras, so while Leica scans are more accurate, a single Pro2 scan can throw the whole project. For that reason I will usually scan a single Pro2 scan and then do as much Leica as I intend on doing. Finally I do all the Pro2 after the Leica work is finished.

I hope this helps.
Post 16 IP   flag post
EMILIANO private msg quote post Address this user

I always thank you for your precious advice.

I am aware that many misalignments are corrected during processing, but if you upload a project without BLK360 scans they have no cost, with just a BLK360 scan it costs €29, and although it is a test, I wanted to avoid the expense for now.
My use of the BLK360 is aimed at being able to take advantage of the possibility of loading its scans onto a single project, performing internal scans of buildings with the PRO3 (the speed of carrying them out in rooms with furniture/objects is unmatched by the slowness of the BLK360 ) and use the bLK360 for outdoors (greater scanning distance and data precision to detect building facades/roofs would make up for its slowness), for images made with the “bad” HDR, no problem, with my iPhone 14 Pro Max I more than make up for the gap. furthermore, the BLK360 has the possibility (even if the PRO3 had it, damn....) to scan using the base of the transport container, and for unreachable facades (due to the impossibility of accessing unusable spaces/owned by third parties) that's enough place it on a windowsill... and that's it.
I do not use the PRO3 to promote the sale of properties but to carry out surveys to develop projects or transfer the point cloud created to third parties.

Post 17 IP   flag post
dave3d private msg quote post Address this user
We bought a blk 360 g1 and really wanted to love it, then hoped to like it, then sold it. To get 6mm you have to be high setting which is not justifiable time wise. You need a relatively wide capture field or you lose alignment, and no movement of objects within the area which can be tough. We bought Pro3 and have much less alignment issue, outside use and good range. Blk g1 has thermal which Matterport and g2 don't have but we never used it. The 20mm accuracy at 10m of pro3 is fine for what we do and the 20m pro3 vs 30m blk 360 range never challenged us with the project types we do. If we need more accuracy for commercial work we do side by side laser measurements that we include with the work. Photographic and video quality on blk vs pro2 is ridiculous - blk is terrible video or photo. But pro2 is also better for photos than pro3. We have a few z1s and never use them anymore really unless a job requests them. So for us blk 360 g1 was a complete fail. Pro3 is the "goto" workhorse inside and outside, and we use pro2s for long hosting and photos. Combining pros and blks wasn't an issue as long as we rescanned the last contact point first with whatever we switched to. If you bought one I hope your experience with it is better than ours. We might have considered blk gen2 with the fast capture speed but now with pro3 Leica isn't going to be working with Matterport I don't imagine. Also, if you got Cyclone remember the clock starts ticking when acquired not when activated.
Post 18 IP   flag post
EMILIANO private msg quote post Address this user

Thank you so much for sharing your (less than satisfactory) experience with the BLK360 G1. As I have already underlined, my purchase was for the opportunity I had, I would never have spent €10,000 + VAT to buy a used BLK360 G1... but for €4,500 including VAT, missing the opportunity would have been an unforgivable entrepreneurial mistake. The speed of the PRO3 is unquestionable, but being able to work on the same survey, with two operators, is unmatched, BLK 360 for outdoors (the 45 meters of scanning are really convenient compared to the 20 meters of the PRO3...). If you use MEDIA scanning and HDR3 (as suggested by @Meidansha) the integration is optimized. I calculated scan times and transfer times, and with 5:45min I have integrated scanning in relief carried out with PRO3. The (declared) precision is 10mm at 10 metres... better than the PRO3 (20mm at 10 metres... even if my measurements carried out "in the field" show them to be 12/15mm...).

I will update you.

Post 19 IP   flag post
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