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Capture AppiPadProblemsQuestionsUploadUrgent

URGENT! Matterport File Uploaded, but not processing. Help Please!18250

fotoguy private msg quote post Address this user
Has something changed with the capture app for ipad? The file has uploaded, it shows a cloud with a checkmark on the ipad but not showing it that is's processing. I uploaded last night and have spaces left on the plan. Any help.
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WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user


While others weigh-in, try:

1. Duplicate the model
2. Make one small change
3. Upload

Post 2 IP   flag post
fotoguy private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks Dan. I tried your suggestion but it didn't correct the situation. Now both the original and duplicate show uploaded but neither processing.
Post 3 IP   flag post
ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
@fotoguy have you logged in to you MP acct to see if it is processing. If it still is not there, Dan’s recommendation is best. I have had this happen to me, but it’s been awhile. Two days later I had two models in my library. Hope that helps.
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fotoguy private msg quote post Address this user
Ron, I just checked. Thanks for the reminder. Now both copies are processing. Whew. Love technology when it works.
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WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by fotoguy
Thanks Dan. I tried your suggestion but it didn't correct the situation. Now both the original and duplicate show uploaded but neither processing.


Ugh! Others may have suggestions.

Have you opened a ticket with Matterport Support?

Also ...

Matterport did a back-end maintenance update on Thursday, 2 February (that did include ingest:

Matterport scheduled maintenance | Thursday, 2 Feb '23 | 8 PM ET 6 hours

I suppose it could be related, but no one else in the WGAN Forum community has reported a problem (since then).

Post 6 IP   flag post
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London Ontario, Canada
Andrew_Lampman private msg quote post Address this user
I'm with Dan - reach out to Matterport and get a ticket opened.

We've been having issues with scans not fully uploading ... and a new once is floors merged into 1 overhead floor.

Matterport says they haven't had any software updates -- but did says you can have issues if your space is less than 80 scans
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Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
This problem with the app losing authentication in Matterport exists for a year if not more. Nothing like this was happening for 3 years I was using it before it started.

I think the only way to make sure you are logged is to go to spaces in the app and see if the app shows your spaces hosted on your account. If you see them in the app that alone should give you an indication that you have been logged in. After that you can press upload for a new job. Logging again did not work for me once. I pressed upload and I was asked to login again despite the fact that I did it right before I tried to press upload.
Post 8 IP   flag post
dave3d private msg quote post Address this user
We’re at above a 5% “failure to process on first submission” rate on pro3 (3 of 40). At first we thought this to be an outside scanning problem but one was only “slower to process” and we weren’t used to pro3s taking longer (they do). Since, we’ve had real failures on an outside capture, a combined - inside with outside walk around, and an inside capture with outside 360s. Not sure of the how or why yet but for us a higher “fail to process” rate on first submission with pro3 than pro2. We’ll have better info as the year goes on as we’ll have a few hundred captures by that time. I’ll update on this thread once we’ve passed 100 submissions. This may be us, not Matterport, but we’ve been doing these for years and so far this feels like a change from the processing side.

The good news is no failures were permanent. Two of these were under 80 scan points so I’ll keep an eye on scan count with failure too. And though we’ve resubmitted on multiple accounts captures processed after duplication or with trim added on every account submitted. So……so far… you can be anxious, but chill a bit. Deep breaths and a cup of coffee (or the drink of your choice). It’s gonna be OK.
Post 9 IP   flag post
dave3d private msg quote post Address this user
Failure rate for us continues about the same percentage. As of today a minimum of 4 of 74 (5.04%)

Sorry if this sounds confusing. Something we are looking into now:

We scan for multiple accounts each day. We're gonna make sure we only check to upload scans for one account at a time. No upload checks on scans for any other account until the first accounts scans show complete and processing. Only then will we log out of that account and into the next. We're hoping we're causing an authentication failure somehow in going from account to account.
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