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Matterport to Add Powerful Search/Navigation Features Powered by AI/ML/AR18280

WGAN Forum
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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Video: Emily Runs into @DanSmigrod at GeoWeek | Video courtesy of Hopscotch Interactive YouTube Channel | Monday, 13 February 2023

168-Video: Matterport to Add Powerful Search/Navigation Features Powered by AI/ML/AR | Video courtesy of WGAN-TV YouTube Channel

WGAN Forum Podcast | Episode #168

Matterport to Add Super-Powerful Search/Navigation Features Powered by AI/ML/AR

Commentary by
Dan Smigrod
Founder and Managing Editor
We Get Around Network Forum and WGAN-TV Podcast

Matterport will upgrade Matterport Showcase player to include native wayfinding and search powered by machine learning, according to a rumor at Geo Week in Denver Tuesday (14 February 2023).

By the end of 2Q23, I anticipate that Matterport will launch a drop down search bar in Matterport Showcase player that lists items and locations identified in the space by machine learning and then - via an augmented reality wayfinding experience - enable the viewer to "walk" from their existing destination to the dropdown menu selection location.

Initially, the items and spaces identified will focus on real estate spaces and by the end of 2023 include spaces that are unique to the AEC (Architects, Engineers and Construction) related spaces.

The introduction of these super-powerful search and navigation features will add huge value to Matterport and help Matterport differentiate its platform from 200 other 3D/360 virtual tour platforms/software.

For clarification, as of today (15 February 2023), Matterport has not announced the additions of native wayfinding and pull down menu search via a pre-define list of objects or spaces identified by AI powered by a machine learning training set.

Matterport did scheduled maintenance on Monday, 30 January 2023 that included:,, Showcase, Ingest, and API. This scheduled maintenance may help enable these new features.

I could imagine that Matterport is close to completing a machine learning training set that then will enable CORTEX -- Matterport's AI (Artificial Intelligence) engine -- to locate pre-identified rooms or objects in spaces (that users would likely want to identify quickly and "walk to" quickly. For example, imagine that a home buyer want to immediately go to the largest bedroom in the house or show all fireplaces.

What's likely taking longer is building out a machine learning training set for AEC to enable Matterport Showcase player to include a drop down search bar that includes spaces or objects of interest to the AEC community.

In 2024, Matterport's rumored technology roadmap includes enabling the user to identify an object - identify an object by drawing a circle around an object - and then have the Matterport CORTEX AI locate more of the same object in the Matterport Showcase player.

While Matterport Partners - such as CAPTUR3D - already offer wayfinding within a Matterport tour, I could imagine that Matterport including native wayfinding to the Matterport Showcase player will democratize wayfinding for all users of Matterport digital twins.

I could imagine that Matterport is using a combination of internal and external machine learning and AI tools to add these new features.

For example, Matterport acquired Enview "to Bring Powerful Property Insights and Analytics to Millions of Digital Twins."

And, Amazon offers an API for identifying objects in space.

"The acquisition of the technology and team will enable Matterport to speed the development of its next-generation spatial data analytics platform that optimizes the operations and management of any physical space, while providing powerful insights and building intelligence," said Matterport in its media release (5 January 2022).

"Together [Matterport + Enview], we can deliver breakthrough building analysis and data insights to our customers including automated building inspections, AI-powered space planning, and property utilization analysis to deliver operating efficiencies in a completely digital environment,” said Matterport Chairman and CEO RJ Pittman in the same media release.

AI, Machine Learning and AR were recurring themes in Geo Week conference sessions. Based on these sessions, Matterport is one of many spatial data companies that are -- or will -- leverage machine learning training sets to teach AI what objects to search for; locate how to get there and include counting of similar objects at scale.

In the Geo Week session on "AI/Machine Learning Opportunities for Geospatial Data" AI/Machine Learning examples included:

1. scanning to counting traffic lights in a week versus 2 years of one person walking a city
2. identifying broking telephone poles by comparing "before and after" hurricane imagery

I have always thought that the value of Matterport is its spatial data for enterprise at scale: even more so than the visual walk through experience. And, it seems like Matterport is poised to unlock the value in the spatial data collected by the Matterport Pro2/Pro3 Cameras and BLK360 1G scanner.

@Hopscotch Interactive Founder Emily Olman interviewed me at Geo Week about the rumor that I heard. Once she posts her video to the Hopscotch Interactive YouTube Channel, I will post it to this WGAN Forum discussion.

What are your thoughts on Matterport meets wayfinding, machine learning, artificial intelligence (in general) or these rumored Matterport Showcase player features described above?
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Hopscotch private msg quote post Address this user
Video: AI + VISUAL SEARCH COMING SOON TO MATTERPORT???? | Video courtesy of Hopscotch Interactive YouTube Channel | Interview on Tuesday, 14 February 2023


By using A.I. it also means that the time it would take to do this would approach ZERO. If you are watching this space, don't think it will stop at Matterport. Apply it universally to all visual images.

It's completely expected that they are working on this, but to think that a public integration is coming in the very near future, well that's a pretty big deal. Let's hope it's really happening!


[Note from @DanSmigrod | At 1:26, I should have said "second quarter of 2023" (not 2024).]
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WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
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Emily @Hopscotch ...

Thank you for posting this Hopscotch Interactive video to this WGAN Forum discussion.

I would like to add your insights from the video description here:
While attending GeoWeek the word on the street was that Matterport will soon launch new features from within showcase (workshop) that would enable Matterport scans to be visually searched to identify, index, and label objects. This would be a free feature that would be accessible to anyone with a Matterport account.

Dan Smigrod breaks down what he heard, and although we know this is still just a rumor, it would be extremely exciting news for anyone in facilities management or AEC who is using Matterport (or would now potentially use Matterport) to help them with innumerable tasks such as wayfinding by object.

Again, it is NOT confirmed, but if true, it would mean that the vision that we had at Butter Home Services (visual indexing for property and facilities management) would now explode onto the scene. Think about EVERY single one of the millions of models that could be visually searched.


By using A.I. it also means that the time it would take to do this would approach ZERO. If you are watching this space, don't think it will stop at Matterport. Apply it universally to all visual images.

It's completely expected that they are working on this, but to think that a public integration is coming in the very near future, well that's a pretty big deal.

Source: Hopscotch Interactive YouTube Channel
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WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
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Video: AI + VISUAL SEARCH COMING SOON TO MATTERPORT???? | Video courtesy of Hopscotch Interactive YouTube Channel | Interview on Tuesday, 14 February 2023

Transcript (video above)

Dan Smigrod: Hi all. I'm Dan Smigrod, Founder of the [] Today, I am at Geo Week in Denver.

Wow! What a thing I heard about Matterport while I was here. It's super-exciting. I just bumped into someone that told me what's on Matterport's roadmap in the next two months and even a little bit further. Imagine in Matterport Showcase that there'll be a new menu that has a search bar where you can pull down on that menu and search for objects in the space.

If an object is identified as a fire extinguisher, then you could say, "Search for all fire extinguishers in the space," and my impression is the next piece that's coming is to say, "Okay. Show me a path to get to all the fire extinguishers in the space."

Now, fire extinguisher is just an example, but my impression is that the first round of Matterport automatically doing AI Image Recognition is likely to identify objects that are familiar in a residential space: that's likely to come by the end of the first, perhaps, second quarter of [2023].

Then, in 2024 you would be able to have Image Recognition where you define the object that you want to search within the space. I'm a little bit backwards here, but also by the end of 2023, there will probably be a commercial subset of objects that are found in the AEC space.

What this means is that Matterport will make it easy, fast and seamless to find objects within the space and to be able to identify them.

For example, if you want to know all the southern exposure windows because that means something to helping make buildings green, then you can immediately count all the windows or all the ceiling tiles or all the number of fire extinguishers, whatever object it is that you're interested in; and my impression from the rumor that I heard here at Geo Week in Denver is that this likely will be a free service that takes place within Matterport Showcase for object recognition within Matterport spaces.

Object Recognition first by a pull-down menu and second by selecting what object that you're searching for, and then third is the ability to have an AR experience where you can now say, "Find – show me where all those fire extinguishers are; show me how to walk to get to that asset."

Emily Olman: Wayfinding experience in the Matterport Showcase?

Dan Smigrod: Emily, exactly a wayfinding experience. While there are Matterport partners that already offer wayfinding, what we're hearing is that the wayfinding feature will be a feature offered by Matterport within the Matterport Showcase tour.

Emily Olman: This is basically an integration with some Object Recognition software, some Machine Learning down the line that's potentially helping us identify these objects.

Some of it will already be in the system pre-identified and then we can also feed it our own later from a reference image. Is this AI? Artificial Intelligence? What technology would you say this is? Where is Matterport going with this?

Dan Smigrod: If you don't see Emily Olman on camera, Emily is the Founder of Hopscotch Interactive. She's asking me these questions. I suspect that Emily actually will be able to answer all these questions about what it is that I just described and add some value in terms of, is this AI? Is this Machine Learning? Is this Augmented Reality?

Is this a feature that's coming from Matterport acquiring Enview a couple years ago? Is this coming from Amazon Image Recognition? Object Recognition? I actually will look back to Emily to help interpret what it is that I think I heard while being at Geo Week.

Emily Olman: Dan, I can't wait to pick up this conversation with you again; especially when we get confirmation that these rumors are true and that these are going to be things that we will be able to use in the near future.

I can't wait to chat with you about it and actually play with it, of course, myself, because that's what it's all about, is the usability good? Is the interface good? Obviously, we have some beta testing in to Showcase already. Is this going to come out as a Beta feature or are they going to roll it out as an actual full fledged, fully baked feature that we can already start using and actually selling to our clients as something we can offer as a service?

Dan Smigrod: If the rumor is true, this implementation creates a huge amount of value for Matterport; for the use of a Matterport tour; for the use of a Matterport digital twin and it sounds like it will actually be a free feature offered by Matterport to enhance the value of a Matterport tour or Matterport digital twin.

Emily Olman: Dan, I can't wait to chat with you more about this. We've got Dan Smigrod from the [] He is here at Geo Week in Denver, 2023. Thank you Dan for sharing with me and learning here at the show. It's been great.

Dan Smigrod: Thank you, Emily.
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Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
I believe their search will be based on this which I found yesterday looking for information about Matterport API/SDK

To see what it picks up in any model shown, select the one you want to try, click on it and then switch "Part type" dropdown list on the left side to surfaces. It will show a list of identified objects in a tour scene. And it will display them on the list located on the right side. Now you can select any object and it will show it with an assigned to it colour in the model.

It is actually quite cool that there are tools for it available. However it would be even cooler and I am sure all tours will come to it(I bet google will be first to do it for maps) is to run through shops 360 photos and using algorithms used in GoogleLens locate and identify all products sold by a shop.

And if that happens and I would be running this project for Google the simplest idea that comes to mind after that is to let google maps users to shop directly in 360 photos. Sure there will be "out of stock" problem or simply "we do not sell it anymore" one as 360s taken long time ago cannot show current stock in most shops. But shop owners can update their tours quite often to show what they have now or after google runs search for products, the list of all will be sent to a shop owner and they can choose what products they have and people can buy directly from a 360, which are pre-order only and those they do not sell anymore.

And one more, regarding that news that Matterport is going to help AirBnB to find properties that have features for guests with disabilities. Now that I have seen this example it is hard not to guess that this search is being used by matterport already but for AirBnb flat photos.
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WGAN Forum
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Screen Grab courtesy of


Wow! You found the needle in the haystack with that link. Very cool!

I could imagine that when Matterport updated its API and Showcase player on Thursday, 2 February 2023, this search by scene - or object - within a Matterport tour was added and that we are just days or weeks away from an official Matterport announcement.

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WGAN Forum
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AURIVUS Founder Dr. Stefan Hörmann (left) and AURIVUS CTO Martin Bach at GeoWeek2023 in Denver-Thursday, 16 Februarty 2023 | Image by We Get Around Network Founder Dan Smigrod

Video: WGAN-TV | AURIVUS Scan-to-BIM AI | Founder Dr. Stefan Hörmann at #GeoWeek2023 Includes Matterport E57 File Topic | Video courtesy of WGAN-TV YouTube Channel


Hi All,

If you import a Matterport E57 File into Revit, you can then import the CAD model into the AURIVUS platform (See video above) to search for objects that are commonly search for by Architects, Engineers and Construction (AEC) professions. AURIVUS already has a machine learning data set for AEC, so you do not need to train for AEC objects such as windows, lighting fixtures, etc.

I wonder if Matterport could launch its AI search for AEC sooner by licensing the AURIVUS platform?!

In the video (above), AURIVUS Founder Dr. Stefan Hörmann demos his platform and discusses how a Matterport E57 file can already be used for AEC searches of a Matterport space. This video demo was done in the AURIVUS booth at #GeoWeek2023 on Thursday, 16 February 2023.

Your thoughts?

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