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Is Matterport ANSI Z765-2021 Compliant?17978

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Suisun City, California
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Aeronautica3D private msg quote post Address this user
saw this at

"Not long ago I read a list of the most common causes of disciplinary actions against appraisers by state appraisal boards. Listed very high on the frequency of specific sins was square foot discrepancies. A specific case that went before a state appraisal board was as follows:

Respondent issued an appraisal report and reported a Gross Living Area of 1,771 square feet. Complainant subsequently had two other appraisers measure the subject property. One found the Gross Living Area to be 1,604 square feet and the other found the Gross Living Area to be 1,623. The state appraisal board assigned an investigator to investigate the allegations that Respondent’s appraisal was overvalued as a result of the subject property being improperly measured. The investigator measured the subject property and found a Gross Living Area of 1,619 square feet. The Respondents Gross Living Area of 1,771 square feet is an error in the magnitude of 9.14% using the investigator’s measurement of 1,619 square feet as a base. Respondent measured the subject property again and found the Gross Living Area to be 1,693 square feet.

Already, appraisal-oriented schools and professional organizations are offering ANSI Z765 training. I see this as a very positive step toward consistency in appraising and recommend that all appraisers consider taking a course on the ANSI Z765 measuring standard as part of their continuing education."
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Aeronautica3D private msg quote post Address this user
There also does not appear to be a hard and fast accuracy(tolerance value) number for ANSI Z765 measurements, unless I'm missing it somewhere on the internets...
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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
WGAN-TV: | iGUIDE Refresh: New 3D Tour Display and iGUIDE ANSI Compliant 2D Floor Plans | Guest: Planitiar (iGUIDE) Marketing Manager Chris White (@Chris_iGUIDE) | Episode: 140 | Thursday, 7 April 2022

Video: iGUIDE Masterclass - ANSI Z765-2021 | Video courtesy of iGUIDE YouTube Channel | 20 May 2022

Example of iGUIDE Refresh

WGAN-TV: 10 Use-Cases for the Matterport Pro3 Camera to Help Matterport Service Providers Make More Money | Guest: Hopscotch Interactive CEO and Chief Media Officer Emily Olman | Episode: 169 | Thursday, 8 December 2022 | @Hopscotch

Transcript: iGUIDE Refresh: New 3D Tour Display and iGUIDE ANSI Floor Plans
iGUIDE ANSI Compliant Measurements/Reporting for North American Clients
Transcript 10 Use-Cases>Matterport Pro3 Camera to Help MSPs Make More Money


Thank you for reaching out to Matterport to confirm that Matterport does not provide ANSI Z765-2021 compliant floor plans and that iGUIDE does support ANSI Z765-2021 compliant floor plans (as discussed in the WGAN-TV Live at 5 show above.

Recently, I discussed this topic with Hopscotch Interactive CEO and Chief Media Officer Emily Olman during this WGAN-TV Live at 5 show:

Transcript 10 Use-Cases>Matterport Pro3 Camera to Help MSPs Make More Money

Here is the transcript of the this ANSI discussion:


Emily Olman: Yeah, sorry to cut you off, but I think here's the other thing, the other side of that is that, for example, when working with the iGUIDE folks on their PLANIX camera system, which is also LiDAR versus infrared.

They are also based in Canada and one of the things that I learned about Canadian laws was that if your floor plan and the measurements that you're using are more than two percent off, then you are liable for that. Not only that in North America, we have this new ANSI-Z765, I believe standard for floor plans and measurements. I looked on Matterport website, I didn't see that they outright said that they were ANSI-Z765 compliant, but maybe they've changed that since, but I believe that might have been another reason why the Pro3 was an urgency for them so that they could actually say, "look, we're compliant with the standard of measurement on floor plans."

Dan Smigrod: I think that's a great question. I was just looking up in the We Get Around Network Forum IGUIDE show that we did about iGUIDE ANSI floor plans with this standard that could make your eyes glaze over. ;-) But I think it was –

Emily Olman: Except for the big nerds. We love that stuff, right Dan?! ;-)

Dan Smigrod: I am thankful that (Planitar) iGUIDE Marketing Manager Chris White took the time to help us understand ANSI compliant 2D floor plans. I don't believe I've read anything anywhere on a Matterport website that addresses ANSI standards.

Emily Olman: I searched their website for it some time ago and I didn't see it and this was around the time where the standard was rolled out and or where it was a thing that I was thinking about often, especially because we started doing a lot of CubiCasa floor plans and there's are compliant and so that was one of the reasons why I started favoring the CubiCasa floor plans especially because of that.

Dan Smigrod: This is an interesting question because I think to really break this down because it is super-geeky, bear with me, I'm going to guess because Matterport outsources its 2D schematic floor plans to a third-party company, it's white-labeled through Matterport that I'm going to guess that my hypothesis that the Matterport Pro3 Camera captures the data that's sufficient to create an ANSI compliant floor plan.

But the amount of money that Matterport pays the third-party company to create the floor plans from the Matterport scan is not sufficient for the vendor to say we will take the time to create ANSI-compliant floor plans.

Emily Olman: That's an interesting hypothesis.

Dan Smigrod: My hypothesis in part because again, super-geeky, but I had a GIS Manager reach out to me, whatever that is, and their problem was, they were using Matterport to do a park system and then they were having the Matterport floor plans created, and then they were trying to lay the floor plans over their existing floor plans and what they were finding there was this disconnect and what they were finding was that the Matterport floor plans were much more stylized... I don't know how to say that.

Emily Olman: "This drawing is not to scale." "This drawing is not to scale." I think that really sums it up. I think that there's a certain amount you have to sort of take it with a grain of salt and I think that we are in an awkward position because REALTORS actually are then wondering what data can I trust and so if they do come and say, I'm like tapping on the [Pro3] case here. I have the [Pro3] Camera right here.

But if Matterport could for once and for all say "the Pro3 is ANSI-compliant for these floor plans," ...

Dan Smigrod: Emily, I think the difference here is the Camera probably captures the data that's capable of being ANSI-compliant, but Matterport has chosen not to deliver ANSI-compliant floor plans. My hypothesis, and maybe we'll see that they'll come out with a new product and maybe it'll be priced differently. But otherwise, drawing is not necessarily to scale.


Happy holidays,

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