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Video: Stand Out in Today’s Market: Leveraging Matterport to Win Listings & Attract More Buyers | Video courtesy of Lucy Edwards YouTube Channel | 10 May 2023

To sell properties, real estate agents and brokers must win listings in an increasingly competitive market. Now, you can accomplish this faster and stand out to buyers with Matterport Digital Twins.

With a tech-forward approach, real estate professionals can increase their reach and find the perfect buyer — saving time and money. Join us as we discuss how to win more listings and better engage with today’s buyers using Matterport Digital Twins, VHT Gold Series photography, and our new turnkey marketing solution, [Matterport] Digital Pro.

Source: Lucy Edwards YouTube Channel

Transcript (video above)

Kate Remillard: Welcome everybody to our very special webinar all about standing out in today's market by leveraging Matterport to attract more buyers. We were so thrilled that you all joined us today and we are spending your time to come and learn more about some amazing solutions we have for you. First, some housekeeping items.

Please submit your questions to the Q&A tab on your screen. We want to hear from you, so don't be shy. This session will be recorded and available on-demand. We'll be sharing it out to everybody who registered tomorrow. Don't drop off before the end of this session.

Those of you who stay out, it will be in the running for free giveaways and everyone will get an exclusive promo code for $100 off your next order. I'm excited to be one of your hosts today. My name is Kate Remillard. I'm on the marketing team with BHT studios and Matterport. We also have Lucy Edwards here today,

Our Director of strategic engagement. Most of you probably know Lucy. Along with her monthly talk show, Lunch with Lucy that we do together. Lucy is out and about many industry events, like we just said, she's a panelist at the NYC expo tomorrow. Anybody who's going to be in New York City tomorrow, go see Lucy.

Lucy Edwards: Thank you.

Kate Remillard: Now I'd like to introduce our experts and special guests for today. Vince Collura, Director of Operations at BHT and Matterport. Vince is our true subject matter expert and he's our go-to for all photography and Media Information. Welcome, Vince.

Vince Collura: Thank you.

Kate Remillard: Next we have two agents who are very familiar with using Matterport to market and sell their listings. Tamika Nealy-Farmbry with Elfant Wissahickon Realtors in Philadelphia. Welcome to Tamika.

Tamika Nealy-Farmbry: Well, thank you.

Kate Remillard: We also have Brad Zibung from Compass here in Chicago. Thank you, Brad, for being here today.

Brad Zibung: Thanks for having me.

Kate Remillard: Awesome. Quickly I'll just go through the agenda. We're going to do a quick intro to the HTN Matterport. We'll review some stats around trends we're seeing in today's markets. Then we'll talk about how BHT can equip you for success. Will add with some Q&A and our announcements at the end. Sounds good? We'll get started and I'll hand it over to Vince.

Vince Collura: Awesome. I think I successfully unmuted. Yes, I did. Cool. Hello everyone. As some of you might already know, BHT was acquired by Matterport last year. Since joining forces, we've been really busy tuning our offerings to provide options for everyone here as well as guiding the company as a whole in successfully navigating the nuances of working with agents, brokers.

And now photographers. Our goal is to accompany what we really targeted at BHT studios and now Matterport wants to improve how people interact with physical properties in a digital world. There's so much that we can do with our Digital Twin technology. There's so much value that the media brings to our listings. Really why?

Because we want to help buyers find perfect homes and sellers find the perfect buyers. This extends well beyond the world of real estate as Matterport works across a wide range of sectors to help companies manage their physical spaces remotely, not just market them. Matterport technology has been used to scan more than 22 billion square feet so far.

What we want everyone to take away from today's session, we want to share with you how to rise above the competition. How to really stand out and be more successful by using professional media and leveraging all of the technology, everything that we have to offer. Let's do a quick check-in, where do we stand today?

What's changed in the last couple of years for agents? We've all found a way through the pandemic and now the market is changing again, and there's way more competition for fewer listings. Looking at some of this data that we pulled from Realtor, the spring seasons off to an even slower start than previous years.

As they're significantly fewer houses coming on the market versus previous years at the same time. In almost every market, new listings are way down, but days on market are up and active listings are up because they're stuck. That lagginess. One thing is clear to me, one thing is clear to everybody who's looking at this, homes aren't just selling themselves anymore.

What does that give us? Sellers and more anxious than ever, there's way more competition for agents. Agents are competing harder to win those listings. I'm going to turn it over to Lucy real quick who can speak with some of our special guests on this specific topic.

Lucy Edwards: Well, thank you Vince. Now, it is a great time to check in with our guest to find out what's happening in this field. Kate, let us also launch an office pool so we can hear from everyone in the audience and please, please participate and ask questions. Tamika, let's start with you. Well, first of all, I would love to introduce you.

Tamika and Brad first of all thank you so much for being here with us today and for joining us, and we really, really, truly appreciate it. Both of you are in two different markets.

Brad Zibung: Yes we are.

Lucy Edwards: What do you see out there in terms of the number of listings and days on the market, and do you think it's still sold as a market? Tamika, take it away.

Tamika Nealy-Farmbry: I am in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and the market is totally different here because sometimes if you're in a really hot area, you're still going to get multiple listings, you're going to get multiple offers. But you may not get your 15 but you're sure enough you're going to get more than one. But if you're in certain areas, it is a buyer's market. It's different, we're area by area.

Lucy Edwards: I get it. What about you, Brad? What would you say about Chicago land and where in Chicago you are?

Brad Zibung: I'm in the city proper. My office is based in Buck town. I live in Wicker Park and work mostly in the city neighborhoods from South Bloop up to Rogers Park. I agree with what Tamika says in Chicago. It's very situational now it's neighborhood by neighborhood property type, by property type. A lot of locations and property types are still seeing multiple offers.

Instead of last year where it was 15, maybe this year it is five. Then other neighborhoods are those that are collar neighborhoods around downtown high-rises. A lot of those aren't quite as popular as they had been, particularly pre-COVID. That's how things are shaping up for us here right now.

Lucy Edwards: According to our tool, it is definitely sold as a market. Now 140 out of 146 were saying that it is a sellers market. Interesting.

Vince Collura: I'm actually going to break the script for a second, surprise, surprise. I'm going to ask a few folks who voted at the seller's market. I'm sorry. Which one was the non-dominant?

Tamika Nealy-Farmbry: Buyer's market.

Lucy Edwards: Buyer's market.

Vince Collura: The few folks who threw a buyer's market, I would love to see if you want to throw in in the Q&A section why you feel that it's a buyers market. That'll get right over to us and it will plug up the chat. This is just complete intellectual curiosity. I promise it will be everything. Sorry about that, Kate.

Kate Remillard: Hey.

Lucy Edwards: Welcome back Remi.

Kate Remillard: Tamika.

Tamika Nealy-Farmbry: Yes, Remi , can I say something is a mixed market. I don't think we can define this market. Like Brad was saying, like in our market it's area by area. Certain areas that might be a buyer's market and then [inaudible 00:08:13]

Vince Collura: Your fingers just going to be

Tamika Nealy-Farmbry: Seller's market.

Vince Collura: It's the hyper-local real estate. It could be true that for the 20 people that said it's that right, that's because that's what they're seeing and they might not be working across different geographies, it's okay.

Lucy Edwards: Then we also have comments that the price reductions are tremendous. That I'm sure is making a difference.

Vince Collura: Excellent. I am seeing comments talking about the seller's market in the North Shore suburbs, mixed market, and I agree with Ed, but prices are down. Then we did get some info here. Maria Lena in New York says to her in New York and Maria, I'm not sure where you are, but she says it's still a seller's market. Well, thanks for the comments, guys.

Kate Remillard: Let's keep on trucking here. We wanted to tell you about the survey that Matterport conducted in February of this year with home buyers and sellers across the nation. To dig into these numbers a little bit more. Let's take a look at what we've found.

Vince Collura: Awesome. We asked viewers, right buyers which tools were most important to aid in their buying decision. Not surprisingly, photography was still by far the most important. But then we saw 3D Tours crop up as number 2 in that list. More important than floor plans, which was a huge surprise to us. Because historically, we see more agents requesting floor plans than 3D Tours. It's a really sizable percentage of our business. Overall, our stats show that less than 5% of listings even have a 3D tour. Think about what that means? The buyers are saying, Hey, 3D tours, immensely useful. We like them, but only one in 20 listings even have one.

This represents a really great opportunity to stand out and deliver what the buyers are saying it will. We also back this up, because that's a survey looking at some more of the data, we see that home buyers spend more time viewing listings with 3D Tours. In fact, looking at the studies and the data that we've been able to pull shows that for an average of 2,400 square foot homes.

Viewers spend an additional four-and-a-half minutes viewing a listing when it features a 3D tour, than listing without. You're capturing more of the interest, more of their time. I know everyone understands how important it is to increase the amount of time buyers spend looking at your listing. More time equals more interest and more interest means your listing is connected with their hearts and minds.

You're grabbing mindshare. - I think it's over to Lucy to ask Brad and Tamika a couple of questions.

Lucy Edwards: - Sorry about that. I do have a couple questions. Let's start this time with Brad. How much more engagement do you see in your listings with 3D tools? Then I have another question for both of you, but let's start with you, Brad.

Brad Zibung: - For me, I did. The sense of engagement is almost anecdotal as much as anything else. If I'm hosting showings or open houses, and my listings, people say, I really loved the ability to take that 3D tool or whatever they call it, walk around before you walk around on my laptop or whatever.

You hear that, and then the other side of it. I know we'll talk about this for a while later, but my sellers appreciate it.

Brad Zibung: Our goal is to avoid surprises when it comes to that stuff. If buyers and sellers are aligned and know that they have a better idea of what they're going to see in person, that means it's worth it, and I get the anecdotal sense of engagement when people mention it to him.

Lucy Edwards: - What about you, Tamika? How much more engagement do you see?

Tamika Nealy-Farmbry: - From my perspective and my team's perspective, we're going with more of the social media. We're seeing a 50% increase in engagement. You're talking about people who are forwarding our pictures, or Matterport or they're in our what they call direct messages.

They're asking questions. Other agents want to know who did this marketing for you? This is what we're seeing and we're also seeing people commenting more, and that's just social media for us.

Lucy Edwards: - In your social media, are you incorporating the doll house or how do you picture Matterport in your social media?

Tamika Nealy-Farmbry: - The doll house.

Lucy Edwards: - The doll house.

Tamika Nealy-Farmbry: - That's the crowd pleaser.

Lucy Edwards: - That's a great name for it, Tamika. I have another question for both of you. Are you noticing more demand in the last 6-12 months for 3D tools from your clients, buyers and sellers? Brad, let's start with you.

Brad Zibung: - That's a great question again, the way that I measure a lot of stuff is mostly anecdotal.

Brad Zibung: Sellers get excited when I show them other listings that I've been selling, and they see some of what went into that, the marketing and the ways that we're showcasing it. You have the Matterport front and center of that. Listening to the video with me walking into suits and let's go check it out. Those are the things that really drive that.

Lucy Edwards: - I see, so are you incorporating it in social media?

Brad Zibung: - No, I need to learn about this doll house thing.

Brad Zibung: I'll sometimes post the link.

Tamika Nealy-Farmbry: - Brad, it's pretty cool. It's super cool.

Brad Zibung: - We'll have to talk offline so you can educate me.

Lucy Edwards: - It's easy even though I know how to do it. You will definitely learn. I believe now it's up to you, Tamika.

Tamika Nealy-Farmbry: - First the sellers don't really know about the marketing. I'm excited when I introduce it to them. Because then after they see, they feel, my house is like a home and gardens. They're pretty excited.

Lucy Edwards: - Now it's to you Vince.

Vince Collura: - Cool. Now that we've seen some of the data that sets the stage for where we're at in the market, and we have a better understanding of how just some agents are using all that we have to offer, let's dive in and talk about what we can do to help you succeed. I'm excited to say that now we've got more tools available than ever before to create the best possible online showing pure listings.

Platinum, Gold, and Silver photography shot with a DSLR camera, 3D Tools, video, drone, floor plans. It's really a full suite of tools to help you ensure that you have everything you need to successfully market your listings. We can start and jump in with what most people are most familiar with. Traditional photography. It's shot with a DSLR, it's shot by a professional photographer.

At DHT, we offer three levels of photography, platinum, gold, and silver. But today we're going to highlight our most popular gold series. We have a Matterport 3D tool floor plan. I said Gold Series, it's our most popular, and there's a good reason for that. What makes gold the best? It starts with the top [inaudible 00:16:03] captured by seasoned professionals.

The folks who we bring into the network come to us already great photographers. But then we put them through extensive education and photographic coaching that leads to what we call gold certification, and really stunning imagery starts with composition, and you could see a sampling of what I'm talking about on-screen here. Our team just knocks it out of the ballpark with that.

Then, outside of composition, how we actually frame the photograph. There's all the technical stuff. There's a whole lot that goes into creating a goal photograph. Each is composed of five or more frames that get layered and emerged by our Studio team to create a final image that takes advantage of a complete range of light.

There's all sorts of tech that we can talk about here. I noted out on the first run of this and they cut it by seven minutes. We're not going to bore you with all those details. But what you need to know is there's a bunch of stuff that goes into making these photographs look as good as they do, and we really get to maximize brilliant detail that clarity. VHD is a gold photography package.

You have the option to enhance it with a Matterport 3D tour floor plan, and that's something I'd want everybody to consider, and here's why. A 3D tool enables potential buyers to explore the property virtually anytime from any location, providing an Immersive 24/7 open house type experience. The 3D tour or digital twin.

Which I want to start using that term a little bit more, allows viewers to navigate the space and truly visualize themselves living in the home. The most significant benefit of a 3D tour really lies in this. This is its ability to capture the mind share of the potential buyers.

There's an immense value in that. The ability to spend time and heavily consider a property really allows you to differentiate that from its competition. A Matterport enabled property offers a level of information and engagement beyond anything else in the market, allowing that deep contemplation, allowing people to get home and really dig into it from the comfort of your couch.

Comfort of their desk, and really I think it's a game changer when you're competing as listings that don't have this stuff. Just think about how we've all looked at real estate outside of the work that we do on a daily basis. How many times have you looked at 10, 20, 30 listings, and you almost can't remember which ones because you've just got photographs?

Maybe you've got a floor plan. But which one had that great foyer, I turned left right into the kitchen. That's all the stuff that you can't get from the media. 3D allows you to do that. I think it's also worth noting that we've brought in and trained a lot of our photographers. They've been skilled up in scanning properties for 3D, which means that we can do all of this in a single appointment.

Typically streamlining the process. You don't need to have multiple appointments. We've talked about gold photography, we've talked about 3D Tours. I think it's also important to recognize floor plans. Even though I was surprised that buyers were right online specifically, calling out floor plans third in place or one third in place is pretty important.

But I think it's important to recognize where floor plans really do provide a lot of value. On top of a 3D or similar to 3D you've got a pretty great straightforward illustration of the properties, layout, and dimensions. When you order a 3D tour from DHT, when you get a Matterport with us, we're generating, we're creating the floor plan automatically from that Digital Twin.

Now, the killer application. If you think about the doll house that we talked about and being able to navigate. A floor plan can give you online, it can give you a way cleaner, easier, crisp, just the data view. But the other thing is, we're still in a world where people like to visit properties. We're still in a world where some agent down the block is printing up the MLS sheet for your listings.

Floor plan is going to show up there. It's going to be part of your printed materials. It's going to be part of your leave behind us. Ultimately, creating that opportunity to create even more mindshare when whoever it is, those buyers are sitting down with their partners to discuss the three or four properties they looked at today.

You now have something else on that shell sheet, on that MLS print out that differentiates your listing from the rest. Now, Lucy there's opportunity to talk with Brad here?

Lucy Edwards: - Yeah, absolutely. Brad, you are a big fan of gold photography at the Matterport 3D tour. Tell us why you choose those tools to match up your listing?

Brad Zibung: - Again, my goal, avoid surprises. I want people to walk in and listen and have it matched with their expectations. The more you can do that, the better. I'm seeing some people in the chat saying, sometimes they do metaphors and I feel like it thrives in person requests.

Maybe that's because maybe that's a good thing in some ways because we've all been to showings where you open up the door, you start showing the place, and the buyer medially rules out something that they should have been able to discover online.

Vince Collura: - Let's just say that though in plain English. How great is that to drive down the five bad matches that might have come to that property. I love to avoid surprises, and I love not wasting your time as an agent showing your property to a place for the wrong buyer, ultimately.

Brad Zibung: - Exactly.

Kate Remillard: Well, and we're doing a poll right now. I'm asking the audience what percentage of their listings use 3D. I'm just going to give it a couple of more seconds here so we can check it out live. Let's see here.

Lucy Edwards: While we're doing that I would like to shout to our area sales manager, Eric Rousseau. He is right now at Howard Hannah Coach and Records Center, which he goes away now. Well, thank you Eric for gathering a big crowd there. We appreciate it. Then big uses of fold and Matterport as a matter of fact, and some digital Pro as well. Well, look at that.

Vince Collura: While you guys are running that poll, I'm just going to answer a quick question. Kate, I think there's time at the end, so I won't do anymore of these. But Michael asks, does anyone know if Matterport does virtual staging? Yes, you can get virtual staging done through the BHT and the photography. There are third parties available if you go to the Matterport website and our partners, there's third parties who will virtually stage a 3D tour.

Lucy Edwards: Hi Carol. Carol O'Leary's here. "We're happy to have you here", she said, thank you, Carol. Yes, he's pretty awesome. Sorry to step aside from the script.

Vince Collura: Eric is blushing so hard right now. Carol if you want to send me a picture of this,, just send it right over it.

Vince Collura: Let's get back onto the agenda and let's talk about something else. We talked about traditional photography when we talked about a lot of our individual services. I would like to take some time now to talk about our newest service Digital Pro. We're going to talk about what makes that such an innovative and affordable choice.

Digital Pro is an entirely new service. Rather than starting and offering photography through traditional DSLR cameras, our photographers that offer digital probes, actually leverage the advanced capabilities of our 3D cameras of a Matterport. Specifically the Matterport 3D cameras to scan every square inch of your property, generating a really comprehensive digital twin.

If you're not familiar with that term, because I've now said it a couple of times, a digital twin is essentially a virtual replica of your property that we use to create all of the media for your listing. Most people who are familiar with Matterport and I see 54% of people use it today on their listings that are on this call. The showcase, the doll house, that presentation that you're familiar with.

That is a view of the digital twin. You can think of the digital twin as the data, and all of those assets behind it and showcase is a really great view of it. But because we have all of this rich image data, all this 3D data through the digital twin, we're able to create our suite of assets that we offer through Digital Pro, through that one scan created digital twin.

Let's talk about what that is. What do you get with Digital Pro? You get obvious photos, a 3D tour showcase where we've been looking at this whole time, a floor plan and a preview video. Now we've already covered the 3D tour and floor plans. Let's focus on the two newer things. The things that differentiate Digital Pro photos in the preview video.

I want to highlight that the photos that are part of Digital Pro service, it's really important to note all of these images are actually derived from the 3D towards the digital twin. We're not using a DSLR. This is captured and this is pulled from and created from our digital twin from the property.

One advantage that gives us is we can revisit the 3D model at any time to capture additional photos with or without the need for reshooting. If you've been working with professionals this whole time, I'm sure that out of every 10, 20 listings you've done, there's been situations where you said, I really wish we could go back and shoot the third bathroom.

he seller really invested in that. When we shoot with Digital Pro we're capturing everything. Grabbing additional photographs isn't a problem. Unlike traditional photography offerings, our editors are the folks crafting the compositions. What the photographers do on-site, our editors do a lot offline. They're leveraging the 3D model, the property.

They're essentially being a virtual photographer to create a composition and just like any photography or visual media you see through VHT, images, everything and every photo is meticulously enhanced and optimized by the R Studio Team. A lot of the key signature image attributes that you're used to through VHT or maybe another professional photography source you would see on a Digital Pro photo.

This process ensures that the final results are nothing short of stunning, leaving a lasting impression on potential buyers. I also want to take some time talking about the preview video because this is a new asset that most of our clients haven't seen or utilized before. This teaser video is a great tool for social media and online advertising that offers just enough of the digital twin to catch someone's curiosity.

In designing this, this is a super quick video. This is a loop. I think it's nine seconds. It's 10-15 seconds,9-15 seconds, Kate, I don't remember the exact, but this is a quick video. The goal of this video is to recognize that we live in a world where everybody is posting everything to social media at all times. It's all the same.

People are posting their photographs, usually the front exterior, hopefully it's a good one. But there's not much that differentiates your listing from the rest when you're thinking about the rapid scroll of Facebook, Instagram, and everything else. We included this snippet of the doll house, the 3D view of the space, with the intention of literally just catching the eye and saying.

Hey, look at this one, look at this home. This home has got something different. Only one in 20 listings today have a 3D tour. Even fewer of them are being presented and promoted via social media in a way that takes advantage of the 3D twin, the 3D model.

Lucy Edwards: Yeah. Tamika, you are a big fan of Digital Pro and I had a conversation with you a couple of weeks ago and you were just reading about it. I'm very excited to have you here to share your experience and tell us about why you like the product so much.

Tamika Nealy-Farmbry: I ask you to pick that product because of the snippet for social media. Because I thought it was just so amazing and I'm like, that's what I want because again, it's a game changer. When Brad talked about time, everybody on this call time is important we can't get it back.

If you have a hot listing and it's multiple offers, you can sit there and send this to the agent who wants to go, oh, you want a second showing? You don't have time for a second showing. This is going to be another contract. The pro it's amazing and that's why I picked it.

Lucy Edwards: Thank you, Tamika. Well, we're coming full circle here to the end of our time together and all comes back to standing out from your competition. That's probably the most important point. It all starts with a listing presentation. It is so important to really showcase all the efforts you are making to market the listing.

It's very important for you to separate yourself from others and the tech forward strategy you are implementing and what you are doing that other agents don't do is extremely important as well. To communicate it to your client. Whether you are using Digital Pro or old photography with a 3D tour and the floor plan.

Show them samples and absolutely back up your strategy with the data that you have available. I would like to also make sure that you are using our presentation flier that we provide. Encourage homeowners to scan the QR code, to check out the 3D tour and navigate all the efforts themselves in their real time so they could do it on their own without you.

Don't forget to give your sellers a paint the whole prep checklist. That's a mouthful to make sure that the property is ready to go prior to the photographer's arrival to ensure the best possible outcomes. I would recommend that not just for Digital Pro, not just for 3D tools, but for any photoshoot.

Let our photographers sky in and provide the best quality and let them share that talent with you to show what they could do. That's important to prepare the property. Can't stress enough.

Kate Remillard: Yes. I just shared links to both of those documents in the chat so you're able to just click and download those PDFs and print them or share them. Be sure to do that. I think now we're going to have some Q&A. Let's dig in here. I've been seeing tons of things coming through. Let's see.

Lucy Edwards: Yeah, please don't be shy. Ask the questions.

Kate Remillard: Let's see.

Vince Collura: Kate, if you want, I'll just pull off from the chat because I have a couple to filter through and prioritize. Unfortunately, I'm going to break form, we'll do the most recent one first. You know what, Brad and Tamika, you guys are going help me answer this one. Ken asked, do you recommend a 3D tour on a property that's in poor condition?

Vince Collura: My answer today is different than it was just two years ago. What about you guys, Brad and Tamika, and then I'll give you guys my suggestion.

Brad Zibung: I would say how poor the condition is? What are your goals and your sellers goals? I wouldn't rule it out. I'm becoming comfortable using Matterport for more and more listening. It's not just the higher dollar ones that I want to make sure I showcase.

Actually I just sold a really poor condition house and I would definitely not have used my Matterport for it because I didn't feel like it was worth it, but I think it depends on the goals.

Vince Collura: Okay. How about you Tamika, would you use a 3D tour on a home in poor condition?

Tamika Nealy-Farmbry: I just had this conversation with my team because I am for it because there's so many investors looking at properties and they're looking all over, especially our New Yorkers. They're looking here, Philadelphia. It gives them a little sneak preview before saying, you know what, that's too much work, we can't do it all about time. So I'm going to say a thumbs up. I think we should.

Vince Collura: Let me just throw one thought I had there. Brad, when you said it depends on how poor condition I'm right there with you. Only in that way it's got to be saved. Like 100,000 homes a year every now and then I got to call, and my answer was get out of there. First off, if we say poor condition, we mean cosmetically.

Sure. Absolutely. I'm so glad you were both on the call. Because one of the things that Brad said earlier is he likes to avoid surprises and that's the best solution for that. Remember that when we create a 3D tour, when we capture or create that digital twin, we do capture everything. So home prep is super important, but also truth and real estate. We want to capture it as is.

We want to avoid surprises. Again, it's not about getting as many people to show up at the space as possible. It's about getting the right buyers. Show it in the condition that it's in for sure. My answer was yes too.

Lucy Edwards: Thank you, Vince. I have a question here from Daniel. [inaudible 00:35:36] is there data regarding days on the market for listings with Matterport versus without Matterport? Do we set the data?

Kate Remillard: Yeah, we can definitely share. I've seen a few people here wanting links to stats. Look for that in the email that you'll get tomorrow with the link to this video and we'll share all the good information with you.

Lucy Edwards: Then we have another question. I've used Matterport before, but sometimes the pictures are distorted. Are you using digital Pro with VHT studios though you're just pulling it to yourself? Because we edit every single photo so our photos are not distorted as I understand, unless it was an accident. We make sure that all the wolves that trait, the sky is blue, the grass is green. Maybe you can come back to us after the show and we can take it one on one. Then for cones under construction, would you make a 3D floor plan before it's ready?

As long as you keep wolves and we can skim things and we can provide the floor plan, you will have the floor plan, but you need to grab new construction, at least it seems you're ready for us to scan the property. I'm not sure if I answered your question, Mark.

Kate Remillard: Well, I saw a couple more. Let's take a couple more and then we're going to have to wrap up. Let's see. Joe Seth asked if he, the agent, owns the rights to all the photos, video, and 3D tours, or does VHT own them?

Vince Collura: Sure. I can address that. There is a little bit of it that depends on the brokerage firm themselves and their agreement with VHT studios. But what I can say categorically, across most of our business, VHT Studios owns all of the intellectual property rights or intellectual property that we create.

Every photograph, we do retain ownership from ownership above that allows us to protect your interests as an agent as well as deal with the copyright infringement lawsuits that come from time-to-time. With that said, you as the agent, you get a license to utilize any of the media we create. A to sell and market your listing, and B, to market yourself as an agent.

You really have everything you need. Now, in the case of a digital twin, depending on if you have a Matterport account setup and we transfer that digital twin to your Matterport account you might end up owning the digital twin outright. But you can generally understand that 100% of the time, unless it's called out differently, we own the assets and you've got your license to the assets.

Your license gives you everything you need, and our ownership allows us to protect your rights.

Kate Remillard: Let's take one more from Angela. She was asking if 3D is the same as a 360 degree of virtual tour.

Vince Collura: Great question. No, it's not. The 3D, the digital twin that we create, while there is some familiarity, if we've all been in the industry long enough to remember the days of 360. There's some familiar look and feel to that. But it is a complete world of difference. The 3D tour has a full 3D model of your home. In the system, it allows us to really navigate within that kind of direction.

It'll also allow a whole lot more utility, allowing the viewer to pull accurate measurements from the model and all this other stuff. A 360 is really just a giant image or a series of images stitched together that allow you to spin around in place. While you can look in 360 degrees within a Matterport 3D tour, we've got so much more behind it that adds value.

Lucy Edwards: Kate, I would like to take one more quick question. Is the Digital twin, can it be a tool that we can use to challenge our own assessors' information about the property? When we provide you with measurements and with all the details, it's the inside. As I understand, the assessment can also include outside and then there are discrepancies. Are you including the garage? We can include the garage in our CD2 or the basement, like in the basement is the Arctic account as the square footage.

When we provide you with all the information, it's really up to you to decide what legally and what you should be using and what you prefer to use in your marketing material with square footage you want to include and how you would like to determine what is right and what is not. I would say not really, but it does help if there is something that you can challenge that is included in our 3D tour.

Vince Collura: I will add to that. If I got it correctly, Lucy, you're moving at one coffee faster than me today, so I want to make sure I got the question right. The question was, can we use the digital twin to challenge somebody's assessment of the space or an appraisal of the space? What I would say to that is, absolutely, you can use that to collaborate and have that conversation.

If there is a question of square footage, if there is a question of features, this is where having digital twin sheets is because you can sit down at a computer, on the phone with somebody, look at it, measure the distance between point A and point B, really collaborate, and let's all recognize. Like the financial industry or the mortgage industry, they're starting to really look at this technology.

Just a year ago, Fannie and Freddie started allowing digital appraisals, or desktop appraisals as they're called. That's huge and a lot of that exists because of technologies like this, as well as floor plans being more accurate. I'm not going to give legal advice as far as challenging and assessment goes, but having a conversation to make sure there's a shared understanding of the space, absolutely. This is what this technology does.

Lucy Edwards: I totally agree. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Just don't include the outside.

Kate Remillard: We're so thankful for you guys to have been here today. We hope you got something out of this. We had a lot of fun chatting and that is our show for you today.

Lucy Edwards: Thank you everybody for joining us.

Vince Collura: Lucy, thank you. Brad, Tamika, thank you so much and good to see you guys.

Kate Remillard: Thank you so much.

Lucy Edwards: Thank you for the audience. Thank you everybody. Have a great day.
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