Video: Real-Time Tagging with iGUIDE18569
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Video: Real-Time Tagging with iGUIDE | Video courtesy of iGUIDE YouTube Channel | 20 April 2023 Video: Real-Time Tagging with iGUIDE Transcript [00:00:00] Kelly Targosz Valdez: Number 100. We're so excited, and the voice you hear is Kelly. I'm the manager of client success here at iGUIDE. I'm holding a camera and shooting Rob Johnston. Rob is our Director of Business Development and we are live on site with you to do our real-time tagging masterclass. We're so excited to jump into this session. We're doing it a little bit differently this time. We're doing it not only live as usual, but we're on-site to show you exactly what real time tagging looks like with our real time tagging expert. Rob, take it away. [00:00:42] Rob Johnston: Thank you, Kelly, and thank you to everyone behind the scenes making it happen today. Hopefully everyone had no problems joining the session. As Kelly mentioned, it's our 100th masterclass. It's our first time doing this on-site, and it's my first one. Three things that we're trying to celebrate today. Thank you everyone for joining us. As Kelly mentioned or what you signed up for, this is a masterclass called Real Time Tagging. I'm going to show you it's a brand new feature. It's a feature that's available to anyone with a PLANIX camera. You can download the firmware upgrade. We'll talk about that at the end. But first, we need to set the scene of why and why were in this room? Kelly, if you just want to pan around, this is a maintenance room or where are we today? Condo building and the maintenance room of a condo building. You can see that this is a very typical environment where our facility managers, property managers, manage reports where they're constantly having to map out where equipment is, the state of that equipment, and documentation about that equipment. You can see right here as an example, a non-digital version of a tag. Or somebody put a tag on a piece of equipment or who was looking after it. Tagging in a basic sense is just the ability for our property manager facility manager to go through their facility room by room, floor by floor building by building and identify important things in that space or things that need to be tracked. It's very difficult for a lot of these property managers because they change, people leave, people quit building, change. A lot of things that you'll see, the paper hanging on the wall. It might have just been lost or taken home or put in a meeting room somewhere. The ability to track that information is something that we've had recently, we've always had the ability to put tags in our environments and our 3D environments. We've now expanded that capability to do tagging as we go or real-time tagging. What we're going to do is we're going to do a couple of different examples. I'm going to be using my phone. For those of you who haven't seen any of our products before are new to our planet. Planets are technology. This is what we call a planet's camera. This is what we go on-site with or service people, photographers, real estate people go on-site and it does two things. It captures 360 degree panel photos, but it also has a lidar component that is fused together. As we go through a room, it's scaling that room. It's creating an outline of that room, but also creating a 3D environment for us to be able to add tags and information too. Typically, you're going to go through the property, you're going to pick this up. Some people put it on wheels and you're going to go around and capture the information that's important. Now, full disclosure, before I go to the next step, I've already done three shots. You can see that there on our survey app. This app is connected to the camera right now, we've done three stations. I'm going to do one more just to show you what that process is like. Then how we can use the current position or what we say the current panel to place a tag. But then also how we can go back into previous panels and place tags. The reason that functionalities are required is every photographer or surveyor or Data Capture person. They're going to have their own style. The building is going to dictate their style in the building. The things to document are going to dictate that style. Some people are going to want to go through and shoot everything with the camera and then go back through with their phone, capture the things or some people are going to do it as they go. We allow both of those options. You also have the third option which you've always had is to take pictures on your phone and post. We haven't taken that functionality away from you. It's just sometimes it's faster. Actually, not sometimes it's always faster to do it in real-time. But there are some things that we want to do in post as well, such as dynamic tags. I'll talk about that, towards the very end. On our survey app here, you can see we've positioned the camera just in the corner of the room here. I'm just going to go ahead and say, I want to go take another measurement. Now. Yes, this is a marketing shoot and sales. We will be in this panel, but we'll just pretend that we're not right now. [00:05:24] Kelly Targosz Valdez: I should have waived. [00:05:25] Rob Johnston: Yes. You can see its processing and what it will do . It's going to take 360 degree pictures. There you can see it's taken the latest one and automatically aligned that lidar data to the previous scans. Those four triangular dots that you're seeing are just the four positions that I've taken. What we've added that's brand new is up in the top right corner you'll see a tag. It's the same icon that's if you were to add them in post. As I'm just going to go ahead and press that button. This is again new. This is what we're showing in this masterclass, this new capability. You basically have to answer three or four questions. What do you want to call this tag? I'm going to just look over my shoulder and look at the device. This thing is a Honeywell device. I'm just going to pull the phone away for a second and I'm going to quickly type in Honeywell. There we go. I just typed it in Honeywell and I'm going to say I want to use a blue tag here. Then I have a couple options. Do I want to write some texts? Maybe I want to manually type in some information like the serial number or something. I'm going to be a bit lazy and I'm going to press the photo button and you'll notice what comes up is I can add photos that I've previously taken or I can take a photo. I'm just going to say take a photo and using my iPhone here I'm just going to walk up to it. I'm going to go and say, take your shot. Just say use a photo. What you'll see there, it's uploaded the photos straight off my phone and I'm going to hit Next. Then I have to do one more thing. I have to place a tag, where do I want the tag to end up to appear in my shot. I'm literally just going to double-click right on my screen and say that'll be good enough. That's where the tag is going to be. I press Next. Then this is the last step. It's the one that we have to explain a little bit. You'll see the first blue circle with the diamond in it. It's telling me where the camera was and it's basically how it's done a lot of work in the background and guessing where in the scene or what depth that item might be at so I can change the position of it if necessary. I'm not going to because it got it bang on and I'm just going to hit, Next. What you'll notice is that if I now just pin around, scroll around, it's now placed a tag in that scene. Photos are easy because we're obviously capturing the data live, but the property manager or the customer of ours that has not already done this room, they said, well, what about I don't want to take a picture. I want to link to a document. He's gone through and actually scanned all of these documents like the operating manual in case it gets lost and he says, well, I want to put a tag on that so if it gets lost where is it on my Google Drive? Where can I go find it or can I view a doc or PDF of it? I'm just going to add a second tag. Again I press the button and this time I'm going to just put the document just for the sake of saving time. I'll put the document and this time we're going to color-code it green and I don't actually have to do anything. I'm just going to press "Next". I'm still going to place my tag and I'm going to place it right on the document. Oops, I didn't hit green. I hit blue by accident. Again, at that point I've now placed a green and a blue one in the scene. Now the difference is that the green one doesn't have anything behind it. Obviously the blue one doesn't have the photo that I've taken, but the green one is just blank. What I'm going to do in post; meaning once I've got the eye guide produced, I'm going to go back through the scene, back through the 3D environment. I'm going to go to that green, anything that's a green tag and I'll just put in the URL link to where that scan document is on my Google Share drive or SharePoint drive, something like that. Now we've linked the electronic copies of everything in this room and there are a lot of them everywhere that are in 3D space. That's a real quick intro into what we've done so far and this is what we would say genuinely as you go tagging. As you pick up the camera and go to an environment and scan it, I just placed it here. Here are the tags relevant to here. If I wanted to do one more I could go take a picture of that tag over there, but I won't. I want to demonstrate another small thing which is, well, what about if I forgot to put a tag in on one of the other stations that I've already scanned? One of the things that you can do; and I'm just going to pin that as I click this button here it walks me back through the scans that I've already done. You can see that I've got one behind me. I'll just go from there. You can see that I had four so I've just pressed the back arrow button. Now I don't have to move the camera or anything, it doesn't have to go anywhere with me. It's already collected the data, but what I'm able to do is go back to previous scans so I could shoot the whole room first and then go back through the property again. What I'm going to do is I'm going to literally walk over to the device. It seems to be coming here and I'm just going to press. I want to place a new tag. This time I'm going to call it smart, and I'm going to go blue, take a photo, take a photo. Again, I just came in here. Do that. I've captured my asset in a way. I've used photos. Next, Where do I want that to appear? I'll just put it right in the middle of the screen there and again where the depth is. You can slide where you want that tag to appear in 3D space. I'll just leave it there and boom. That quickly we went through the property or this room and put in three tags. Again, both styles, you can do it live, you can do it real-time as you go, or you can go back through and do it again. One of the really nice features that the developers have added is that all of these now assets, these photos, everything, still go into the same project that you're used to using. When you want to take this project now and go into post-processing; you want this, all of that data goes with you. You have one file to manage, and that one file then gets uploaded into the iGUIDE portal. Once we've drafted it or just produced the 3D tour for you, all of these tags will be geolocated because we've scanned the property and have a scale or scan the room. We've got a scale, we've got an outline, we've got it drafted to room, we know exactly where that is in this space. If I had three or four maintenance buildings below me or beside me, I'm geotagging it and I don't have to go through it again. We know where all those tags are. That's a real quick overview, now let's talk about some of the other things. We have an API associated with this product. If you want it to go in and create your own interface on survey to create your own tools for capturing properties, you can add the real-time tagging. The real-time tagging is part of that API. You can actually go and start to query those tags in the 2D map or in the 3D space as well. In the three examples that we've done which was just a document and two electronic devices, I call that static data. They're just pictures or documents. In the FM space, here we are in a mechanical room. We got lots of data being produced. The next level of this is called IoT data or what about if this device actually was serving it up onto the web and I could put that information right inside my tag? At the recent Baltimore and FMT show, we had a partner; Vitality IO, and we have some really cool sample properties that when you have a device like this that's feeding data up to the server we can link to that URL. It's very easy to do. You link that URL to this tag and from that point on when you're going through a property, you might want to color-code them all orange or whatever. That way if something goes off; and the alert goes off, you can get that URL from that sampling device and go right to the panel, right to the room, the building, the panel that was used and know exactly where that piece of equipment is in your facility. Pick up the phone or send a time, say, hey, Mr. Maintenance guy, you need to go here. We're getting an alert, there's something wrong. In the absence of putting webcams everywhere, real-time tagging and putting that information in your iGUIDE properties, iGUIDE rooms, and then putting the smarts behind it like IoT devices you're able to not just have information but have smart information. If one of these documents gets lost or somebody accidentally misplaces it or whatever, you've now got a digital record of what equipment it belongs to, who can access it. Maybe an Excel sheet for maintenance people and that same dynamic tagging you can link to CMS programs. If there was a work order affiliated with someone regularly maintaining this equipment, you can have them come in and facilitate that on the CMS side as well. That concludes our overview today of what real-time tagging is. It's a really cool new feature, whether you're in residential real estate, commercial real estate facilities management, insurance. There's lots of great applications on the insurance side that as you're walking through a property, you want to capture things, capture damage, capture whatever it is. Just feel to do that and really save that time in post and capture it live. Data's always fresher and more realistic live and just be able to capture that in one process and you know when you leave your facility you've got everything wrapped up. This product is available to you today. It's released, it's ready to go and we hope you're as excited about it as we are. Thank you for all joining us, and if you have any questions we'll take them now. [00:16:04] Kelly Targosz Valdez: I don't think we're taking questions at the moment. I think we're going to conclude for today. Do you have any questions? I see a bunch of messages live. Again thank you guys for those who have joined us who are brand new, and for those who have joined us for the very first time. Especially considering this as a new platform we're using today because we are doing it live. Thank you Corey. I see that you say everything is working great. I appreciate the feedback. We always want to make sure that it is. You can hear us and you can see us. There is quite a bit of background noise, of course, because we are live, this is an attest, this isn't a staged place, this is real life. Thank you for that feedback. This is recorded, so we are going to share this with you guys for it will be available on our website and for anybody who did sign up using Rob's link, we can send this to you directly. Then if you have any follow-up questions, maybe we can include information for Rob to answer any questions after the fact, or you can always reach out to our support team. Our product support team is always happy to help. You can create a support ticket through our support desk, which is, and we're happy to help you there. This was a very fun adventurous 100th masterclass and we look forward to seeing you in two weeks for our next session. Thank you so much for joining us. Bye. |
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