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Matterport Capture App + iPad Pro touch screen Problems?18810

Cayman Islands
Harrycayman private msg quote post Address this user

I've been using my iPad pro for a few years. done hundreds of scans.

I see to have issues with Matterport app such as even adding mirrors and trying to move them into place. After wards the trim seems to take a while and it has delayed response.

Anybody else experiencing this? If so were you able to fix the problem?

I have tried to clean screen. any suggestions would be great.
Post 1 IP   flag post
daslack private msg quote post Address this user
I have had the same problem with my IPad Pro lately as well. I have 2 suggestions that should help you. First, if you don’t have an Apple Pencil, get one. It makes marking a scan so much easier and more precise. Second, I find I have difficulty getting the “windows, mirrors, trim” functions to work when my iPad is a very warm. My iPad overheated on a commercial scan I did a few weeks ago. In the summer when it’s really hot I carry a small cooler with ice packs in it just in case it overheats. I put it in the cooler for a few minutes and it seems to respond much better. I am sure that’s sounds a little odd but it has helped.
Post 2 IP   flag post
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Noddy private msg quote post Address this user
@Harry, I have exactly the same problem, just started today. I think its the Matterport app itself, not the iPad, I don't recall doing any software updates recently, but perhaps they are automatic if minor ones. I would like to resolve this also.. anyone else out there noticing same?
Post 3 IP   flag post
Cayman Islands
Harrycayman private msg quote post Address this user

The iPad does react normally in other apps just Matterport maybe I will reach out to them but it seems they may or may not respond from posts I’ve seen
Post 4 IP   flag post
Cayman Islands
Harrycayman private msg quote post Address this user
My iPad heated up to during a project and have to take to my car turn on Ac. I like the ice pack idea may try that on next construction site that’s outdoors. Temp here normally breeen 87 and 92 degrees these days
Post 5 IP   flag post
ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
Are you using the Pro2 or Pro3 camera? If your using the Pro3 and older IPad I found that the data collected with Pro3 is a lot more data per scan and I believe it does push the capabilities of the older IPad Pro to its limits. I upgrade from 3rd generation IPad Pro 10.5 to newest IPad Pro 10.9 M2 processor and max ram. I found I have had little to no issues with capture app on Pro 3. Just a guess but if you go in and look at file size there is a big difference with Pro2 and 3.
Post 6 IP   flag post
Cayman Islands
Harrycayman private msg quote post Address this user

I have a ipad pro 5 generation 12.9 inch
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Noddy private msg quote post Address this user
Any updates on this, have any of you contacted Matterport yet to report it?
Post 8 IP   flag post
Cayman Islands
Harrycayman private msg quote post Address this user
No upadet on this yet will follow up
Post 9 IP   flag post
Cayman Islands
Harrycayman private msg quote post Address this user
reply from matterport

Hi Harry,

Thank you for getting in touch!

As I review your specifications, the possible reason why your iPad Pro Generation 5 with 1 TB slows down when you editing some models is that 953.1 GB of 1 TB is already been used.

We suggest you save some of your spaces to a cloud file hosting service application on your device to free up your storage memory. Here are a few examples:
• Dropbox
• Google Drive
• Microsoft OneDrive
Log in to your account in your cloud storage app on your device.
Make a folder in your cloud storage service that is clearly a place for storing Matterport Exports.
Post 10 IP   flag post
Basic Member
Noddy private msg quote post Address this user
I can absolutely say that this is not the cause of the problem, as I have exact same lagging, and I am using a 1 TB iPad also, with over 800GB of available memory.
Ok Matterport, now what?
I have been in touch with them also, and they asked me to update all software versions of capture and iOS also, when I've done that I will test again
Post 11 IP   flag post
Basic Member
Noddy private msg quote post Address this user
My iPad is iPad Pro 11 inch, now upgraded to iOS version 16.5.1

Here is what I received from Matterport a few days ago re the lagging issue:

"Greetings from Matterport!

We hope this email finds you in good health and high spirit. We appreciate you raising this concern with us.

I'd be more than happy to help you. In order for me to dig deeper into the issue, I'd like to ask you some questions and perform some troubleshooting steps:

Kindly update the following software:
Update the IOS software to the 16.5.1
Firmware of your camera.
kindly check if you have the update Matterport app.
Once you have update this, kindly try and scan using your device if the lagging and errors are still persistent you can contact us back or reply to this email thread for further resolution.

I hope this provided information is useful to you. Please feel welcome to reply to this email with any questions you may have.

Thank you for contacting Matterport Support!"
Post 12 IP   flag post
Cayman Islands
Harrycayman private msg quote post Address this user
Post 13 IP   flag post
Cayman Islands
Harrycayman private msg quote post Address this user
I tried the app and still same problem
Post 14 IP   flag post
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