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Picking right cameras?18048

sebad90 private msg quote post Address this user
I am currently considering to buy right cameras for me.
I would like to scan real estate and cars as well.

I consider buying below cameras:
- Matterport Pro 3 + tablet (which tablet do you recommend? iOS or Android?)
- Ricoh Theta Z1 or/and iPhone Pro with Lidar (for tight spaces where Pro3 will not fit)

If I bought MP Pro3 + tablet + Ricoh Theta Z1 would iPhone Pro be helpful in some situations or it is not worth buying?

I imagine it that way:
- real estate scanning: MP Pro3 + tablet
- cars scanning: Ricoh Theta Z1 (probably using service)

What do you think?
Post 1 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Thank you for your post (and welcome to the WGAN Forum).

Can you tell us about yourself/your existing business for context for your questions?

For example:

1. are you a real estate photographer?
2. are you currently full-time employed in something other than photography?
3. do you have likely clients for real estate and cars?

Happy New Year,

Post 2 IP   flag post
sebad90 private msg quote post Address this user
1. I recently started. I have made couple of scans with my mobile phone and Matterport Axis.
2. Yes I am full time employed in other profession but would like to be real estate photographer.
3. Yes I have.
Post 3 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Video: Dan, should I buy a Matterport Pro2 3D Camera (and Start a Matterport Service Provider Business)?


Since you are presently employed full-time in a different profession - with a desire to be a real estate photographer, I encourage you to:

1. Watch this WGAN-TV Podcast:

Dan, should I buy a Matterport Pro2 3D Camera (and Start a Matterport Service Provider Business)? (video above).

Among the learning:

1. potential clients want photos first: virtual tours are maybe third or fourth
2. I would be surprised if any of the WGAN Community makes a full-time living from virtual tours (It's likely no more than 15 percent of their real estate photography business: it's an Add On for existing clients.)
3. It's likely that you will ignore my advice in the video (but I courage you to watch it)

Plus ...

If you still decide to move forward, I would pick either virtual tours or tours of cars. It's hard enough to succeed at one: trying two different markets at the same time will make it harder to succeed.

If you are interested in starting a real estate photography business, I recommend:

1. WGAN Affiliate Link to Save 50 Percent on Real Estate Photographer Pro Course [Coupon Code/Promo Code included in link); AND receive 12 Months - free - WGAN-TV Training Academy (with no credit card required)

If you are interested in starting a virtual tour business, I recommend:

2. Save 15 percent with this WGAN affiliate link for Virtual Tour Pro course by Ben Claremont and WGAN Coupon Code: WGANVTP

Before buying a any gear, I recommend that you sign-up new clients first (and sub-contract the work until you have enough business to justify the purchase). Many tell me that they have likely clients, but when they invest in the gear, etc., they find out it was only an expression of interest to be nice to a friend: not firm orders.

It's likely that asking "which gear is right for you" is too early to ask. You may end up buying a Matterport Pro3 Camera when a Ricoh Theta Z1 is "good enough" for residential real estate.

My reply would be different if you:

1. were already a successful real estate photographer
2. have "use cases" where scanning outdoors (and faster) matters
3. worked for a used car dealer

As I share in the video (above), pick a niche that you are a subject matter expert and have trusted colleagues that are potential clients (or can provided trusted introductions).

These are likely not the answers that you want to hear. I can appreciate that. That said, all of the above will likely help you succeed faster.

Happy New Year,


WGAN Affiliate Link to Save 50 Percent on Real Estate Photographer Pro Course [Coupon Code/Promo Code included in link); AND receive 12 Months - free - WGAN-TV Training Academy (with no credit card required)

Save 15 percent with this WGAN affiliate link for Virtual Tour Pro course by Ben Claremont and WGAN Coupon Code: WGANVTP
Post 4 IP   flag post
MeshImages private msg quote post Address this user

I would probably start with an iPhone Pro 14 (42 Megapixel resolution) only - and then later on invest into a Pro3 or maybe only Pro2 plus professional camera (and maybe later also in one (outdoor) or two drones (indoor + outdoor)).

Here is a good article to start with.

An Axis plus iPhone 14Pro is not super-fast, but it gives you and your customers very good quality and it will let you learn how to walk a virtual tour. Additionally you’ll be able to rent a Pro3 when necessary.
Post 5 IP   flag post
sebad90 private msg quote post Address this user
Thank you for advices.

I have a chance to get a grant which will cover 85% of the price of cameras - that's why I plan big shopping 🙂

Please focus on my main questions in first post. I would like to buy everything what is needed for the near future considering that I want to develop my skills in real estate scanning and cars 360 photos.
Post 6 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by sebad90
I am currently considering to buy right cameras for me.
I would like to scan real estate and cars as well.

I consider buying below cameras:
- Matterport Pro 3 + tablet (which tablet do you recommend? iOS or Android?)
- Ricoh Theta Z1 or/and iPhone Pro with Lidar (for tight spaces where Pro3 will not fit)

If I bought MP Pro3 + tablet + Ricoh Theta Z1 would iPhone Pro be helpful in some situations or it is not worth buying?

I imagine it that way:
- real estate scanning: MP Pro3 + tablet
- cars scanning: Ricoh Theta Z1 (probably using service)

What do you think?


Originally Posted by sebad90
I have a chance to get a grant which will cover 85% of the price of cameras - that's why I plan big shopping

Based on someone else paying 85 percent of your purchase:

1. Include the training (above) in your purchase.
2. Buy the Matterport Pro3 Camera + tablet (based on if you prefer iOS or Android) + Ricoh Theta Z1.

I would not buy an iPhone for scanning spaces for a living. (I have an iPhone 14 Pro Max and I am very happy with it.)


Caution: Some times too much (or mostly free) money = bad decision. The good news is that if you exist the business, you likely could get $$$$ for used Matterport Pro3 Camera.


Please keep us posted regarding what you decide to do and why.




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Post 7 IP   flag post
MeshImages private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by sebad90

I have a chance to get a grant which will cover 85% of the price of cameras - that's why I plan big shopping 🙂

- Under these circumstances I would also go for the PRO3 😉
- Maybe also add a drone camera for premium real estate and photogrammetry work - maybe the DJI Air 2S with the 1 inch sensor
- additionally I would go for a serious Foto and Video Camera - me personally, I like the Fuji colors and therefore go for a Fuji XH2 with a 16-80mm lens
- I would definitely invest in an iPhone Pro 14 with LiDAR as it has so many additional app possibilities like Polycam, LumaAI NeRF and many more - you can use this phone or the Fuji for the interior 360s in the car if you add any 360 rotator (eg nodal ninja) or use the axis for the phone.

And I would immediately build a one page website and start acquisition. Good luck with your venture 👍
Post 8 IP   flag post
sebad90 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DanSmigrod
1. Include the training (above) in your purchase.
2. Buy the Matterport Pro3 Camera tablet (based on if you prefer iOS or Android) Ricoh Theta Z1.

I would not buy an iPhone for scanning spaces for a living. (I have an iPhone 14 Pro Max and I am very happy with it.)

Originally Posted by MeshImages
- I would definitely invest in an iPhone Pro 14 with LiDAR as it has so many additional app possibilities like Polycam, LumaAI NeRF and many more - you can use this phone or the Fuji for the interior 360s in the car if you add any 360 rotator (eg nodal ninja) or use the axis for the phone.

Thank you very much for your replies.

So there is no difference in scanning speed between iPad Pro tablet and some other Android tablet?

I am not really satisfied with the quality of pictures made by Ricoh Theta from this link:

Comparing it even to iPhone 12 Pro scans:

The quality of Ricoh Theta is worse.

That's why I think that better option would be buying iPhone Pro with some 360 rotator than Ricoh Theta. What do you think?

@MeshImages - which Nodal Ninja can you recommend? Is it albo compatible with phones? I don't want to buy DSLR right now.
Post 9 IP   flag post
MeshImages private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by sebad90
I don't want to buy DSLR right now.

You´ll sell virtual tours for real estate easier, if you bundle them with professional photography. The Pro3 with 1 inch sensor gives you better quality than the Pro2, but the photography process is more time consuming than DSLR and you have no access to the source material with Matterport.

Furthermore you can capture professional video and image quality for Luma.AI and Polycam and other platforms, that can give you the necessary add-on features for your car and property presentations.

Originally Posted by sebad90
So there is no difference in scanning speed between iPad Pro tablet and some other Android tablet?

I´m always capturing with iPads, but I have an Android phone, where I can use the 360s Upload features in the Matterport Android App. If you go for iPad, choose wisely between either high performance (iPad Pro 12.9 with min 1 TB storage and 16 GB Ram) for very large spaces (interior 10.000 m² and more) or an economy iPad (probaly iPad Air).

Originally Posted by sebad90
The quality of Ricoh Theta is worse.
Resolution is very low (about 20 MP), but the 1 inch sensor ist great if you work with the Dual Fisheye Plugin

But I would definetily go for DSLR qualtiy, where you can shoot HDR up to 15k in one row. Actually I would only go for Nodal Ninja if you want multi-row or dive into the Pano workflow. You can upload these images to the Matterport Capture App (Android) and it gives you better resolution and better quality than 1:1 Theta Z1. But it´s more time consuming of course. But actually I think you can shoot most things with the Pro3 and maybe a 2nd smaller Tripod. 1st Tripod should be this Manfrotto .

But my recommendation for you would be this genious piece of hardware from PT4Pano.

It´s a manual mini rotator and the precision Nodal Adapter where you can fix only your camera with the specific lens (should be a one row DSLR setup - either KISS or SLANT). But you dont need to do anything else. It´s perfectly set up to the specific combination of camera plus lens. It´s super simple to handle and gives you outstanding image quality, if you invest into an automated stitching software like PTGui Pro, which is probably the best software product, that I have bought in my life (also for drone images) etc.

As Matterport does not have fullsphere panos this combination or a similar could be enough for a 360 Upload (example Fuji X-t4 with Fuji 16mm-80mm @16mm)

Post 10 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by sebad90
That's why I think that better option would be buying iPhone Pro with some 360 rotator than Ricoh Theta. What do you think?


There is a trade-off between speed of capture and quality of image.

Here are WGAN Forum discussions on this topic:

=> Question of the Day: Are you a Matterport Artist or Business Person?
=> WGAN Forum discussions tagged: Good Enough

For example, if you are in a market where virtual tour Add Ons are $149, you need speed of capture or your competition (using a 360 camera) is "good enough" in quality to beat you every time (even though the imagine quality of your virtual tours are better).

If it takes you 30 minutes to shoot a virtual tour of a home versus an hour for the same home, it's likely that you can be competitive in your pricing.

For example, Real Estate Photographer Pro explains how the founder's photography agency switched to Ricoh Theta cameras - from Matterport Pro2 Cameras - for multiple photographers so that they could be "good enough" and price their tours to sell virtual tour Add Ons successfully in their market.


Post 11 IP   flag post
sebad90 private msg quote post Address this user
I decided to buy Matterport Pro 3, iPad Pro, iPhone 14 Pro and Ricoh Theta Z1.

Still don't have solution for cars presentation.
I would like to create something like that (check Porsche on the website below):

For outside I can use but what about inside 360 view?
Post 12 IP   flag post
MeshImages private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by sebad90
For outside I can use but what about inside 360 view?

You can put a link into a hotspot or maybe even work with an animation - as an alternative think about 3DVista and let someone create this specific tour Lay-out for you.

Thinks about a DJI OM5 gimbal for the iPhone - this will significantly improve the scan , video and Foto quality.
Post 13 IP   flag post
sebad90 private msg quote post Address this user
I already have DJI OM4 SE so I think it will be good for begining.

I can't believe that it is so complicated. I just need some photos around the car and one 360 photo inside. And just a software which allows me to rotate outside view and move between inside/outside + possibility of adding some tags. What's that complicated? 😁
Post 14 IP   flag post
MeshImages private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by sebad90
I already have DJI OM4 SE so I think it will be good for begining. 😁

Perfect! 👍

Maybe change the iPad Pro for a DSLR. You can handle sizes up to 2000 sqm with the iPhone without problems.
Post 15 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

WGAN Community is focused on spaces of builders (rather than inside cars).

That said, have you checked WGAN Forum discussions tagged:

Car Dealer
Car Mount
Car Showroom

Or, with car or auto in the subject line?


Post 16 IP   flag post
sebad90 private msg quote post Address this user
I will check, thanks
Post 17 IP   flag post
sebad90 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by MeshImages
Maybe change the iPad Pro for a DSLR. You can handle sizes up to 2000 sqm with the iPhone without problems.

But iPad will be more convenient during scanning with Pro 3 I think.

I already have Canon EOS 2000d. It is not that good as yours but maybe it will fit?
Post 18 IP   flag post
MeshImages private msg quote post Address this user
Yes, you are probably right. iPad is much easier to handle in the beginning - especially when precisely positioning Matterport markers.

You have a good setup, go for it, maybe put the DSLR inside if you can later cancel it.
Post 19 IP   flag post
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