Video: Virtual Staging with CAPTUR3D & 3D Apartment (Listing3D) | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | March 2023

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Receive free with this WGAN affiliate link for CAPTUR3D, $90 in credits: that's 5 free floor plans from a Matterport tour when you use this WGAN affiliate link to create a free CAPTUR3D account. [To be eligible to receive WGAN-TV Training U (in Matterport) 1-Year Membership, send your CAPTUR3D receipt for $250 or more to:]

Kate Montalbano, Head of Virtual Staging and Rendering at 3D Apartment [Listing3D], and Wade Angelo, Sales & Business Development Manager at CAPTUR3D, explain in detail the advantages of virtual staging and exactly how to use their solution to virtually stage your Matterport Twin.

Amir Frank: I think we're good. Let's go ahead and get started. Again, thank you very much for attending today. I'm super excited about this. We're talking all about virtual staging and the different virtual staging that Matterport has to offer through our platform partners, and that is the key. We have two platform partners with us today.

Wade is joining us from Australia, he is with Captur3d, and Kate is joining us from New York with 3D Apartment. They are both virtual staging options, but both very different than we thought. It would be really important to talk exactly about those differences so you can better understand what they are and what suits you best. With that said, I am pretty much just going to invite, I guess, we'll go ahead and start with Wade.

Thanks for joining Wade. I appreciate it. I know it's a little early for you.

Wade Angelo: That's okay. This is actually pretty good. My kids only wake me up at the crack of dawn, so I had a bit of a sleep tonight. Sorry. This is actually pretty good. Thank you.

Amir Frank: Fantastic. Tell me a little bit about Captur3d. We'll start there, and then I would love to see a demo about what this virtual staging solution looks like.

Wade Angelo: Lovely. We've been working alongside Matterport as a partner for many years. A really brief background. We started, I suppose, originally as what we called a Matterport Service Provider back in the day. I believe from what I've been told, we were one of only a very small handful of customers at the time, but the MC2 hundreds of one.

Without going to be a pedigree behind us, but being in the ecosystem for close to a decade now. From there basically, we started servicing customers, leveraging the technology that was available at the time, and then suddenly upgraded the actual cameras to the Pro2, to which we then sudden re-selling the hardware and became a partner in terms of the integrations from both the hardware reselling Matterport and domestically here.

Then we have our platform Captur3d. Captur3d really started using it for our customers. We quickly realized that we actually should extend this offering not just to our customers, but leverage the labeled stuff and the features and the services we provide as a reseller. The idea is being able to, as far as allow our customers to extend the generic offerings about a port which is still amazing.

But then obviously realizing that captured has some other things such as visual staging and other features that we can provide that it's white labeled. Everything basically allows our customers to do what they want at the features and service offerings accordingly, and then sell them at our cost to their customers. We're all about the customer.

Unfortunately, sometimes customers don't want to talk about our product and your product because they want to beat their chest about their products, which is something else, so the idea is just to make sure that they are a conference center. That's a brief history of Capture 3d we're at today. Currently servicing active monthly customers or few thousand paid by customers companies every month, so going straight to shrink.

Amir Frank: That is awesome. I'm so excited about this topic. Completely forgot to lay down the fundamental rules of this webinar. Let me just take a step back real quick and just say that you have a Q&A button, you have a chat button. We're all familiar with Zoom at this point. The chat is a brilliant place to just come out, tell us where you're coming from, where you're viewing from. Talk amongst yourselves.

I like to see the shop talk webinars just meet up. We're all basically Matterport customers and can learn from each other, so just tell us maybe your experiences, things like that. Use the chat for that. When you have a question for myself, Wade, and Kate, please go ahead and use the Q&A panel for that and we'll go ahead and answer those towards the end of the webinar. With that said, let's dive into the demo.

Wade Angelo: Why not? Let's do this. What I'll do is I'll just make sure that I share my screen. I'll skip through from basically the front end of Captur3d. This is actually once you've logged in to the accounts, you can see here that some dummy scans have been entered. But just so you understand how this works, if you're not familiar with a Matterport side and Captur3d.

The idea is that with a scan that's credit by Matterport, we require the listing that is being hosted by Matterport to be understood or made publicly available, to be able to enter it into our platform to allow for these features to actually work, so please remember that if you are using Captur3d, that the actual space needs to remain active if it is archived.

If you're using mobile neuro accounts, please be aware that the features will not work. You'll come up with the link. But obviously, we called it the doom of the screen. Whatever you want to call it, the black screen site is not available, not to be frightened. But the idea is that that means that most likely the actual tool has been switched off to archive.

Please be aware that it is made active and understood and publicly available. The idea is that when you log in the Capture 3d, sign up, the idea is from there you would take the link and copy and paste that hyperlink. You probably would be recognizing it being my. matter port/ and that alphanumeric code. That's the unique identifier of that particular space.

You would simply copy and paste that link and go into here and go plus a new virtual tour, and the idea is you'd paste that link into the little section that I mentioned is the Matterport link. Select the actual overlay, so we call it, we call credits. Seven credits is worth $7, and this unlocks all these features, but more specifically, the virtual stage and component.

From here, what I'm going to do is just filter through this particular example here, which is for residential space. The idea is you've got all these tabs, so don't be scared. There's a lot here to go over. But I'm today obviously specifically going over the actual virtual stage and component. But you'll notice here on the bottom right-hand corner, there's a little section called Creator Studio.

When you select that, you'll notice this big button here. It says integrated studio, and we simply click on that. What it does is now it opens up our Creator Studio dashboard with multiple features of which the one that we're going to go to today is the staging. The idea here is we've got multiple tabs on the left, center, and right sides of the screen.

The idea is that you can see here, this is the actual Matterport 2 of those being entered. Then on the left-hand side, you've got the different types of assets that you can be adding into the space and the right side of all the assets that have been placed already in the tour. What I've actually done here is pre-populated an example here of a space with furniture already placed in there.

But basically what I'm going to go through is the features and functionality of the Creator Studio, and how really easy it is to use. The audio is at the moment. Now if I actually select with my mass the moment, you'll notice that these are objects that have all been separated and you'll even see that some of these objects themselves have been laid.

You can say here we've got a nice little rug. We've got a coffee table. Then on top of that, we've actually got a little arrangement of fruit. But the idea is really you can place anything in there. The assets we supply, it will categorize. The idea is you can drop down a menu here and select different types of assets that we've provided for you straight out of the box and they've been put into the different subcategories.

Of course, you're not going to put a toilet in the middle of a living room, but if you're that way inclined, go for it. You're more than happy to put it all in there, but the idea is, the actual assets of beams put into their subcategories. I want to do it now if you'll notice that there are sections here that have not been furnished, but I'll just simply walk through the tour at the moment now.

Going backward, save, what I've done there is expanded and subtracted the menu on the left-hand side to give us a bit more room. There it is now, you can see that this is the tour itself. The cool thing about these particular assets, they're not just seen in the actual walk-through perspective, but they can also be seen in doll houses. The idea is that we can toggle between different perspectives here.

So appreciate now we've got the Matterport famous doll house perspective. You can see I'm zooming in and rotating around the particular space, which is really exciting because the idea is you want to be able to see the context from this type of perspective. Obviously, you can go back into exploring the 3D space by walking through this way and appreciate if you're going to, say, top-down perspective.

Which is the floor plan view, if you want to call it that, it can be seen as well. Now to the exciting part, how do you actually insert assets into the space? What I'm going to do here is I'm going to put something along the side here. I'm going to create a buffer and I'm not a creative person, but appreciate what's missing here. In my opinion, it needs to be a coffee table or a console and a television.

What we'll do now is supply the assets tab and I will get into this tab in a second with custom, but the idea is to type in a keyword. In this case, I'm going to put it on the table if I can spell it correctly, and it'll soon pre-populate some of the different assets that we've got. Specifically I'm going to find something called Console, which I love to look up. I was actually looking at this one here, the console table.

I've clicked on it once and I've hovered over the area of interest. You can see now that it's actually going to snap into place the actual asset. When I click on that asset now, it has landed into the position, but you are probably wondering why that's not really right. Well, that's okay because what we'll do now is we'll actually start to move it around.

Wade Angelo: Actually, I'm going to just move this. I've got the old Zoom thing stuck in my way. Here we go. I can rotate and spin it around. The idea from here is I can actually rotate the axes that it's actually on, so I can do that by essentially rotating this way, left and right. What I can do is here, as you can see on the right-hand side, the Property menu on the right can actually allow that rotation to be done incrementally.

I can do it, but in smaller increments like this. As you can appreciate with the y-axis with a good 90 degrees. Now it's 90. If I obviously did it, say, 45, it's going to be on a 45-degree angle, but the idea is I can do it on a 90 degrees rotation. Then from there I can simply click this button here and actually can adjust the plane and move it left and right.

The idea is what I can do is now just move over there. I can move obviously into position on this side as well, and I can start to move it where I want it to go. To me, that's a bit too small, so what I'm going to do now is actually adjust the scale of this. I can actually click on that button of the Scale and I can then obviously adjust the scale by keeping it the aspect ratio.

I snapped into place, so it's one-to-one. If I'm moving it, x, y, z axes, it'll still remain the same size. I can also stretch and pull accordingly, but I want to keep the aspect ratio the same. What I'm doing now is I'm simply just pulling it up and it will actually adjust accordingly. Appreciate it's a bit too big, but the idea is I can play around with that.

Let's just say now that position is okay and I might just move into this location over there and turn around. You've now got a console sitting in the room. We can play around with other features of these particular assets by clicking on the "Settings" button and we can adjust the shadow if we want to. Exposure settings and lighting. Appreciate if I click on this under the Lightings tab.

I can start adjusting the actual angle of the lighting asset, as you can see, which is really cool, the shadow intensity. It's a bit more, not so harsh as you can see there. I can make it a bit more fluffier if that makes sense. Appreciate what I could do is then adjust the lighting angle based on the sun. In this case, the sun is coming through this direction and we'd adjust the lighting accordingly.

From here, what I like to do is be a bit cheeky and actually go into maybe adding a television. I can go to the TV. We go. I've got a television or maybe TV, it's going to populate. I can do something on top of that. Let's just say this is television, for instance. I can place this here if I want to. I can rotate that around, but what I'm trying to show you is that if you can place a television screen on that.

You can actually start placing media on here. Let's pretend that the actual television screen is placed here wall mounted, if you like it. You can start placing media here as well. On this Media tab, I can click on this, and I can actually upload flat imagery, transparent imagery, so PNG, JPEG if it's flat or transparent, and videos. Here I can actually go video.

I can go browse. I can go into a little cheeky video that I had, which was for Matterport. It's an MP4 file format. I'll verify it's mine, but it's not, but that's for the sake of demonstration, and I'll press "Upload". Now what's happened is it's now uploading that MP4. There's the video file. I can then hover over that area of interest and I can click on it and [inaudible 00:13:13] yourself.

Well, you can tell it's set to a video recording, but the idea is now if I was to save this and go into the tool, which I'll do in a second, the idea is that the media is now sitting on the wall. The idea is if I go publish, and just keeping in mind that the forward-facing URL is the overlay or the scheme that you'd pass on to your client or embed onto a website, but if I go back to, say, exit as an example.

I'm going back to, say, the front tab that you saw before. What I'm looking for now is the Overview tab and this little URL here. This URL is actually, I suppose, the scheme of which it is displaying all the space. Appreciate this is a generic URL that obviously you can white label your URL if you want it to have a subdomain of your business.

That can be done as well. Please don't go, in the past, we've had customers go to to sign up to our platform. It's not. It's simply is our website. Please don't go to this URL and sign up because that doesn't actually work. It's to sign up, but you can see now I'm in it too.

This is the Matterport forward-facing link. You can now see on the left-hand side, the video. If I hit "Play" now, I have turned the sound off, but the idea is now the video is playing within the tour. Obviously, I can navigate through the space, looking at it from different perspectives. I can go into the floor plan. Obviously, you can't see it from that particular angle, but you can see it from a doll house perspective.

I can rotate, I can zoom in, and there we go. You can see the nice, little video playing there as well. Again, these can be put on loop, they can be on-site. The idea is if you're walking through the space and you've actually then looked at this particular asset, it will start playing automatically or unclick, and the audio can be adjusted as well. I just turned this off for the sake that you didn't want to have me talking and having the person speaking.

That's pretty much it in a nutshell. It's very easy to use. One thing I do want to mention before I go into the last example of commercial spacing is the opportunity to actually use your own custom assets as well as Sketchfab integrated assets. When we went back to Creator Studio, you might have noticed that there was a tab that looked like Sketchfab.

Well, it was, and that's because we've actually integrated and worked in partnership with Sketchfab to pull through assets from their repository. The idea is you can actually click on animated or static objects that've been shared by the community. From my understanding, I believe it's up to 750,000 assets that can be chosen, so appreciate there's different categories here.

It doesn't necessarily have to be furniture. The idea is you can use really any asset that you feel can demonstrate the space and be better off. I always use this one because I'm a bit cheeky being the Australian guy and always talk about, we call them drop bears over here or koalas, or great white sharks because we're all about species that kill you in the water, but the idea is if I hit, for instance, the white shark.

I'm showing you an example here. It's science animated through Sketchfab, but again, it can be through your own, but the idea is if I click on this, hover on the area of interest like before, and then click on this. I've now got a whopping big, great white shark sitting in the room. You can see that it actually is animated and it's rigged, so it's on loop. This is based on the user who created this bit.

We encourage our customers to upload their own custom assets, either static or animated, that can walk around a space if you want to. It looks like an avatar potentially, someone like maybe an agent if it's for real estate specifically, but you'll notice the problem is that this is too big and that's okay. Because when we go back to say, for instance, our scale option, we can then bring it down and now we can make it fit in the room.

Again, I appreciate that I can adjust the plane it's on. I can make it a flying shark. I can do all cool and wonderful things with that particular asset, so I could spin it around. Let's have a look there. There he's doing his thing. That's pretty much an animated objects that's inside of space. Now, the customer assets tab is self-explanatory. When you go into assets under custom, simply you upload your own assets.

You will notice here that there are requirements for us to actually have certain files. We don't suggest using large heavy files, so what we've actually created these JOB file formats, just do a bit of research on that. But essentially a JOB file is a file that allows you to have fast alerting spin with the tool. Because you need to appreciate too that each of one of these assets obviously add up.

You can see this little icon here talks about draw calls. The idea is that you want someone looking at the tour and making sure that loads quickly rather than actually being quite slow. Being JOB file formats probably the best because it loads faster and optimal, and that way if someone is looking at a particular through their mobile device or on their desktop, they're looking at.

For instance, you can appreciate we've got 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 with multiple assets with things outside through the window and this can add up. That's why we require JOB, so that way all these files when you're looking at this particular angle, will load quite quickly. Now from this one, what I'm going to quickly do is it's going through a commercially staged example here.

Simply I put in that scan as described earlier by making short, unlisted or publicly available plus nu and then basically putting that link into our platform. I go into the Creator Studio tab and into the Creator Studio. Very quickly because I don't want to take up too much more of your time, I appreciate that these assets that we have supplied also work on commercial real estate as well. If you're that way inclined.

And you can see there is a large commercial space, I'm going to zoom out for you on the doll house and show you the large space that's been added and scanned. I obviously haven't done over here, but I have done over here. Like I said, just be playing around, but appreciate the commercial assets are also here as well. The idea is we can add black computers, desks, partitions.

We can add communal areas for work, photocopying machines, that type of thing that suits the thing. As you can see, really the world's [inaudible 00:19:40] in terms of the imagination and also experience. I'm making sure it reflects the environment and it looks really nice. But that's just a quick example of what a commercial space looks like.

Last thing before I pass off to lovely Kate, we do have what we call a complimentary application that I like to quickly show you. That is actually using augmented reality. We're all talking about realities and virtual and mixed realities, all these top realities. But what we actually have here is an application that actually allows for those spaces that you've staged online to be seen in situ, one to one physically there in AR.

What I'm going to do is quickly play this video little bit of [inaudible 00:20:33]

FEMALE_1: New property. I wish you could see the space come to life with all its contents. I know how it was going to fail. Now with AR connect, you have the power to see into the future. It starts with taking a digital twin of the space in Captur3d. This scanning takes around 30 minutes and provides you with a complete metric of your space. This digital twin is uploaded to Matterport. Once it's ready on Captur3d, you can begin to virtually stage the space. There's a huge library of assets and more are being added all the time.

You can resize these assets to fit the space and then move them until their placement [inaudible 00:21:08]. Our alignment system means that whatever you staged online will appear around you into the real world. Measuring, guessing and measuring again, and now yours to spend as you please. Share and watch on various devices. Now when you set up your office, there's no guessing. You're ready to go in 1, 2, 3.

We can't wait to see what you've done with Captured.

Wade Angelo: There you go. I'll stop sharing my screen. But essentially what I'm trying to say is that Captu3d is the bookend of the virtual staging claimant using assets. Fly by yourself and then at the end, you can actually go on site and actually allow you to see the staged space in augmented reality. Pretty cool. What I'm suggesting is you guys sign up to Captur3d for free, we do provide complimentary credits that are applied to your account.

The URL to see now is Captured, start with a three, so CAPTUR3D.IO and go for it. Sign up today, have a play and contact us if you need any help. That's me.

Amir Frank: That's great. Thanks so much Wade. This is pretty much what we call the DIY solution for virtual staging. Gives you true 3D assets that you can just drop in, place them wherever you want, play around, and really make it your own space. Brilliant. Want to bring Kate into the conversation and talk all about the opposite of that. Maybe not opposite, maybe over, but it's different.

This is a much more automated solution, so by all means take it away. I see a lot of great questions coming in and we'll just go to those after this.

Kate Montalbano: Hi, my name is Kate. I'm head of virtual staging and rendering for 3D apartments, and I'll give a little bit of background before I share my screen. But I've been working for the company for two-and-a-half, three years now. I really have a passion for what I do. I love merging technology, interior design and real estate altogether to create this amazing form of art and also help agents, interior designers, et cetera.

Make their spaces feel warm and inviting. With the help from myself and my team, we're able to do that and we carried it, it's not a DIY system. It's more like we'll do it for you. But what I'll do is I'll hop in here, I'm going to share my screen. I have a little presentation. Let's do this. First and foremost, of course, please don't be afraid to ask questions.

I'll hop in and answer some questions at the end if I see any in the chat. But what I wanted to do is just give a few statistics on why virtual staging is so important. Again, this isn't just geared towards residential real estate either. It's also important for commercial agents as well. But I wanted to just give a few different statistics that I really love. Including that 82 percent of buyers.

Agents said that staging a home made it easier for a buyer to visualize the property as a future home. The next really good one that I thought was really interesting actually was listing agents so that these top five priorities for staging, living room, of course, 90 percent of agents said that that is Number 1. But then kitchens actually come in as secondary, which I personally wouldn't assume so.

But I think kitchens are important because sometimes people don't know what to do with that space. Then primary bedrooms, dining rooms, and bathrooms. There's a few other statistics down below if you'd like to take a look at those as well. But I really love the proof in the pudding type saying so I love to pull some statistics when I'm doing a little demo.

Kate Montalbano: There we go. The next thing I wanted to review really is just our top three staging categories. We do offer empty virtual staging as well. We utilize our technology to convert really any unoccupied space or listing, and create a fully conceptualized space with furniture, accessories, fixtures, and more. The secondary option that we offer is decluttering.

I did see a few comments in the chat asking if you are able to remove or mask furniture in a 3D tour, and we are able to do that. When a property is cluttered, it can turn people away from the idea of taking on that listing, or that property, or the rental. What we're able to do is eliminate any or all unwanted items, and we can either create a blank space.

Basically an empty listing, or we can go in and re-stage the space with updated and moderate furniture. The last option is remodeling. Remodeling is really great, again, for any type of property, whether it be residential or commercial. If the property is undergoing renovations, if you just have the drywall up or if you just really want to show the space and a great light because it might be a little outdated.

We're able to showcase that and showcase the potential of the space with some digital remodels. I'm going to go to the next slide here. That's where I wanted to roll in with the endless possibilities. I think when people think of staging, you automatically think residential. You think about staging a listing before it gets put on the market. But in reality, virtual staging, that's just the beginning and that's the tip of the iceberg.

You can really do commercial spaces, medical spaces. You can utilize it as an interior designer or if you're a furniture store wanting to show clients the potential of furniture in your space. The opportunities are really endless when it comes to digitally staging, remodeling, and designing a space. We have streamlined our ordering process.

What we've done is we've created a simple and easy way to order virtual staging if you want to just do it on your own. Let's say you've scanned a space, you know you're going to stage it. We've created an ordering form just for that purpose. It makes it really easy and fun to pick and choose your furniture selections when staging a space.

I'm going to hop out of this presentation and go into this page that we've created because we've noticed a lot of people wanting to order their own staging with a click of a button. We went ahead and did that. We've created this Matterport partnership page where people can go in, see examples of virtual staging and actually order their own staging.

As you can see here, there's a Get Started buy-in and what pops up is basically the essentials, your name, your company, what type of staging you're looking for, etc. So you're going to go ahead and type all that information in, choose your staging variance, so empty, decluttered, or remodeled. Really what we just went over. Then what you're going to do is import the Matterport to your URL that you're interested in staging.

Then you're going to go to the next page, and this is where the fun part starts, if you get to choose what you're going to stage. If you have a space that the entire space needs staging, you can categorize the entire space by clicking the scan points from each of the rooms to categorize it. For the purposes of this demo, I'll just click into spaces. That was probably a bedroom and I chose the living room, and then we'll make the living room.

Whatever the case may be. Then you move on to the next step, and then you are able to go through and choose between our large staging catalog. Then everything's been categorized into different smaller categories. But then what you're able to do is really go in and pick, and play around with all the styles that you're picturing in the space. If you need help, myself and my team, this is what I love to do.

So let's say you don't have a great eye for design or you just want to take a step back and let the OS handle it. I'm more than happy to do that as well. I'm going to hop back into my presentation because I want to just go over how expansive our staging catalog can get. I update this catalog with my team, I would say every 3-6 months just because sales change so often.

Style is one of those things where it's my favorite form of art. So I think that it's really ever-changing and there's really no limit. I would say right now we have about 15,000 pieces for just residential and then we probably have another 8-10 for commercial space. Whether it be medical offices or if it's an office space, I've even done different restaurants, cafes, things like that.

But we make it really easy for you to have a fun time picking out your styles. Then the last thing I wanted to highlight on styles and furniture pieces is the custom 3D modeling. Let's say that you have a custom job or we're doing a remodel where there has to be realistic and accurate pieces in the space, we can go in and create those pieces for you with my team.

We can also save those pieces for you in a custom catalog. Let's say that I have a great client, Germany, I'll mention them. They do the same type of staging every single time. We cause and create different furniture sets for them to streamline that process just for them and their clients. We are able to do that for you as well if that's something that you're interested in.

Now, I really wanted to hop in and show some really fun, like use case examples. Because again, I really wanted to open your minds for this demo and show you that it's not just adding a bed and a side table to a bedroom to save some space. I really wanted to show the capabilities that myself and my team are able to do when it comes to virtual staging and remodeling, and all those fun things with Matterport Tours.

Let me just remove this same thing with the Zoom bar is throwing me off guard here. Hide panel. Okay. There we go. This first one was really fun because it's this tiny little New York City studio. What I've done here is outline a project for you all so you can just see what we were working with. For here we had a real estate agent and the actual condo owner who reached out to us and said.

"Hey, listen, this unit is not selling. It's not getting enough attraction, what can we do virtually, so we don't have to do it in real life?" We took this and ran with it. As you can see, I'm going to happen to see the dollhouse here. This place was dark, and dingy, and it was old, and that's okay. But to sell the space, people were having a really hard time envisioning what they were going to do with this tiny studio, but also incorporate living there.

So we went in and we added a living space, a new bed space, even added this six person dining table, and then incorporated storage as well. Because we all know that's super important when you're living in a tiny studio apartment. The next example that I'm going to give is a complete opposite. The client's issue for this space was it was too large. It was large and industrial. I'm sorry, I'm coming off of a cold.

But this was a large industrial space. Basically, this client wanted to make it warm and make it feel inviting for families, adults, and really to picture themselves in this large space. As you can see, we incorporated a few different warm toned colors and more modern design to fit in with the Miami Sunny Isles feel. But at the same time.

We made sure that all the pieces were a little bit more cozy and contemporary to make it feel like home rather than you're living in an industrial loft type space. I'm going to also hop in here because I think this is a great point to add when it comes to interior designers. This is a client that we had with a furniture company, and the furniture company really wanted to incorporate virtual staging into part of their sales pitch.

You're not 100% of buying yet. Let's virtually stage your space with our furniture and see if it looks good in your home. We were able to do that. We can take these pieces from their virtual and digital catalog, and we created 3D models of the furniture items and then we incorporated them into the client's home to really help them say, okay, yes, I want to purchase this item or no, I don't want to purchase this item.

It was a really great feature for the furniture company themselves to be able to say, hey, we are able to do this if you're not 100% about buying these pieces of furniture yet. I'll go into this sixth example that we have. This is a basement unit in New York. The reason why we staged this one is because a commercial broker reached out to us and said.

Hey, I really want to get funding and approval for this commercial building to have a gym in the basement for either the full-time employees to use or people can purchase a membership. But the thing is, the layout was really, really not great to work with. People were saying it wasn't going to work. There wasn't enough space. So what we did with the commercial broker is we were able to take basically this.

Basically, I would just call it an empty basement of a high-rise that they were just using for storage. We were able to go in and say, "Look, this is really what it can be. You don't have to move the elevators back here. You're able to really keep the space as is and just incorporate gym items as well." The next example that I wanted to show is a great restaurant space in New York.

This client is another commercial client. They weren't getting a lot of attraction online, basically. They were posting these images of the space as is online, and they just weren't getting the attraction that they were looking for. So they said, "Hey Kate, what can we do with this space? We have plans. We know exactly the direction we're going for, and we know the type of client we want to have in this space, but they're not biting.

What can we do?" We went in and we were able to redesign the whole space as is, what it would look like, it will look like once the building was completed. I just want to show you what it looks like beforehand, and again, it looks like the other one. It was just, it was there. It existed. It wasn't great. It wasn't amazing, and we were able to go in and make it look amazing with the designers help, and with the builders help.

The last but not least one, this is a large, large vacation rental in Texas. I think it was about 5,500 sq ft, and we came in, I think the day the drywall was done. They said, "This market is hot. We need to get in the top rental season for vacation rentals. We need to put this on the market. What can we do because the building, and the construction, and the design are not going to be completed yet?"

What we were able to do is take the Matterport scan. I'm sorry. We were able to take the Matterport scan, and take all of the custom furniture items, and designs, and floor plans, and really go in and redesign this space as a whole.

Kate Montalbano: I'm so sorry. Anyways, the next thing that I really wanted to highlight really quickly is our renderings. We're able to go in and fully render and remodel a space from just CAD files. We don't need a Matterport tour. This is a perk about rendering so that you just need plans, and this was to get approval from a builder and from the neighborhood to build so close up to the property line.

They wanted to add an in-law suit, but they didn't want it off of the house itself and they wanted to put it in the backyard. We were able to go in and render basically like a little in-law apartments for the family's in-laws to get approval from certain people that needed to have approved to build so close to the property line and we were able to do it successfully and get them approved.

As you can see, we rendered everything in the highest quality possible and we did all of the custom features. So the lighting, the sink, the fridge, everything is up to you what it will look like when the building is complete.

Kate Montalbano: Then the last option is just again, a single-family home rendering. This is amazing just to show and get attraction for a single-family home before the building has been completed. It feels like you're walking through a Matterport tour. You're able to get still photos, a teaser video, and much more just from the rendering itself.

Kate Montalbano: Then last but not least, I really wanted to show this one. This is just fun. My boss came up with this idea. It's called the Door of Perception. You basically walk through like an elevator room looking into this guy's third eye. Then what you're able to do is walk through and you're in this guy's mind and this is where we wanted to have fun and just see what we could do with a Matterport tour. These are all great pieces of art as you can see.

Kate Montalbano: Basically the opportunities are endless and that's why I wanted to show you this cam, just to show you that I've really never had to say no. If you throw an idea at me, there's never been a no.

Kate Montalbano: That's really the conclusion of my demo. Again, I'll throw all my information in the chart below, but I appreciate all of your time and if you guys have any questions, please feel free to let me know or reach out individually and I'm more than happy to help. That's about it.

Amir Frank: Awesome. That was brilliant. I would love to see the dollhouse of that third eye.

Kate Montalbano: I can show that really quick. Let me share.

Amir Frank: Just wondering what's the structure of the model behind it. Very cool.

Kate Montalbano: Let's see.

Amir Frank: We do have a lot of questions. Go ahead and do that. I'll queue up some questions for you.

Kate Montalbano: It was just like a commercial space. Just really a commercial space and then we went in and we were able to create a whole entire world. We've created a few different fun ones now, so really we can do whatever.

Amir Frank: That's awesome. Very cool. We do have some questions, I'll bring those over here. Thank you very much. Just to take a step back, we're looking at your DIY solution. For anybody who wants to get in there and get things done right now, they are true 3D assets that you're dropping in there with CAPTUR3D, so you do get to see them from the dollhouse and so on.

Then you've got the fully automated contact Kate, say hey, this is what I want and she'll make it happen. How long does it typically take, Kate, for, I don't know, just a common three bedroom, two bathroom home?

Kate Montalbano: That would take about 3-5 business days and then I would say five bedrooms would be about 5-7. Then in-between the start of the project to the end, I always send a draft in the middle. Then the only other thing that's a little bit different is we need you to transfer the 3D tour to our Matterport account, so we can add it and then we always transfer it back over to you.

Amir Frank: The way that works is you're replacing the panels that Matterport processes as the model data goes through. That needs to be in your account for you to replace those panels with the new panels.

Kate Montalbano: Correct.

Amir Frank: Makes perfect sense. We've got a couple of questions here and let's go ahead and tackle those. When we'll be able to change wall colors. Kate can do that today. Is that something that you guys can do, change wall colors?

Wade Angelo: No. Not at this stage what happens in our community appreciates obviously the complexities around touring with the mesh. Obviously it's a hard field to do that. I know that there's opportunities for us to be able to work with MATLAB, some things with the tools that you've provided. So to set something our team has been discussing at length in terms of how much we can customize.

But now that we've heard other people asking for it through this topic, with an off, I'll be passing it onto our team to decide maybe we should push a bit harder to get that as a service and product offering.

Amir Frank: Brilliant. Perfect. That sounds like a no-brainer for Kate as well. This is a good question, but I think this may be something that we'll just put you in touch with Wade and get that resolved. I've been testing CAPTURE 3D for interior architecture design with staging metalwork. Can you provide a step-by-step video for exporting a model from a program like Sketchfab.

Maintaining the scale and model so we don't have to scale the object once it's ready to be inserted into Creator Studio. I'm guessing your team, Wade, can help them walk through that or maybe you already have some videos on that.

Wade Angelo: We do, actually.

Amir Frank: That's great.

Wade Angelo: What we suggest is going into our YouTube channel, that's simply go to YouTube and type in CAPTURE 3D with a three, and you'll find it's actually webinars based on what exactly you described. The idea is being able to export from different file extensions and be able to put them back into Creator Studio. But you'll find that in YouTube and also our Facebook group called Colby CAPTUR3D community group or CCG.

You'll find a plethora of video contents to be able to find out exactly how to do that. But if not and you don't feel it covers what you require, please just contact us and we'll be able to assist you accordingly.

Amir Frank: Perfect. Scooter asks a really good question, Wade, you showed how to import or embed a video inside the digital tour itself, the twin itself. But we've got parameters that you can add to the link that allow you to include it in something like the MLS for unbranded, so I want this video to play when I post things to Facebook, but I don't want it to play. How easy or difficult is that with parameters?

Wade Angelo: It's a great question [inaudible 00:44:05]. There are options available to you to be able to switch between the URL from unbranded to branded link. I think you know how to toggle between one of the other options for you all to use in the MLS itself to be able to trick it if that makes sense, because obviously I appreciate it.

It would allow for warning bells to come off to say, this is your branding player link, if that makes sense, but you can switch between two different types of URLs. Reach out to us though anyway, because I want to make sure that I've covered that question because obviously there's a bit of moving parts to that bit now. Please send through to us and I'll be able to see if we can follow up with a solution to that question.

Amir Frank: Brilliant.

Amir Frank: Is it possible to use both? I don't know if this has ever been tried. Can I reach out to Kate? This awesome modern-looking place that has a fireplace and then maybe use a video to make it look like there's actually a fire in that fireplace with capture, is that thing?

Wade Angelo: Absolutely. In fact, one of our most recent webinars we did was all around, actually, it was one of my most popular webinars, it was I think in December of last year. But basically I went over to be able to side load and create off the plane rendered 3D environments. We actually can do that. We can do 3D apartments inside capacity with regards to creating content that doesn't exist and off the plan.

I just want to be showing the DIY, but we can do what's described. But the cool thing about what I was mentioning was that if it's off the plan rendered and inside loaded into Matterport, as you can appreciate, we can then place objects on top of the actual side loaded off the plan render. One of the examples exactly what you described, was a bit shaky. In fact, where actually I had my voice- over, where I'm like, hello, welcome to it.

The audio is, you can actually put special audio in and on top of that, you can place a looped MP4 video. What you described exactly that with the person's walking through the space. There was a fireplace and what I actually did was resized an MP4 fireplace. It was just the fireplace on loop and it was stuck inside that area. So when they're walking past, it literally looks like the fireplace was there and it was doing its own thing.

But it wasn't real. Spatial audio, just to mention that as well, meaning that there's ambient audio playing in the background where it can be music playing or a voice-over. But we can also allow you to create voice-over that's based on position and where you are landing into it to provide more context of what you're looking at. There's other features I didn't mention, but we can encourage you to sign up to experiment with us.

Amir Frank: Brilliant. All right. I'm adding media to a TV or a picture. Most listing services don't allow personal branding and 3D Tours. I think we just covered this. So what do you recommend we add to those media locations? If there's a blacked out TV screen, what do you recommend adding there that isn't branded because, as I mentioned, the MLS wouldn't allow that. Have you seen any examples?

Wade Angelo: Is this directed to me?

Amir Frank: Yes.

Wade Angelo: Look up people placing tags on objects, of course, which sound doesn't actually activate some of that stuff, but it's a hit and miss because I appreciate different platforms are more stringent than others. I appreciate we know that the North Americans are already more taught in terms of what you can and can't list. In North Australia to be more lenient.

I appreciate finding the middle ground for us because we serve many thousands of different people from both parts of the world. I'm just suggesting that when you're placing media and betting they're tested because I believe and have a feeling that it might actually surpass, it might not trigger or say that there's something in there.

Unless someone sees there is some sort of machine learning algorithm that says, Hello Powell, that particular embed is branded unless someone's actually going in there manually and flagging it. I would just test it because I think that you might be able to get away with putting imagery or at least a video that's placed in there that might not have branding front center to begin with.

Because maybe it's been triggered based on what's being shown as the first still, if that makes sense. I'll just be testing that.

Amir Frank: Yeah. The other thing is; it certainly doesn't have to be branded. You can put anything you want. If we're talking residential real estate, you can put a short video clip of the neighborhood and what's around there, it can be anything. I think it's just a matter of getting creative with it.

Wade Angelo: Exactly. I know Kate can attest to this, it's a lifestyle. It's not just about the immediate space as well, it's the surrounding area that you're looking at potentially purchasing or living in. I know Kate would probably agree that that would be a really good opportunity to place. We call them submitted profile videos. Again, absolutely a great idea.

Amir Frank: Yeah. Think about the target market and what might make them feel more at home in that space. For commercial spaces, we use contract furniture. Is their partnership in bringing in contract furniture to the asset library. I think Kate, you definitely touched on this. I believe you've worked with a furniture company to have their furniture as part of the model, right?

Kate Montalbano: Yeah. If you're already working and if you have a contract with a certain furniture company, I'm more than happy to maybe hop in a meeting with them and you merge the two together to have access to their assets or whatever the case may be, but it's definitely doable.

Amir Frank: Wade, you pretty much have the same thing where as long as some furniture companies have 3D models of their furniture for this purpose or other purposes, sometimes some of them have on their website where you can just use AR to see what their furniture is going to look like in your home. As long as they have that, you guys can take advantage of that and if that doesn't happen?

Wade Angelo: Absolutely. At the end of the day, as I've described, really any asset can be placed and pulled in and captured, as long as it's the right file extension requirement. There are detailed support articles on our website. If you go to the bottom it says help and support. The idea is that when you type JOB, we'll populate all different types of support articles that describe exactly what we require.

But as you've described, yes, absolutely. If there's opportunities for you to grab those pieces of furniture from your partner, and if you've got permission, to be able to change the file, then absolutely. I appreciate that when you're uploading custom assets that you are the only one producing those and not anyone else in the platform. The ones that are supplied are shared amongst all users because it's open, whereas custom is yours.

That being said too, we're always open to integrations with our own API. I appreciate you can't play around with that platform, and if there is an opportunity to potentially have something that might be stored elsewhere in the correct file format and can be pulled automatically, as a supply asset, which is technically this, then there's an opportunity to be explored as well.

So we do have options of opening up our wood back in with the case to be able to integrate things that can be pulled and taken out from different platforms and put into ours.

Amir Frank: Brilliant. Will captured 3D assets and images be clickable at some point. I don't know if they're referring to click and have something open up like a tag or just link you off to, I don't know, maybe a purchasing page. Furniture.

Wade Angelo: Yes. That's a great question and that's something we've also explored as well. I mean, we understand there are certain limitations with that platform at the moment. But for us it's always about making sure that the assets themselves are optimized for the best and fast experience. On top of that, I know that obviously it'd be better to have something that can be clicked that allows them to open up.

At this stage tags only. However, we are looking at things like polygon use, be able to highlight certain parts of mesh and things like that to enable those pop-ups to be unlocked and then go to other parts of the tour, potentially deep linking or in this case, I'm insinuating, I think you're meaning about maybe talking a bit more about the object itself and how it can be potentially purchased.

If that is cropping furniture or something like that. So yes, absolutely. But one suggesting guys and girls, if you are listening, anything that you require, you feel it's going to provide value for yourself or your customers, please send out a message to us because the more that we hear from our customers about what is required, the more app development team is going to go, what?

We need to start looking at this because this is something that our customers are demanding and we will all build accordingly.

Amir Frank: Absolutely. Feedback is supercritical, and we'll get to the contact information in a second. A question for Kate. If I were to scan the furniture items of some providers, let's say I've got a little 3D application on my phone, I'm at a furniture store, something that I really like. Can I just grab a quick scan of that and provide you with that to put into my model?

Is that enough? Do you even need that? Do you just need 2D images? What do you need from me?

Kate Montalbano: Yes. It depends on what the furniture item is. But for the most part, ideally a 3D model would be perfect. But I've had people send me hand-drawn items of things that they want incorporated in their space, cell phone pictures, a PDF, whatever works, my team's able to do. But I would say if you scan a 3D model, the delivery period of getting those items in the space will be a little bit quicker than if we have to.

Amir Frank: Makes sense. Scale and everything like that, I'm sure works out a little bit better.

Kate Montalbano: Correct? Yes.

Amir Frank: It makes perfect sense. There are plenty of 3D scanning applications out there. If you've got an iPhone with lidar, certainly lots of really cool little tools that allow you to scan items like furnishing. For Wade, can you upload any digital file we are able to scrape from the internet?

Wade Angelo: No. Obviously, yes. There's ways of doing that as long as the actual as I said, the importance is correct file format, and technically yes. We have had customers creatively use maybe rhymes with Google to be able to take external photogrammetry. So please appreciate this is not just about the internal space, about assets that are furniture.

I know we're slightly segue here, but we have had customers who are currently using photogrammetry from drawings to be able to use that as furniture and placing the actual external model on top of the actual tool itself to say not just the actual tool over the actual physical building itself or dwelling, and they appreciate when I mentioned Google.

They are taking things from there and placing it on top of the Matterport, which means you've got a full streetscape as well as the actual model itself. What can I say without getting into trouble? The idea is simply yes, we encourage our customers to use their imagination within means and obviously not get yourself into trouble. But of course, there's a lot of things you can do by trial and error.

Amir Frank: Yes. That's actually a really good point, to think outside the box. I've definitely seen some examples of just that where it's not furniture that goes inside the model, but it's actually the entire wrapping around the model itself. I believe you even have a little button that you can toggle to turn it on and off and see what it looks like with the skin, and then just press a button and you see the metaphor dollhouse underneath.

Wade Angelo: Thank you Amir for that. I didn't actually mention that to us. That's actually one of the biggest features and that's ridiculous. I can't believe I didn't do that, but part of the tour as well as that there was the side navigation menu that expands or subtracts. There's also ones that apparently stay there where the actual button, I can't believe I didn't mention, that's one of our biggest features.

Where being able to toggle on and off. So the idea is when you're walking through the space, it's completely unfinished as you can see, but when you toggle the furniture that can be switched on and off, so you can see what it looks like while you're in the tour, from all different perspectives, and just to be able to talk about what you mentioned with the external part, same thing.

Obviously that's part of the virtual staging component. Recently I did one with Ghostbusters stained, one actually did a full blown off the plane rendered Ghostbusters firehouse from a video game, actually extracted from the video game, and created [inaudible 00:57:15] of the ghost house, the firehouse from Ghostbusters. What I actually did was purchase a JOB fall off the external firehouse of Ghostbusters with the sign everything.

Put that on top to the hope that I was nothing, doesn't exist. It was literally to the video game itself, the doll house, with three different levels of the actual firehouse with the external JOB follicle being the actual building itself in New York City. Again, like Kate's being mentioned as well, there's so many things we can do, and just so to say, Kate, you know examples of exactly that.

I'm so excited to see what you guys are doing too. It goes on and on. You just want it to stop. Make it stop.

Kate Montalbano: Yes. I could sit here for hours and keep talking about it. It's at.

Amir Frank: That sounds great. I would love that conversation, invite me in. Maybe one or two more questions because we are pretty much out of time, but I wish we could get to all of these. Unfortunately, I don't think we'll be able to, but I do want to get to the point of pricing. I saw that coming in. Do we want to have people just reach out to you all and get pricing or do you want to do this?

Wade Angelo: You can start Kate.

Kate Montalbano: Yes. We do have general pricing with the link. I shared the link with the host, so I think that'll be sent out right after the call. But we do most of our pricing by square feet or square meter. But again, every project is different and it's priced out differently. If you'd like to reach out to me privately, I'm more than happy to help give you a better, more customized quote if you have a project in mind.

Wade Angelo: With regards to me, appreciate that our virtual staging Creator Studio section is one of many features that it's unlocked. We charge per credit, pay-as-you-go subscription. But the idea is for us it's worth seven credits, which is seven USD per space. By space, we don't mean sleep or individual locations. That's the whole project.

The idea is from there that unlocks the crash studio, but all the other functionality that I didn't even touch on. So appreciate you're getting a lot of value for just that seven credits that includes what we described today. But the link, I believe, it's being sent through or via a webinar channel.

Amir Frank: Thanks for placing the link in the chat, and we'll definitely include those in the outgoing email as well. Let's see here, so we are at time, but is there anything else interesting here that we can touch on before we take off that reminds you of something that you wanted to bring up any last remarks? Wade or Kate?

Wade Angelo: I just wanted to say Kate, byproducts. I was very impressed. So just coming from the other end of the DIY to what you're offering. I'm impressed with your service. We [inaudible 01:00:11] Kate as well, because scrapers. It's good for everyone to be involved because I know we can have competing for the same space in some ways,

But it's just so great to see how passionately by far about this space, and it shows how we present and how we talk about each other's products. So well done. Kudos, to you and your team.

Kate Montalbano: Yes. Thank you. You as well Wade, and honestly, I want to thank everyone who participated as well. It took time to hear me and Wade speak and I look forward to working with anyone who's interested, and thank you also Matterport for hosting this as well.

Amir Frank: Our pleasure. Certainly my pleasure. I really appreciate you taking the time to explain this. Basically takeaways, you've got the DIY solution, lots of assets in the library, as well as your ability to import anything that you want from Sketchfab or anything that you create on your own with a right phone. Then you've got the more automatic.

I'm going to reach out to Kate and tell her to design this place and make it wicked cool. That's about it. So it's really up to you. Now we have a complete understanding of the differences in virtual staging options. This is pretty much it. By all means, hopefully that was enlightening. I know I definitely learned something and we'll see you next time. Really appreciate your attendance again. Thanks. Thanks, everybody.