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Pro3: Anyone experiencing Dollhouse view mesh quality issues with PRO3?18085

lifestyle72 private msg quote post Address this user
I recently starting using my new pro3 and after rendering a few models, I noticed that the Dollhouse view just didn't look as good as I am used to. It seems that as you zoom in and out of the model, the quality changes.

It looks great zoomed all the way in but from a normal viewing point (where my clients would typically view it from) the model details look kind of blurry and out of focus.

I have a couple sample below, one with the pro3 and the other with Theta Z1.

The Theta quality does not change depending on if you zoom or not and it looks like a cleaner model zoomed out. I have tried different devices to capture the model and upload (IOS and Android) and nothing seemed to help the Pro3.

Anyone else noticed this or have any advice?

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MeshImages private msg quote post Address this user
Yes, I have the same impression.

I think the reason for the change in quality is due to the new cloud technology. Matterport is now streaming the 3D data.

In the old cloud the dollhouse data is limited to a package of 50.000 polygons, which are downloaded as a package.

Here is the corresponding article:

..."Where interactive mesh previously had a 50k polygon limit, it is now unlimited and the mesh for large spaces can easily exceed one million polygons. New digital twins are now streamed on demand as the user moves through a space, available on mobile and web platforms for all users for faster load times, quicker frame rates, and much more detail without compromising performance."...
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lifestyle72 private msg quote post Address this user
So are the models that I upload from the Theta Z1 using the old cloud and the models from the Pro3 going to the new cloud? I was just wondering if it was because of the new streaming of 3D data then why wouldn't I have the same issue with the Theta?
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