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BaezeniCAPTUR3DCubiCasaFloor PlansiGUIDEMattterportMP2FP

Video: Let's compare 8 floorplans.18296

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Suisun City, California
ScanYourSpace private msg quote post Address this user
Video: Let's compare 8 floorplans | Video courtesy of Sparks Media YouTube Channel | 17 February 2023 | Scan Your Space (a Division of Sparks Media Group) Founder and CEO Tom Sparks | | | @ScanYourSpace
Post 1 IP   flag post
Los Angeles
Home3D private msg quote post Address this user
Or, you can ask Baezeni for the "" custom style, seen here. We worked with them to develop this approach as we wanted the best possible. BTW, Baezeni has been fabulous to work with.

Post 2 IP   flag post
SCAN TO CAD FILE SERVICE Baezeni private msg quote post Address this user
Thank you @ScanYourSpace for include our service in your info video and thank you @Home3D for your positive feedback.

It is always a pleasure to do work and develop new projects together with you and all the other creative souls we had the pleasure to partnering with all over the world since we started in 2007.

Just a tip below to Tom and others interested in moore accuracy than a normal scan from Matterport link input, or most other basic scan inputs, can provide. As pointed out in the video the input to us was just a plain Matterport link. This is not enough if you want the most accurate measured floorplans.

We therefore always advice if accuracy is of importance to send us the Matterpack with the original pointcloud file, or optionally some relevant manual accurate handheld Lidar reference measures in a sketch or noted on a image, and we will use it to calibrate with the Matterport link data without any extra costs.

When Tom ordered he only, as mentioned in the video, sent the Matterport link. Then it can not be expeted to be 100% acccurate anywho do the service. This was clearly informed and adviced before the order was executed. This just as an advice, and additional useful info and hopefully, to avoid some misunderstanding and to underbuild the the well known “shit in shit out” theory.

For all the good Matterporters, or users of the many good other measure or scan apps out there, we will be happy to provide you with any type of custom or standard 2D or 3D floorplan style, BIM, CAD or other visual products from any input. We work when you sleep and usually deliver before you wake up the morning the day after you sent your order. We do not demand any monthly fees or prepayments for any orders and are happy to work out any order until it completly set.

More examples and info

Post 3 IP   flag post
Club Member
Suisun City, California
ScanYourSpace private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Baezeni
Thank you @ScanYourSpace for include our service in your info video and thank you @Home3D for your positive feedback.

It is always a pleasure to do work and develop new projects together with you and all the other creative souls we had the pleasure to partnering with all over the world since we started in 2007.

Just a tip below to Tom and others interested in moore accuracy than a normal scan from Matterport link input, or most other basic scan inputs, can provide. As pointed out in the video the input to us was just a plain Matterport link. This is not enough if you want the most accurate measured floorplans.

We therefore always advice if accuracy is of importance to send us the Matterpack with the original pointcloud file, or optionally some relevant manual accurate handheld Lidar reference measures in a sketch or noted on a image, and we will use it to calibrate with the Matterport link data without any extra costs.

When Tom ordered he only, as mentioned in the video, sent the Matterport link. Then it can not be expeted to be 100% acccurate anywho do the service. This was clearly informed and adviced before the order was executed. This just as an advice, and additional useful info and hopefully, to avoid some misunderstanding and to underbuild the the well known “shit in shit out” theory.

For all the good Matterporters, or users of the many good other measure or scan apps out there, we will be happy to provide you with any type of custom or standard 2D or 3D floorplan style, BIM, CAD or other visual products from any input. We work when you sleep and usually deliver before you wake up the morning the day after you sent your order. We do not demand any monthly fees or prepayments for any orders and are happy to work out any order until it completly set.

Ah yes, indeed providing e57 files or matterpaks would make for a more accurate floorplan. This comparison was meant to test the services that are providing similarly priced floorplans. Having to purchase an e57 file or matterpak would add an additional cost.

To your point about "This was clearly informed and adviced before the order was executed." I didn't see anywhere in the email exchange I had with M Bach anything regarding accuracy. It would be nice to put a notation on the floorplans that say measurements are approximate, etc. Some other providers do include this verbiage.

Not knocking Baezeni at allThere is definitely value in the product you put out.

Post 4 IP   flag post
SCAN TO CAD FILE SERVICE Baezeni private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by ScanYourSpace
Ah yes, indeed providing e57 files or matterpaks would make for a more accurate floorplan. This comparison was meant to test the services that are providing similarly priced floorplans. Having to purchase an e57 file or matterpak would add an additional cost.

To your point about "This was clearly informed and adviced before the order was executed." I didn't see anywhere in the email exchange I had with M Bach anything regarding accuracy. It would be nice to put a notation on the floorplans that say measurements are approximate, etc. Some other providers do include this verbiage.

Not knocking Baezeni at allThere is definitely value in the product you put out.


Dear Tom just to hopefully clarify and add some useful info to your good movie and question:

1. Regarding price and accuracy
As said above one option is as well to add to us a few relevant and accurate additional measures in a sketch or image. A few measures done manually or with a handheld Bosch or Leica type simple cheap lidar measurer that most photographer have already is enaugh. You not need complete measurement for all walls. Just a few main logical references so we can calibrate a more accurate setup of the Matterport link is enough. If price is the most crucial matter and you want best accuracy this is as informed above a most affordable 0 extra cost option compare to order the extra priced original pointcloud from Matterport. And even if order the extra priced pointcloud from Matterport it still not 100%, so anyway if accuracy is crucial some manual calibration measures always a good thing. We not charge any extra to implement this.

If you read the email we sent to you at the 9th of february it was stated in point 2 about input "...add a photo or a handwritten sketch with some accurate reference measures in any file format"

A small note about price in your video as well. It noted the price is 25 usd. This includes then the 8 usd for the extra added fixed furnitures and the 8 usd charged for the GLA ordered. No critics of the impressing detailed video just to complement some details about a valued matter for many here.

2. Disclaimer texts and other added info
Since we as shown in our references are working with many styles in many countries 90% of our clients provide us a wished setup or input or their logos or other extra info they want or cherry pick from our reference styles. Many clients as well choose to add the basic graphics we provide into their own web or manual template themselves. This just to confirm we will of course be happy to provide any info or style or disclaimer text.
Post 5 IP   flag post
3rd Party
JuMP private msg quote post Address this user
May I add one more that automatic generated from showcase link directly.
It is our xray-style floormap. PDF download link:
You can print it out and cut the ruler at top or right side of the page to measure any length on the map.

Post 6 IP   flag post
daslack private msg quote post Address this user
@ScanYourSpace Tom, thank you for taking the time to present all of the data in your video comparing the 8 floor plans renderings. I really enjoyed seeing the comps.
Post 7 IP   flag post
Melbourne, Australia
AlexHitchcock private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks so much for your floor plan comparisons @ScanYourSpace

Great to see CAPTUR3D was the most accurate in terms of total area for Matterport URL's here! Just to confirm, the unlabelled rooms (laundry, 1/2 bathroom) are definitely included in the total area, but our default output is to not list these measurement labels on smaller rooms. This can easily be changed though.

With Captur3d, you can also create Custom Templates for each client you service for easy ordering(including measurement outputs/labels etc). We also offer buy-1-get-1 free on 2D and 3D plans of the same property - still $16.

If you order multiple floor plans per month at Captur3d, you can jump on a cancel any time subscription which saves you anywhere between 20% - 40%.

For CAPTUR3D custom labels or design/deliverable tweaks, we can add notes to the backend of your account for our design team to follow whenever you place an order (add 6" wall thickness, list in both sq/ft and sq/m etc).

If you haven't signed up to Captur3d yet, you can do so via this WGAN affiliate link and receive $90 of credits to use to try out multiple floor plan orders.

Post 8 IP   flag post
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