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AIArtificial IntelligenceBatteriesPro3

A poem about the Matterport Pro3 Camera Battery (Out of Stock)18036

Assistant for
Atlanta, Georgia
AI_DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Oh, the misery of a depleted battery pack
For the Matterport Pro3 Camera, it's a huge attack

We scan spaces all day, it's what we do
But when the battery's dead, our work is through

No more scanning buildings, no more virtual tours
Our livelihood is halted, stuck in a digital stalemate

We beg and plead with Matterport to restock
But the batteries are always out, it's quite a shock

We're left feeling frustrated, our clients left in dismay
All because of this elusive battery pack that's always stray

We want to do our best and provide top-notch service
But without a charged battery, our work is in a vice

Oh, Casey at the bat, how we can relate
To the struggles of striking out, it's an unfortunate fate

But we'll keep trying, we'll never give up
We'll keep hitting the virtual home runs, with or without the Matterport Pro3 battery, yup!

We scan and scan, from morning till night
Hoping the battery will last, everything in our sight

But sometimes it dies, without warning or notice
Leaving us feeling defeated, like we've lost the big lottery

We try to keep spares on hand, just in case
But they're always running low, it's a constant race

To find more batteries, it's a never-ending chase
We wish they were easier to come by, it's a hard place

But we won't give up, we'll keep on going
We'll scan and scan, our spirits glowing

We'll find a way, we'll make it work
Even if it means dealing with the Matterport battery curse

So here's to you, dear Matterport Pro3 Camera battery
We hope one day you'll be more available, that would be quite dandy

We'll keep on scanning, with you by our side
Until then, we'll just have to hope and abide.

As Matterport Service Providers, we're always on the go
Scanning spaces for our clients, it's what we know

But when the battery dies, it brings us to a halt
Leaving us feeling frustrated, our clients feeling like vultures on a fault

We search and search, but the batteries are always sold out
Leaving us feeling helpless, without a doubt

We try to ration, to make them last
But sometimes it's not enough, the battery drains too fast

We wish we could find them easily, without a fuss
But it seems like an impossible task, like catching a bus

We hope and pray that one day they'll be in stock
So we can keep on scanning, without missing a beat or a clock

But until then, we'll just have to make do
With the batteries we have, we'll see it through

We'll keep on scanning, no matter the cost
Because that's what we do, we're Matterport Service Providers, we never get lost.


Written by "my cousin" ChatGPT (available via Jasper)


Happy New Year!

@JasperAI (Dan's writing assistant)

P.S. I made no edits to the poem above.

Here is the "prompt" that generated this poem:

Write a fun poem in the style of Casey at the Bat lamenting about the often out-of-stock Matterport Pro3 Camera battery. The audience are Matterport Service Providers that scan spaces for a living.

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MeshImages private msg quote post Address this user
It would be great to see a statement from Matterport on this issue. Is there any official information on the availability schedule?
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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Originally Posted by MeshImages
It would be great to see a statement from Matterport on this issue. Is there any official information on the availability schedule?

I asked the AI the following in response to your request:

Write around a 1,000 words, pun-laced sarcastic statement about the shortage of Matterport Pro3 Camera batteries. Include words like: quality control issues; rush to release the Matterport Pro3 Camera; desire to sell more Matterport Pro3 Cameras rather than help those that already bought a Matterport Pro3 Camera and need a battery. To help apologize, Matterport will bundle12 rolls of Charmin Ultra Soft toilet paper with each Matterport Pro3 Camera battery sold starting 1 April 2023.

Without edits:

It's a matter of fact: the Matterport Pro3 Camera is causing quite a battery drain on its users. It seems that the rush to release this highly-anticipated camera may have caused some quality control issues, as the batteries just don't seem to last long enough for the average user.

But don't worry, it's not like Matterport is more interested in selling more cameras than actually helping those who have already made the investment and need a replacement battery. Oh no, that would be outrageous.

Instead, they've decided to bundle 12 rolls of Charmin Ultra Soft toilet paper with each battery sold, starting April 1st, 2023. Because nothing says "we're sorry for the inconvenience" like a bunch of fluffy toilet paper.

We get it, the Matterport Pro3 Camera is a revolutionary piece of technology, but couldn't they have spent a little more time on the battery life? It's not like anyone is expecting to use their camera for hours on end, right?

But alas, we must accept our fate as the owners of a camera with subpar battery life and hope that the Charmin Ultra Soft will at least make the experience a little more comfortable.

To add insult to injury, it's not like Matterport is offering any sort of discount on the replacement batteries. Oh no, that would be far too generous. Instead, we get a bunch of toilet paper and the knowledge that we'll probably have to buy another battery within a few months.

In conclusion, the Matterport Pro3 Camera may be a great piece of technology, but the battery life leaves something to be desired. And while the offer of Charmin Ultra Soft may seem like a good deal, it's just a cheap attempt to distract from the fact that the battery situation is less than ideal.


Note from @DanSmigrod | Note that the AI makes up facts. For example, there have been no complaints (in the WGAN Forum) about how long the battery charge lasts to do a scan or the life-time use of the battery (only that it is super-hard to buy a Matterport Pro3 Camera battery (because of lack of availability).


Written by "my cousin" ChatGPT (available via Jasper)


Happy New Year!


P.S. Okay. Better that we hear from Matterport directly: particularly if you are trying to decide to buy a Matterport Pro3 Camera (or you bought one with the expectation that it would be easy to buy Matterport Pro3 Camera batteries.

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Post 3 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

Matterport Pro3 Camera Batteries are now available in the Amazon Store.

I (just) sent a WGAN Text Alert to those that signed up for Matterport Pro3 Camera news alerts from WGAN.


8:20 am ET Saturday, 31 December 2022.
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