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MatterportPro3Sparks Media Group

Video: Matterport Pro3 Camera Disassembly18685

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Suisun City, California
ScanYourSpace private msg quote post Address this user
Video: Matterport Pro Disassembly | Video courtesy of Sparks Media Group's YouTube Channel | 26 May 2023 | Scan Your Space (a Division of Sparks Media Group) Founder and CEO Tom Sparks | | | @ScanYourSpace

Transcript: (Video above)

Tom Sparks: Hi everybody. Tom Sparks with Sparks Media Group. Today, we're going to do what some would consider the unthinkable. We're going to take apart the Matterport Pro3 Camera. You may ask yourself, why on earth would you want to take a part of a brand new Pro3 camera? Well, I'm just curious if you've seen my previous videos. I've taken a part of the Matterport Pro3 Camera, and when I received this, I was curious to see what was inside of it. Now I'll say before you begin this, I'm like 100 percent sure that it will avoid any warranties that you have by taking it apart, so do so at your own risk. Some of the methods that I use to get this apart, you may not agree with. But just know that I filmed this video in real time. I was stumbling through it, and you'll hear that in my expressions and how I'm talking about things. I'm more focused on breaking the particular components than I am on narrating exactly what I'm doing. But I'm going to leave everything in so that you guys can see from start to finish how to take it apart and then how to put it back together. Let's begin. This is a camera that Matterport just released not too long ago and I'll show you guys all the sides of it.

Tom Sparks: We're going to start by trying to tackle this back plate here.

Tom Sparks: I have instead plastic trim removal tool. We'll try to get it in here and pop this out and see what happens.

Tom Sparks: Having some success up top.

Tom Sparks: Now there's a rubber gasket that I can see in here, so it's somewhat weather sealed. Which is good to know.

Tom Sparks: In here you can see this rubber gasket, and I'm going to flip this around so I can see it. But there's a ribbon cable disconnected right here.

Tom Sparks: Normally with these ribbon cables, you push forward a little bit.

Tom Sparks: That should slide out,

Tom Sparks: so that's how this ribbon cable comes out. This is a hinge right here. If we lift up the hinge, we can pull the cable out. Like so.

Tom Sparks: Now this is the lidar mirror and I'm spinning it with my finger, and you can see that this spins around, and it says US digital audit,

Tom Sparks: and it says 50 CPR em1150i, 12317 rev B.

Tom Sparks: That's what it says on that disk.

Tom Sparks: Now that we have the backoff, let's see if we can get the front.

Tom Sparks: It's really snapped in there well,

Tom Sparks: try to bottom that are liquid the bottom.

Tom Sparks: Now as I'm going around, I'm prion up,

Tom Sparks: and here's the front piece. Again, it's piece of plastic and rubber 0 ring around it,

Tom Sparks: so this says Flex P IFA 2.4 or 5 gigahertz. This must be the, maybe the Wi-Fi receiver. Here we have the lens and here's the motor. It spins the camera around,

Tom Sparks: so we have the front, bottom, and the back.

Tom Sparks: Again, this also says flicks PIFA from layered LAIRD 2.4 and 5 gigahertz, and there's a wire running into there. Now it's interesting, there's a micro USB and some other connector here. I'm curious now what those go to for the purposes of them. Let's see what else we can take apart from this,

Tom Sparks: looks like we have a T10

Tom Sparks: and can take the one that's down here off,

Tom Sparks: and we'll take this one off.

Tom Sparks: Now we have one of the sides off it,

Tom Sparks: and if we flip it over,

Tom Sparks: see we have similar screws.

Tom Sparks: I'll bet I'm not going to be able to get this off nicely with this on the way.

Tom Sparks: Let's see what we can do here.

Tom Sparks: In order to get that off, I bet it hinges down a little bit so we can get it to come forward.

Tom Sparks: Let's tackle it another way. Let's do the side right here and take this one out.

Tom Sparks: Let's see if that helps. Nope.

Tom Sparks: These black screws are T9s.

Tom Sparks: Now in this side, this board says Matterport. The chip says, Telit, T-E-L-I-T.

Tom Sparks: There's a ribbon cable that's connecting that board to here. It says on here, push, so you push this down and then this comes out easily.

Tom Sparks: Get that out of the way.

Tom Sparks: Now let's play this off. Let's get these other screws out of here.

Tom Sparks: This ribbon cable which connects the LIDAR camera, you simply lift it up and then it slides up so we have that out.

Tom Sparks: Now we can lift

Tom Sparks: the mirror out and it has a ribbon cable which goes right down there so I will lift the tab on that and pull that ribbon cable out.

Tom Sparks: This connector lifts up on either end and then the cable comes straight up. Here we have the mirror assembly out.

Tom Sparks: What I'm trying to do here is get this whole thing apart.

Tom Sparks: Well, let's try to get the camera.

Tom Sparks: Back to the T10. So far, with the exception of the four black screws, all these are the same size and length. T10 screw.

Tom Sparks: Now this is quite interesting. This piece on the back of the camera is preventing me from getting it out.

Tom Sparks: We're going to pause that for a second and figure out this bottom piece.

Tom Sparks: It looks like there's a piece of plastic separating the rotator from the shell. I'm going to assume it's plastic. Typically very gentle with this.

Tom Sparks: It's not plastic, it's metal

Tom Sparks: and it's actually screwed in, I think.

Tom Sparks: Got it. This is a net effectively. We've got the net out, now, we have the shell off.

Tom Sparks: With the shell off, we can see this cable, and it goes through and connects right here.

Tom Sparks: In this type of connector, you just lift straight up and then the cable will come out.

Tom Sparks: Here we have the camera,

Tom Sparks: the RGB sensor, ribbon cable.

Tom Sparks: Put that aside, and what we're left with is effectively everything else, so the PCB board and not quite sure what everything is. Here you have the rotator and

Tom Sparks: that's it. I'm curious to see what's in here. Let's take a look.

Tom Sparks: I'm going to assume the actual lidar itself is this. We have a mirror and there's a connector there and then there's this connector on the back. This cable goes down and around, around there, around to the front. I'm not actually going to take the connector off of that, so I'll put it back. I'm going to get some pictures of everything.

Tom Sparks: Now let's put this back together.

Tom Sparks: Now we're going to put everything back together.

Tom Sparks: Let's put our fish.

Tom Sparks: This through there.

Tom Sparks: I missed putting that back there.

Tom Sparks: Definitely, let me put that back in the right order.

Tom Sparks: Now, I had to take the case back off because I didn't put that ribbon cable in. It goes right, let's see it goes right down in there.

Tom Sparks: Actually, I didn't have to take this case up to get to it, but I thought I was going to have to leave and you learn.

Tom Sparks: Now they must have some special tool to get this ring back in place.

Tom Sparks: My special tool is a flat head, a little bit of pressure,

Tom Sparks: is in place.

Tom Sparks: I will put it on. I can show you guys.

Tom Sparks: Once it sits in there, you simply press it down. It's really easy connection it makes,

Tom Sparks: the back plate on,

Tom Sparks: the front plate on, and the lens cap on.

Tom Sparks: There you have it, it's all back together.

Tom Sparks: Well, there you have it, guys. That's how you take apart a Matterport Pro3 Camera and put it back together. If you found this video informational or useful, feel free to give it a thumbs up, subscribe to the channel if you're not already subscribed, and feel free to share the video if you find value in doing that. Thanks for watching.
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HarlanHambright private msg quote post Address this user
That looks like a bad idea.
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Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
Matterport is using DJI lidar(Livox). That is a surprise. I was absolutely sure they created a pro3 collaborating with Leica.
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