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WGAN-TV Training U: Matterport + SIMLAB SIM-ON for Facilities Management18468

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WGAN-TV | Matterport + SIMLAB SIM-ON for Facilities Management, Maintenance and Design | Guests: SIMLAB Founder and CEO Marek Koźlak, PhD Eng. and SIMLAB SIM-ON Product Owner Michał Szopa | Episode: 181 | Thursday, 16 March 2023 | |

WGAN-TV Podcast | WGAN Forum Podcast

WGAN-TV Podcast | Matterport + SIMLAB SIM-ON for Facilities Management, Maintenance and Design | Guests: SIMLAB Founder and CEO Marek Koźlak, PhD Eng. and SIMLAB SIM-ON Product Owner Michał Szopa | Episode: 181 | Thursday, 16 March 2023 | |

WGAN-TV Podcast | Matterport + SIMLAB SIM-ON for Facilities Management, Maintenance and Design | Guests: SIMLAB Founder and CEO Marek Koźlak, PhD Eng. and SIMLAB SIM-ON Product Owner Michał Szopa | Episode: 181 | Thursday, 16 March 2023 | |

WGAN Forum Podcast | Matterport + SIMLAB SIM-ON for Facilities Management, Maintenance and Design | Guests: SIMLAB Founder and CEO Marek Koźlak, PhD Eng. and SIMLAB SIM-ON Product Owner Michał Szopa | Episode: 181 | Thursday, 16 March 2023 | |

WGAN-TV eBook | Matterport + SIMLAB SIM-ON for Facilities Management, Maintenance and Design | Guests: SIMLAB Founder and CEO Marek Koźlak, PhD Eng. and SIMLAB SIM-ON Product Owner Michał Szopa | Episode: 181 | Thursday, 16 March 2023 | |

WGAN-TV Training U

WGAN-TV Training U (in Matterport ) | Free Course | Matterport + SIMLAB SIM-ON for Facilities Management, Maintenance and Design | Guests: SIMLAB Founder and CEO Marek Koźlak, PhD Eng. and SIMLAB SIM-ON Product Owner Michał Szopa | Episode: 181 | Thursday, 16 March 2023 | |

WGAN-TV | Matterport + SIMLAB SIM-ON for Facilities Management, Maintenance and Design | Guests: SIMLAB Founder and CEO Marek Koźlak, PhD Eng. and SIMLAB SIM-ON Product Owner Michał Szopa | Episode: 181 | Thursday, 16 March 2023 | | |

WGAN-TV Training U (in Matterport) | Free Course | Matterport + SIMLAB SIM-ON for Facilities Management, Maintenance & Design

Hi All,

[WGAN-TV Training U (above) ... WGAN-TV Podcast (above) ...WGAN-TV eBook (above) ... Transcript (below) ...]

On WGAN-TV Live at 5 (5 pm ET) on Thursday, 16 March 2023, my guests will be:

1. SIMLAB Founder and CEO Marek Koźlak, PhD Eng.
2. SIMLAB SIM-ON Product Owner Michał Szopa

Marek and Michał will demo and discuss how to use the SIMLAB SIM-ON Facility Management (FM) platform with a task manager as a communication tool among:

1. householders
2. employees
3. service providers

WGAN-TV | Matterport + SIMLAB SIM-ON for Facilities Management, Maintenance and Design

Demo and Discussion Includes

1. Tickets Task Manager for owners, stakeholders and service providers
2. Mapping tickets in Matterport 3D space
3. Photo and Video sharing for issue reporting
4. Linking to assets and events timeline
5. Virtual staging
6. 3D model browser
7. Layout manager
8. Models Sets and Decoration
9. Location and position tool
10. E-commerce integration
11. Product description tags and linking to online stores

SIMLAB SIM-ON also includes a virtual staging and design module with an e-commerce integration as show here:

Video: SIMLAB SIM-ON: Interior Design Editor | video courtesy of SIMLAB YouTube | January 2023

Questions that I should ask Marek and Michał during this WGAN-TV Live at 5 show?




SIMLAB website
SIMLAB inHouse micro-site
SIMLAB STAGES micro-site
SIMLAB SIM-ON micro-site
SIMLAB YouTube Channel
SIMLAB Founder and CEO Marek Kozlak
WGAN Forum: @SIMLAB @Jedrzej

P.S. Previous WGAN-TV Podcasts about SIMLAB for AEC, Facilities Management and Home Automation (IoT) ...


WGAN-TV Podcast | WGAN.INFO/search-simlab

WGAN-TV | Introduction to SIMLAB STAGES + Matterport for AEC Design/Build Communications | Guest: SIMLAB Founder and CEO Marek Koźlak, PhD Eng. | Episode: 146 | Thursday, 19 May 2022 | | Part 1 of 2

WGAN-TV | 9+ SIMLAB STAGES Updates for Matterport Integrations for AEC | Guest: SIMLAB Founder and CEO Marek Koźlak, PhD Eng. | Episode: 155 | Thursday, 28 July 2022 | @SIMLAB | Part 2 of 2

WGAN-TV | Introduction to SIMLAB SIM-ON + Matterport for IoT Integrations with KNX, SmartThings and FIBARO | Guest: SIMLAB Founder and CEO Marek Kozlak | Episode: 150 | Thursday, 23 June 2022 | |

WGAN Forum discussions tagged: SIMLAB | SIMLAB STAGES | SIMLAB SIMON | AEC | Construction | IoT


WGAN-TV | Matterport + SIMLAB inHouse: CMS Includes Interactive Google Map, Analytics and ChatBot | Guest: SIMLAB Founder and CEO Marek Koźlak, PhD Eng. and SIMLAB Product Owner Marta Stanek | Episode: 167 | Thursday, 10 November 2022 | @SIMLAB
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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
WGAN-TV | Matterport + SIMLAB SIM-ON for Facilities Management, Maintenance and Design | Guests: SIMLAB Founder and CEO Marek Koźlak, PhD Eng. and SIMLAB SIM-ON Product Owner Michał Szopa | Episode: 181 | Thursday, 16 March 2023 | |


Dan Smigrod: -Hi all.I'm Dan Smigrod, Founder of the We Get Around Network Forum. Today is Thursday, March 16, 2023, and you're watching WGAN-TV Live at 5.

We have an awesome show for you today: "Sim-on says" ;-) Matterport + SIMLAB SIM-ON for Facilities Management, Maintenance, and Design. Our subject matter experts on today's show -- to fill us in -- are SIMLAB Founder and CEO Marek Koźlak.

Hi Marek, good to see you. Thanks for being on the show again.

Marek Koźlak: -Thank you for hosting us.

Dan Smigrod: -And SIMLAB SIM-ON Product Owner Michał Szopa. Hey, Michał. Thanks for being on the show again.

Michał Szopa: -Hello, everybody. Thank you for our invitation for today's show.

Dan Smigrod: -Awesome, Marek before we jump into the topic for today, how about a top line on the different products SIMLAB offers and your "sweet spot" for those products?

Marek Koźlak: -Okay, so SIMLAB is a tech company. We are located in Poland and we are working on top of the Matterport technology. Matterport is our biggest partner and investor in our seed round. We have created two products that you have probably seen before, which are quite famous in the Matterport community:

One is called STAGES, which we call Matterport time-lapse or Matterport timeline, with the split screen view or before and after effects. SIM-ON is our next step software after STAGES, which is mostly for construction. SIM-ON is for the facility management and operation of the building on a daily basis using a Matterport model with a couple of assets and the module I will show you today.

Our InHouse project is for the enterprise having 100+ or 1,000+ Matterport models on the account and how to navigate between the models, jump between them with the AI support and direct connection between the model A and model B and how they are being accessible from their administration point of view.

Dan Smigrod: -Awesome. We've actually had both of you as guests on the show before. We've done deep-dive intros to SIMLAB STAGES, SIMLAB SIM-ON and SIMLAB InHouse.

All of those WGAN-TV Live at 5 shows can be seen at: www.WGAN.INFO/SIMLABonWGAN We're going to assume for today's purpose that our viewers have already done a deep-dive intro to SIMLAB SIM-ON + Matterport. Even to Matterport + SIMLAB InHouse.

These are two shows that we've done deep-dives and that way we'll be able to move faster through today's show because we covered a lot of ground in these previous shows about SIMLAB. Marek, in terms of today's topic: Matterport + SIMLAB SIM-ON for Facilities Management, Maintenance and Design. Perhaps you could begin maybe with the SIM-ON ticket task manager?

Dan Smigrod: It looks like Marek's screen is frozen. Maybe if we could go back to you, Michał? Do you want to begin in terms of that SIM-ON ticket task manager and perhaps if Marek can hear us, he can sign-out and sign back in.

Michał Szopa: Okay, no problem. We add the ticketing system according to the needs of the customer. That we bring to the customer, the possibility to add the most important terms for their assets.

For example, if we have an air-purifier in our office that means that we can place events -- maybe recurring events -- for changing the filters and changing some other stuff that routinely needs maintenance services -- every time it should be done. I see Marek is coming back.

Marek Koźlak: Yeah, I heard what you said and this is actually a funny story because we were not thinking about those functionalities before focusing mostly on the building control and automation of the building from the smart home approach or the industry 4.0 approach.

But we were asked by our customers, mostly enterprise level customers saying, "but we have thousands of things we would like to maintain inside of the Matterport beautiful visualization. How can you help us?"

Do we have a ticketing system needed for our maintenance teams or how to integrate this with our calendar? That's why SIM-ON migrated from the IoT system on top of the Matterport to the facility and operating system for any building, which already has a Matterport scan.

Dan Smigrod: At a big picture level, how does this ticketing task manager work? Is this -- Is this a SIMLAB ticket task manager? Or, are you using existing Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) that are used in the facilities management space? Combination of both? How does that work?

Marek Koźlak: I would say a combination of both because we have our own very basic system which Michał will show you today, which actually allows you to create a ticket, everything visual. Instead of having this massive management softwares that people are actually using, we have a very pleasant visual interface just like adding a Matterport MatterTag.

You add the tickets to the problem in your space. Then you can add, of course, all of this content and communication with pictures, but also with their chat part of their systems, with notifications.

This is very basic. But if the customer, which is an enterprise level with one or more facilities, has his own already-existing, very complex, comprehensive systems. We can integrate it to our and create the OEM for that part of the industry or for that particular customer as well.

Dan Smigrod: What systems do you presently integrate to, what CMMS systems are integrated into SIMLAB SIM-ON today?

Marek Koźlak: Well, I don't want to say it's a very general system because it was individual toolkits customers were having in their own factory. No major brand CMMS.

It was just, "Oh! We are using this kind of communication. How can we cooperate with SIMLAB?" We gave them, "We need these kinds of input signals in that structure. Then we can just work and have it as a very quick service for you to show it in the Matterport digital twin."

Dan Smigrod: Yes. But are there existing CMMS systems that are presently integrated with similar SIM-ON?

Marek Koźlak: Not of the major line of the products. Not yet. We would be very happy if some of the viewers would like to test this with their own system they are already using; we'll be more than happy to integrate it. It was like more individual solutions people were having for their factories.

Dan Smigrod: - Just to clarify, SIMLAB SIM-ON has its own timeline feature, smart systems meets facilities management tool that includes this task manager as a communications tool. It is ready to go. Works today. Michał is going to show us some of that -- Michał is going to show us some of that shortly. But, if a client is already using a specific CMMS system and would like it integrated with Matterport. SIMLAB is ready, willing, and able to build out that integration.

Marek Koźlak: - Very much so.

Dan Smigrod: - Okay. Awesome. Just to clarify some of the features in the SIM-ON task manager today, could you just describe -- I think you mentioned photos, videos and some other features.

Marek Koźlak: - Yeah. Fast communication, visual communication, whatever you can do on a construction site or facility site or in the public building, just take your cell phone, make a photo or record your voice or just attach any content like a spare part catalogs or web links to the actual components you need to buy or change.

Pretty much thinks that without engineering knowledge, you would like to communicate what's wrong with the facility and how to fix it.

Dan Smigrod: - How does this task manager relate to asset management or scheduling and maintenance?

Marek Koźlak: - Michał? You want to answer that one?

Michał Szopa: - Yeah, I can. It's not directly related, but if we have the task according to the particular asset, for example that will be that asked for the air conditioning unit, we always can check for example the documentation the spare parts catalog that gives the servicemen the possibility to prepare himself and time-saving into the site because we had the clients that they have a couple of air conditioning coming into one side and customer is only, the user is only putting information about the "air conditioning is broken" but which one?

Using the Matterport and localization the servicemen can check the exact position of the problem and prepare to fix it like taking the ladder, taking the spare parts, taking the filters, everything with him not going twice to the same issue.

Marek Koźlak: - But also that work backwards, as well, because each asset has a calendar feature and if you have hundreds of assets in the space, we read in our calendar -- timeline -- all of these events from each individual asset building, the next plan, what's happening next week, next month, and how you need to prepare yourself on the maintenance and cost in servicing those things. It works both directions.

If you are importing assets to SIMLAB SIM-ON, then you can put that particular asset in some action plan in the next six months or 12 months, which is like an ongoing, recurring event or is just a one-time shot to do something because now it's broken.

Dan Smigrod: - Okay. How about we jump into a demo of that? Michał, you want to show us?

Michał Szopa: - Yeah. That will be my pleasure.

Dan Smigrod: - While he's setting up, you can go to the main website, or you can go directly to the SIMLAB SIM-ON website -- -- Michał, we're in your demo.

Michał Szopa: - Okay, great. We are now in the SIMLAB SIM-ON solution. As you see here on the background, we have the Matterport scan, and we are now on the asset layer. As you see here, the icons, the assets we have targets in the SIMLAB office space.

This is our office where we are working every day and every night, and also sometimes every weekend ;-)

But here we have the assets and then we can put all the information inside that. For example, the printer we have free text and also some photographs, some videos, and some documents like this purple catalog that can be also the warranty card and so on. The timeline feature is located here.

We can put the events on the particular asset. Here we have the printer and we know that the next maintenance service is something like one week from now and the second one is printer service here.

Dan Smigrod: - Before you move on, let me just follow up on that. On March 24th, is that next maintenance service, is that going to trigger something or is that just the calendar item and it sits in the calendar?

Michał Szopa: - Right now it sits in the calendar, but in the near future, that will be also sending the notification assigned to the serviceman that he knows, "Okay. Tomorrow I need to go to the SIMLAB company and fix or check the printer.

Marek Koźlak: - But also this is what we said before, this is a trigger in our visualization. That particular end-point, which is the event, can be synchronized with your own internal toolkits.

Dan Smigrod: - There's your event timeline. Great. So you can see what's coming up in terms of scheduling, that there are action items associated with that printer, watering the plants and some inspections?

Michał Szopa: - Yeah, exactly. Here we have the timeline and as you see here we have the current events, for today, for the future, and also I can move on the past and see what's happened in the past.

What is very nice and important in the Matterport tour is that we can check exactly which one asset, which one item in our space needs to be checked or which location is connected to the asset. For example, this air purifier needs a filter replacement. I can click here and I'm automatically going into the location where it is.

Dan Smigrod: - So you can either move from the timeline to the asset or from the asset to the timeline?

Michał Szopa: - Exactly. Yes.

Dan Smigrod: - There's a couple of things that are coming soon -- just as my printer presently orders toner automatically through Amazon -- that SIMLAB SIM-ON will automate, perhaps, either as an email that goes out to the service tech or maybe some other even more advanced feature.

Marek Koźlak: - All of the other devices in the same office.

Michał Szopa: - Yeah. Right now, we can also put some example links to the shop where we can buy, for example, the filters and also show photographs of which filter -- according to the particular asset. Right now I have a poor connection to the Internet because I have many things open. Sorry for that.

Dan Smigrod: - Are there other features that you want to show us that's new and different since we did a previous "SIMLAB SIM-ON + Matterport intro/deep-dive demo" show?

Michał Szopa: - Yeah.

Marek Koźlak: - Look what we are doing at this moment. Right now we were notifying people that, "oh, there's an event on your timeline" which means there's a filter replacement.

So now we can have intro materials -- like a video, how to do it yourself -- the link where you can buy it -- the inverse to show, basically, how much it cost in the past, so you can collect all this data and now you can, of course do it. But, if you don't want to do this yourself, Michał, show what's happening next and what's new.

Michał Szopa: - Yes. Going forward, the customer needs -- we also made the ticketing system. The ticketing system is something like a communicator between the user and the Facility Manager into the space. To do that, if you have some issues -- with an asset -- we can add the new ticket into our system.

Dan Smigrod: - Just a clarification because you may not have been obvious, but up in the top right menu where there are two little cards, you had clicked on those. In fact, we could just go back for a second.

Take us back to that main menu and then to the left, where there were two icons, top right, if we go back to the top-right. That's where you clicked in order to say, "I" want to add an action item, a task?"

Michał Szopa: - Yeah, Because we have a couple of layers into our software and one layer is the assets. The one I'm showing right now. The second layer is that event timeline.

Dan Smigrod: - We have a layer for assets, a layer for timeline, a layer for IoT?

Michał Szopa: - IoT, which I showed.

Dan Smigrod: - And a layer for tasks? That's where you clicked in order to call up your task manager. "You have a problem. You need something fixed." And, then you were about to click on the + button and, I believe then, go to the place where you want to tag for that ticket to be located?

Michał Szopa: - Yeah. I'm now the ticket creator and I can put a ticket name, for example, this filter replacement.

Michał Szopa: I can add some stakeholder like the responsible person that will be Marek right now ;-) in this case, put in some description.

Michał Szopa: -I can also add some documents like the photographs for the filter you or Marek should buy.

Dan Smigrod: -I think what we were talking about previously is you could add text, photos, PDFs, video, timing issues.

Michał Szopa: -But that was for the asset itself. Here we can put the current situation.

For example, there can also be some problems or some issues with some device you have in your space. You can take the picture, for example, the leaking air conditioning unit and put it inside to give the serviceman or some Facility Manager the clarified information -- what happened with the issue -- you want to put inside the system.

Dan Smigrod: -Okay. Is that calendar feature related to this task?

Michał Szopa: -No, it's not a calendar feature. It's the daily basis "communicator" between the user and the Facility Manager.

Dan Smigrod: -Okay. Can you save that?

Michał Szopa: -Yeah, I can save that and that goes to Marek right now, the information about that.

Dan Smigrod: -Sorry, I'm confused. I don't see the tag on that area.

Michał Szopa: -Because I have not placed the tag yet. I can put it here. I am editing the ticket and now I'm going to hit the + button and put a tag on the inside.

Dan Smigrod: -First you created the issue and then you assigned the position?

Michał Szopa: -Yeah, I can do it in one step. It's not a problem, but right now I'm forgetting about it and saving and then going back and putting the tag, it's also possible. I can also change their position after creating the ticket.

Dan Smigrod: -Okay.

Marek Koźlak: -That's an important thing because if you have some tickets or like some maintenance callbacks, we can again talk to your internal system, load them in a "bulk upload" and then just relocate them in the space so we basically know where to go.

Michał Szopa: -Exactly yes.

Dan Smigrod: -Okay, awesome. Is there anything else to show us before we move on to the next topic?

Marek Koźlak: -Well, I can just say that right now in my application, I see the notification bar that I see that I was awarded the ticket for maintenance, and now I can actually write back to Michał about that subject.

There is a communication chat box that works in real-time and if I have the filter replacement, I can reply in real-time.

Dan Smigrod: -You want to show us what you're doing?

Marek Koźlak: -No, actually. Not necessary. It will pop up in Micheł’s Matterport tour in a moment.

Dan Smigrod: -I'm sorry. Marek, for clarification, did that come as a normal email or is that showing up in the Matterport or both?

Marek Koźlak: -That's showing in the SIMLAB SIM-ON notification panel within the Matterport tour. When you look in SIM-ON, you have a blinking icon saying, "New Ticket" -- for example -- in the SIMLAB SIM-ON notification panel in the Matterport tour. Right now, Michał, when I replied, he saw the "New Ticket" -- "Oh! There is a maintenance item that is assigned to me."

Dan Smigrod: -Okay.

Michał Szopa: -I can show it, if you want, it's possible.

Dan Smigrod: -No thank you. I'm good. We've covered asset management, scheduling and maintenance, is there an IoT device -- control -- piece of this conversation?

Marek Koźlak: -Well, as you could see, everything is on one icon line menu. That means that if you want to see what's happening in the IoT, you just click IoT. If something is not working, you place a ticket on that IoT item.

If you want to see which IoT item is not working -- you see that there is no signal or something -- all of their documentation and all of their contact details are in the asset store. Everything in one digital interface, but on a different feature within those icons.

Dan Smigrod: -Each of those icons on the right side: there was an icon for the timeline and icon for assets -- or maybe I call it a tab -- no, an icon. An icon for the assets, for scheduling, calendar, for Internet of Things (IoT devices), and then creating a ticket in order to facilitate the communication based on tagging an item in a space?

Marek Koźlak: -Yes.

Dan Smigrod: -Okay, cool. Before we move on, I just think it may be important to highlight -- because Michał, I know you showed me this feature, I think on our last show together -- it's probably relevant because I could say, "Oh! Well. I'm an enterprise client. I'm using Matterport. I already have hundreds of MatterTags that I've done.

I like what I'm seeing with SIMLAB SIM-ON, but I'm really hesitant to move because I know it was super-painful to create, if not dozens -- hundreds -- of MatterTags."

So does SIMLAB have a solution you want to tell us about for that enterprise client that has many Matterport spaces -- already using MatterTags -- to annotate hundreds of locations?

Michał Szopa: -We can [bulk] import it into [the SIMLAB environment] as well.

Marek Koźlak: -If you've done your job once, you don't lose anything, we just import both for SIMLAB STAGES and SIMLAB SIM-ON so it's just an additional feature that you can use in our software on top of the Matterport digital twin.

Dan Smigrod: -Do Enterprise clients do that import or is that something that you do as a service to help bring them on board -- that enterprise client -- to the SIMLAB SIM-ON platform?

Marek Koźlak: -Today for STAGES it's already working as their [DIY] toolkit because it's very easy; you just select to each STAGE and if it's got information on the issue or the ticket -- very simple -- and we are implementing the same system in SIMLAB SIM-ON right about now.

Today, it is just a service so if you already have thousands of Matterport MatterTags, we can do it in one working day for you, but in the next couple of weeks, it's coming out as a DIY feature. Probably where you're going to be watching this [WGAN-TV Podcast], it's already been one of our main features.

Dan Smigrod: -Today is Thursday, March 16th, 2023 by May 1, 2023, that should be a feature that is automated, but if not SIMLAB can do that for you to help migrate you to this SIMLAB SIM-ON platform?

Marek Koźlak: -Yes.

Dan Smigrod: -Okay.

Dan Smigrod: Virtual Staging. Do you want to take us through something new and exciting?

Marek Koźlak: Yes. I'm smiling because it was engineering work up till now. Now the cool part starts where I'm so excited because now we are doing things that I wanted to do from the beginning of when I first saw Matterport models.

That's good geometry, I will arrange my house with virtual staging. We actually made it happen within SIMLAB SIM-ON. I will just show you this in a second.

Dan Smigrod: Awesome. Do you want to talk a little bit more about what you can do with SIMLAB SIM-ON in terms of virtual staging before you actually take us into a demo?

Marek Koźlak: Well, we're prepared today as a working solution and proof-of-concept. Now with this introduction, we also invite you to collaborate because we have, let's say, 100 assets which are high-quality 3D models with e-commerce links and connections, which means that they are very high quality visual products to look at.

But if you are having your own library of product portfolio, you would like all of the Matterport customers to have access to within SIM-ON is going to be possible. Today, we have a working version and now we invite everyone to collaborate saying, "Oh! You can place your products in the Matterport digital twin with just one click, and it's really easy to do it.

Dan Smigrod: You want to show us?

Marek Koźlak: Yes. My pleasure. Let me share my screen right now again.

Dan Smigrod: Again, While Marek is setting up, you can go to: and directly to the SIM-ON micro-site: Marek, we're looking at your screen.

Marek Koźlak: Just to close the subject of the maintenance, as you see, this is the communication of the issue that Michał just did.

As you see here, I have this on my checklist. That's basically pretty fast and working in real-time, so you can collaborate like this.

But the cool thing starts when I select the next button, which we have in here. You see the sofa icon. If I turn it on, this is where the magic happens. And now we're bringing all of these beautiful 3D assets into the Matterport space.

Dan Smigrod: First, for clarification, because I didn't see anything happen here in the top left corner, and you clicked on the sofa and are about to load digital assets?

Marek Koźlak: I have not seen anything happen because we optimize our algorithm. It's so fast that it's happening instantly -- mostly. If I go and I click it here, the sofa. If you don't see anything, maybe we can play a little bit of a game, saying, "which objects are [virtual staging] or which objects are [real]."

Dan Smigrod: I see, I didn't even notice it. Was that quick? I wasn't trying to be funny. I literally did not see that you already added the chairs to the space. It was that fast.

Marek Koźlak: Because, as you see here next to the sofa, we have our layouts. That means that you can create many layers and many [furniture collections].

Which you actually can place one to another. If you are thinking about staging, your new office or your new home with different furniture or different assets, then you can actually create them in a different scenario.

Scenario 1. scenario 2. And just load them in... in almost no time. If I'm going to switch it off, you will see that those two chairs are actually chairs scanned with the Matterport camera and those two chairs are virtually staged. One-click and they are gone. This is basically how it works. You can enable them.

Close them. Bring up the layer that you are interested in. Let me just show it again. This is how we load our 3D models. This is like a virtual object which is added to the Matterport tour with the shadow and with very nice merging, recognizing the geometry in the Matterport model as well.

The cool situation is that. Look at this small plant. It's actually put on that scanned table so it also recognizes -- "snapping to surfaces" -- that it can be laid on.

Dan Smigrod: Great. Do you want to show a palette of furniture and place one into the space?

Marek Koźlak: My pleasure. How to run it for all of the SIMLAB SIM-ON users which already have access to our software and still please remember you can register at free of charge and start using this free of charge. There are some open software licenses as well.

But if you're going to run it here, you have an interior editor. This is how you turn it on. Now you see that when I run in a menu internal editor, that brings objects in several categories. This is where we invite you to cooperate with us to bring more of those categories to our system and search engine.

Of course you can search furniture for chairs. It's pretty easy to find what you are looking for in this library of 100 objects today. You can search for consumer electronics. You can search for decorations. You can search for furniture. Basically, those categories are pretty self-explanatory.

How does it work? Let's say that we will not match this set here. Let's maybe go to the SIMLAB kitchen. We see here that we have our coffee machine. Let's see what appliances and consumer electronics you can bring. Today we have this kettle -- one click, and now I can put the kettle in the objects I want, but for example, let me move one step closer. The kettle again and you see it tracks the surfaces so I can put the new one versus the old one, add a toaster to it as well.

Here's my toaster if you want to rotate it facing the user at this moment so I can do it like this. As you see, it's pretty easy, self-explanatory. Just click objects, place it in a space on the surface you want.

If you want to add more things like a decoration, look how fast it is. Let's take this plant -- tree -- and put it maybe here in the corridor just for fun. Pretty easy, pretty fast. You can put in as many of those assets as you want and create sets of those assets for your own needs.

Dan Smigrod: Well, I know you're the SIMLAB Founder and CEO, but I think you've found yourself a new career path here as a virtual stager. You look pretty adept at this, Marek.

Marek Koźlak: I don't know if someone else actually would like to put this tree in that place, I did right now.

But, really it's cool and it's fun. Imagine you have thousands of those objects in the library, and then you can just create, furnish and stage any open space. Of course, what you see here in this editor, it's, everything is pretty complex. On the layers, you can see how many assets you have placed. You can create a new layout, for example, like a...

Dan Smigrod: I took you off screen share. I think we get it. Again, you look pretty adapted to doing this.

What's the learning curve look like? Is this, "oh, this is super-easy to pick up and it is not hard. You can do it?"

Marek Koźlak: I challenged everybody that five-minutes should be enough in picking up those options. To know basically how to create the stage of your apartment.

Dan Smigrod: Can you give us a little bit of the roadmap because you mentioned that there's about 100 objects there, obviously not enough. Everybody wants more. When's more coming? Or is it really, "I bring my own digital assets with me and import them into SIMLAB SIM-ON?"

Marek Koźlak: We are observing the market right now and what's the response about that basic feature that we are just having here. We are trying to bring more partners to it. Like a furniture store's brands that can actually put those features because the ones that we want to publish, we want them to be live objects.

Because if I can show my screen again for a second, I will just show you more things which are very important in my opinion. Because if you see here, I just created the layer of this environment.

But if I go to my old one, which is called a comfort set, we create a list of the objects that you have in that particular set that you create if you're going to exit the editor. Is that what we want to use as the professional toolkit?

If you see that the models are being loaded here, each of the assets plating the space, they have this orange tag. The orange tag for us is the e-commerce connection, which means that that chair actually is a live product for sale.

If you're going to click it and go to shop, this is where you can buy it. This is how we want to connect users with the e-commerce environment and actually buy that object inside of SIM-ON.

Dan Smigrod: I'm a little bit confused. Are you showing me a proof of concept? Are you showing me this is connected to Shopify and you're ready to go?

Marek Koźlak: I'm showing you a ready to go product, but with the 100 objects today, inviting all of the e-shops and Shopify stores to connect into the Matterport environment and bring your products into SIM-ON for all of the community of millions of apartments ready and already digitized.

Dan Smigrod: Which e-commerce platforms are presently integrated with SIMLAB SIM-ON for Matterport integration?

Marek Koźlak: We know how to work with Shopify, Magento, so we can bring those. But usually if you're an online store, we can bring your product line into the SIM-ON directly from our website.

Dan Smigrod: - I'm a little bit confused. Are you using the Content Management System (CMS) of the shopping platform to manage the inventory? Or, is something else happening?

Marek Koźlak: - We are using a Content Management System for the eCommerce brand. If you are IKEA, we can connect to your database and bring your product into the SIMLAB SIM-ON solution.

Dan Smigrod: - Okay, so you're ready, willing, and able to do integrations with Shopify... I think I heard of one other platform.

Marek Koźlak: - Yes, Magento.

Dan Smigrod: - Magento, you welcome the opportunity to build out to other platforms, if that's the case.

Marek Koźlak: - Yes.

Dan Smigrod: - Cool. Before we move on, is there anything else on virtual staging meets SIMLAB [SIM-ON] meets Matterport?

Marek Koźlak: - Well, bring your products to Matterport digital twins. This is also what I said today, we are testing the market and seeing the response, which is fantastic.

Actually, everybody else who is using this is asking us to bring their own product. We did not want to do it yet, but that feature is also coming in the next couple of weeks.

That's going to be a pretty good for you if you are a 3D modeler or 3D graphic component, or have access to the 3D models from your own architect, you can bring your own data into SIMLAB SIM-ON as well, in the next release of our software, which would take us only a couple of weeks.

Dan Smigrod: - Okay, great. Big picture. What's next for SIMLAB?

Marek Koźlak: - Well, as you see, we moved from the IoT and home automation systems, most of the assets and the management of those assets on the timeline with the ticketing system and so on.

Now we are working very much on our AI modules, which means that we will have a wizard which will help you to create your own asset list.

You can create your own categories of furniture and appliances right now, and now we will drive AI behind it to say, "Oh! We recognize you have a washing machine in that room, in that space, would you like to bring a warranty card or a maintenance timelines for your facility management module of SIMLAB SIM-ON?

Dan Smigrod: - I'm confused. Sounds very exciting.

Dan Smigrod: Is there a machine-learning training set that's applied to a Matterport customer's Matterport spaces to train and say, "okay, this is the chiller, this is the boiler?"

Marek Koźlak: - Yes, SIM-ON is building our own algorithm to do it for you. When you're going to run SIM-ON for the first time, we will recognize, "Oh! You have two AC units in your apartments.

Would you like us to keep a maintenance schedule for them?" Which means fixing, changing, replacing, and placing, for example, a connection to our suggested maintenance team and so on.

Yes, we're going to be recognizing the most critical categories of the objects which usually require maintenance, so you can have an AI system and the calendar thinking for you how and what needs to be fixed in your house in the next couple of months.

Dan Smigrod: - Just to be clear, houses are the first training set versus an AEC space versus an MEP space.

Marek Koźlak: - Yes. So that's why we are directing this AI mostly for the hotels which have a problem in tracking all of those...

Which thermostat needs to be replaced or whatever. Or, when they were mounted in that space or what size, actually, what type are on the first floor? And which type is on the fifth floor?

We are aiming for hotels in that AI feature mostly, but anybody using a Matterport digital twin will be able to use it. But in the first launch, we will have general objects which you can find in hotels or apartments.

Dan Smigrod: - Okay, so I'm just imagining that SIMLAB is taking Matterport spaces that are of hotels and are of apartments or maybe homes, houses maybe multi-family, and are doing training for the AI to recognize refrigerators, stoves, beds, dressers, counters, lamps.

Whenever the objects are in hotels, in houses, in apartments. Then when a Matterport customer comes to you and says, "I don't really want to go identify and tag hundreds or thousands of objects. Can you help automate that process for me and just assign tags? You are smiling! Help me understand.

Marek Koźlak: - I am smiling because it's a second type of the AI that we are working on. It was supposed to be, I don't want to say a big secret, but the big surprise for the users, especially for the enterprise ones, is that first, this first problem is to detect your objects. This is an AC unit, this is a washing machine, and so on.

But in the second one, which we are working on, a second parallel work conducted in the SIM-ON feature is that you will be able to circle the object inside of your spacing. "Oh! This is a thermostat!"

Or, "this is the lamp!" "Find me all of the other ones on the fifth floor of the hotel." Then you would actually not have to count that you have 100 lighting fixtures on the ceiling in that hotel.

We will tag it for you automatically that this is that part SKU number for the product, and this is how you probably imagine that you have 100 lamps that you need to service at one time, in that particular moment of the next year.

Dan Smigrod: Okay. so phase 1. Phase 2. Phase 1. Today is Thursday, March 16, 2023. When will we see the ability to have the SIMLAB AI go discover objects and tag them?

Marek Koźlak: - Well, this is not a trivial job, so it's coming by the end of the year [2023]. We are working on this very deeply, but those algorithms are quite a complex development process.

I think it's going to take us a couple of months and we are aiming before the end of the year to release it in the first stage, at least to recognize the objects and then first attempt to identify any other similar one to the one that I have just marked.

Dan Smigrod: - In Phase 2, where I circle an object and say, "go find me all the thousands of ceiling tiles and light fixtures in my 5-story hotel." When will that feature be available?

Marek Koźlak: - I would love to say by the end of the year, but this is development and this is AI. This is going to the completely new areas of the AI, even on the tool-kits that you have commercially available on the market. Let's hope it's going to be like fall of this year [2023] and the next one. But we are aiming to have the first results that we can release as the Alpha by the end of the year.

Dan Smigrod: - Okay, now, I know that Founders and CEOs are always extremely optimistic. I'm going to look to Michał because you're actually the SIM-ON Product Owner. Never mind Marek. What's the timing? When is it really going to happen? ;-)

Michał Szopa: - I need to agree with Marek, that goes till the end of the year [2023] for sure.

Dan Smigrod: - Okay, so we have a head of product in agreement?

Michał Szopa: - Yeah. Right now we have the libraries ready, now it's the time for machine learning and making the magic possible to get the algorithms ready and ready to launch it for the customers.

Dan Smigrod: - [In February 2023], I was at the Geo Week in Denver and the rumors on the floor of the convention was that Matterport is working hard and fast at AI, and it seems like you've described exactly the two things that Matterport is rumored to be working on.

Is this an implementation of a rumored Matterport, machine learning, and AI? Or, is this an in-house SIMLAB-developed machine-learning AI that's coming [by end of] 2023?

Marek Koźlak: - Well, as a Matterport Partner, we have access to what Matterport is doing right now and the libraries that he learned on top of all of the Matterport spaces already in the Cloud.

But we are not using this. We are using our own research; especially that we are very connected to the technical University environments, so there is some PhD thesis around what we are doing as the alternative solutions and that's our own development.

Dan Smigrod: - Awesome. Anything else of what's coming in 2023 that you want to talk about Marek?

Marek Koźlak: - Right now we're opening mostly for the partners. Up till now we were mostly focusing on creating the product they should want.

Now it's going to be after release Version 2 available in the next couple of weeks and months with these e-commerce first modules and just focusing right now on bringing the product to the market.

This is our goal, whatever features like the AI, AR, which are coming. Connecting the AI and AR to the ticket task manager and connecting them to the geo-location points in the space. It's coming, and we're not stopping.

We have hundreds of those ideas and we need just to prioritize which are going first to the market. The product will be constantly developing, and this is what we can promise to all of the community and everybody that is listening to us right now.

Dan Smigrod: - SIMLAB already has many clients. Do you already have the clients that you need for Beta development on facilities management and as well as the AI, or are you still looking for clients that are eager to do a deep-dive into Matterport + facilities management; leveraging Matterport + SIMLAB SIM-ON?

Marek Koźlak: - Very much so. If anybody would like to test it and actually try it, or even develop it further with us for much more deep advanced options, we're more than open.

Please remember that we are a European-based company, so we are doing a lot of implementation and tests internally here in Europe, Austria, and mostly Poland, Austria. We will have one in Germany that we're doing.

A couple of the factors from Japan are connected to our system, but we are not having much presence on the US market due to the time difference.

Anybody that would like to partner up on a technical level from the US, would be more than welcome because for us, it's also new standards that we need to learn; how the systems and local software for the facility manager on the market work in the US and we need to connect it.

Please connect us with and contact us, so we can think about the integration using your case study example.

Dan Smigrod: - For clarification, this is actually I wanted to say in four categories that you are eager to have enterprise size clients working with Matterport + SIMLAB SIM-ON on 1) facilities management; 2) virtual staging; 3) e-commerce within virtual staging; and 4) AI for object identification based on a set of objects that SIMLAB has identified; then flipping that around for objects that the client wants to identify and go find those objects via AI in Matterport spaces.

Ideally, clients that have hundreds, if not thousands, of Matterport spaces as a data-set to test and learn. Did I summarize that okay?

Marek Koźlak: - That's our mission. That's our goal. And this is where we want to be.

Dan Smigrod: - Anyone who's interested can go to the parent website: or the micro-site: and go to the Contact Us tab or in the We Get Around Network Forum, just reach out to: @SIMLAB Before we go; two questions.

First, is there anything we haven't discussed that we should be talking about today?

Marek Koźlak: - Well, the two biggest new things inside of the SIMLAB SIM-ON are: 1) the ticketing system, which simplify the communication between the collaborators within Matterport space; and 2) and virtual staging, which now is so easy to use that you just select your objects or add your own object to SIMLAB SIM-ON and just do it yourself.

That's the most important feature that is happening right now and we are more than happy to see more registrations coming on our website. Because, please remember with those features, you can use it free of charge within our license model.

Dan Smigrod: - Awesome. Then I wanted to ask Michał, one last question. I'm going to come back to you Marek for the final question. Michał, as the SIM-ON Product Owner, if you have just 30 seconds to summarize, this is probably the hardest question, but how in 30 seconds -- no more -- how do you summarize what SIMLAB SIM-ON is all about?

Michał Szopa: - SIMLAB SIM-ON is all about the platform for the home and facility and office operating system, the complex operating system that you can bring your space into the Matterport 3D space, into the virtual reality, and connecting the IoT devices, steering your home, containing the all information about the assets, everything you have in your home.

Also communicating between the users, between you and your facility manager and keeping in mind every time that you have in your home according to the maintenance, according to your family duties because the ticketing system is also for that kind of thing can be used.

Dan Smigrod: - Awesome. Marek, I'm going to ask you maybe equally as hard a question. I think this is our fifth or sixth WGAN-TV show that we've done with SIMLAB.

It seems SIMLAB iterates at the fastest pace I've ever seen for an emerging technology company. It's really super. It's really awesome. I wonder how -- in 30 seconds -- you would describe the vision of SIMLAB given that you have so many different initiatives going on.

Marek Koźlak: - Well, if you think about digital twins, people are thinking about Matterport today. But if you think about digital twins AND how to use them, I would like people to think similar solutions will actually leverage 3D models that you get from Matterport.

We are bringing your 3D experience to life on a daily basis. Never mind if it is for facility management; IoT control; staging for the documentation of the AEC space. If you are thinking of digital twins, the true life digital twin is with SIMLAB.

That's why all of the features and all of the next generation software upgrades are coming because Matterport is the most common platform with millions of digitized houses. But what to do with them? Thinking what to do with them? Think SIMLAB.

Dan Smigrod: - Awesome. Marek thanks for being on the show today.

Marek Koźlak: - Thank you Dan.

Dan Smigrod: - Michał, thanks for being on the show today.

Michał Szopa: - Thanks so much.

Dan Smigrod: - We've been visiting today with SIMLAB Founder and CEO Marek Kozlak and SIMLAB SIM-ON product owner, Michał Szopa.

I am Dan Smigrod, Founder of the We Get Around Network Forum, and you've been watching WGAN-TV Live at 5.
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