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Pool water data/colour removed after processing Pro3 scans17873

Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
Ok, I started a similar topic on MOUG but did not supply the pictures. Got one weird reply that explains nothing and one confirmation the same has happened to other user but in his case he converted 360 to get 3D data and textures.

Anyway, it is weird, it should not be happening at all but it is happening.

When I tested my Pro3 I tested it around my house. I have a pool that needed a lot of chlorine. Due to a previous mix-up with chemicals usually after adding a lot of chlorine pool water because milky. That was my water pool state when I was testing my Pro3. I went completely around my pool and water was captured and was shown on minimap filling almost all pool with data/colour.

While my tour was in processing I even told Dan that I captured my pool with water due to it being non-transparent.
However to my huge surprise Matterport removed all data/colour associated with it in the processed tour. The only left data/colour for a crawler hose in the tour.

Why Matterport has suddenly decided to do it I have no idea. But I am sure nobody wants to give any right for Matterport to decide which data can stay and which needs to be gone. Below are the pictures of a minimap and a flor plan from the tour.

What do you think guys?

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Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
A person from Matterport contacted me on MOUG and asked for a model id to check why it has happened. I will report back as soon as I have any new information.
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Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
Ok, I've got a reply from the Materport guy.

Originally Posted by "on MOUG"

Short answer: differences in software version between the Capture app and the cloud processing software.
Longer answer:
Lidar returns from reflective surfaces (mirrors, shiny metal, water) can be very noisy. To avoid corrupting the final model, we are filtering out lidar points that we consider "questionable" for various reasons, and we have been improving these filters over time. What happened above is that the Capture app was an older version of the filtering system, and cloud processing was using a newer, more aggressive version of the filter.
Using an updated version of the Capture app would have resulted in the water getting filtered out during scanning, and a much smaller discrepancy between the Capture preview and the final model.

To say I am not happy would be an understatement. In this case it does not matter as it has been only a test for a new camera. However I suggest not to try to fill a pool in a dollhouse view with water as you will just spend a lot of time on it for Matterport to remove it later.
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