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Captur3D new price structure?18918

dave3d private msg quote post Address this user
So captur3d is now charging subscription hosting fees based on number of active tours? Is that your take? And to do white label at all will require a minimum monthly fee requirement? These changes effective August 1st?

So it will be Matterport subscription fee plus the Captur3D monthly subscription fee for active tours?

And lower discounts looks like on credit blocks
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Club Member
Buffalo, New York
GETMYVR private msg quote post Address this user
@dave3d I'm using Captur3d almost exclusively for their 3d & free 2d floor plans. Love it. I host elsewhere but did you know you can virtually furnish an empty Matterport model with the design studio. While in beta it's still free. Free hosting is gone.
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dave3d private msg quote post Address this user
Yeah get, we've used them for a few years now. Trying to confirm my understanding of the new model is accurate.
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and COO
Melbourne AUS
Steven_Kounnas private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Dave,

Your understanding is pretty much correct. The only thing ill add is that you will have access to an unlimited number of basic overlays, which includes branding and a menu. Then all of our creator studio based features (including virtual staging) will be part of the subscription.

All of our services, such as floor plans, post production and photo retouching, remain on credits with the price staying the same, but we have slightly amended the bundles that you can purchase and have remove the monthly recurring payments for them.

Hope that helps.

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