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Matterport Webinar: New Features, Matterport Pro3 Camera, AEC, FM17462

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Video: Matterport Webinar | New Features, Matterport Pro3 Camera, AEC, FM | 29 September 2022


1. Amir Frank - Matterport Senior Evangelist
2. Preethy Vaidyanathan - Mattterport VP, Head of Product
3. Bill Linehan - Matterport Director, Business Strategy Travel & Hospitality
4. Archana Kshirsagar - Matterport Director, Business Strategy, Commercial Real Estate [FM]
5. Kris Atkinson - Matterport AEC Specialist
6. Kimberly Tran Matterport Senior Marketing Manager (answering questions in chat)

Transcript (video above)

Amir Frank: - Let's go ahead and get right into it. We've got a really, really good one for you today. Very, very excited. We're going to be talking all about the really key benefits. This is the part that I really like,boiling it down and really getting into what Matterport is best at. Let's check out what we've got here. We'll start out with me.

I'll be talking a little bit about digital twins, what those are if you're not familiar, a lot of you. Dan certainly has been with us for a very long time and knows quite well what a digital twin is, but others may not. I want to make it very clear what that is. Then we'll talk about the big stuff. Increasing revenue, reducing costs, and really how you can increase your profit margins using digital twins.

Again, what they're really good at. We'll introduce the Matterport Pro3, talk a little bit about that, and we'll open it up to Q&A at the end. Let's see here, introduce some very special guests that I have here with me today. Preethy Vaidyanathan is here with us VP, head of products and Bill Linehan and Archana Kshirsagar and Kris Atkinson all matter porters who have done an amazing job.

Have tremendous amount of history in the industry with T$H and CRE and AEC, and so collaboratively I think we know everything, literally everything there is to know about those industries. You're in good hands. Well, we'll talk all about it.

Amir Frank: Little bit of housekeeping. Before we get started. As you know, again, if you've been with us in any one of my webinars before, we have the Q&A panel which is brilliant for asking any one of the panelists or myself questions. You don't have to wait until the Q&A at the end, we'll be answering them more rapid-fire towards the end, but we'll definitely try to hit some up throughout the webinar.

Please go ahead and submit those questions using the Q&A panel. The chat panel is really great for channing. I see a lot of chat right now, this is awesome. Letting me know to stop the music that's brilliant. Anything like that. Use this webinar as a meet up. We're all here to learn about Matterport, some of us no more.

Some of us knows less so please use that to chat amongst yourselves while we go through this. This session is being recorded, and we'll have this on-demand later on for you to review. There it is. Let's go over a very high level video of what is Matterport digital twin. Let me go ahead and just play this.

MALE_1: - Matterport is the market leading 3D platform that lets anyone turn a physical space into an immersive digital twin offices, factories, shops, museums, schools, you name it. Scans are captured from any compatible camera, including the phone in your pocket. This recent innovation is made possible thanks to Matterport's huge data library in our proprietary image processing pipeline.

We call the cortex. A true digital twin is not only visually impactful, but imperatively, also dimensionally accurate. Once a digital twin is created, it can be customized with tags, labels, and guided tours, then easily shared with anyone on any device. They can virtually view, collaborate, and engage inside the digital twin just as though you are in the physical space itself.

Thousands of companies in over 170 countries use Matterport as a way to quickly and easily create their digital twins to better market their properties, or as a way to efficiently and clearly collaborate with their teams to streamline their workflow and be more productive, saving them countless hours and unnecessary costs.

Amir Frank: - That again, big picture, that is what a digital twin is according to Forrester we've had on our webinar while back. A digital twin is a digital representation of a physical thing's data, state, relationships and behavior, and all of that is very important. It's not just being able to virtually walk through the space's dimensions.

The dimension is not just the 3D model, it's what the 3D model can get you and do, and that goes into turning the space into data, being able to digitally identify objects in the space, everything like that communicating with the space and having the physical space communicate back with the digital twin. Bidirectional data is all that is part of being a digital twin.

That is very, very important in making your workflow significantly easier, more efficient, streamlined, thereby reducing costs and we'll get into all that fun stuff. There you have it. What a digital twin is. Basically this is what it does, it helps you in, I'd like to really boil it down and make it as simple as possible. It helps you. I see it two ways.

Increasing the top of the funnel if you're using it for things like promotion and sales and marketing, things like that. If you're in real estate, certainly T$H uses it. A lot of industries use it for marketing their spaces, whether you're selling, leasing, renting out, anything like that, you're going to be able to increase the top of the funnel and get more views on your property in less time.

If you are in other aspects of the building life cycle, if you have any decision, if you either make the decision or a part of a team that is involved in making a decision that has anything to do with that structure, whether it's manufacturing plant, commercial real estate, travel, hospitality, hotels, real estate, anything like that, you need to make a decision based on that property.

This is going to help you do that more efficiently, thereby reducing costs. You're not only increasing the sales funnel at the top, you're also making the whole process of the output more efficient and with those together and you can see here, this is literally what we're seeing with customers currently using Matterport Digital Twins these results.

Customers as I mentioned in real estate, you can see here on the left side where customers are looking at this again, most of you are familiar with Matterport probably in the whole real estate field clients being able to familiarize themselves with the space, not only prior to getting there, but also after having been there. Really understanding that space.

Having that complete understanding allows them to make better, more informed decisions. If you are part of a team, you can see here in the center. The decision-making process, as I mentioned, is just completely streamlined and guided and you can be a lot more efficient and the time and money saved in travel with companies.

People like me certainly don't don't realize how much money is spent in companies like CRE companies, for teams of people to go out to a site in order to see what's going on and make those informed decisions, they don't have to do that anymore. Tens of thousands of dollars are spent on a single visit.

I was shocked when I heard this, but we'll get into that in another webinar coming up, I believe October 5th. Check that out. Moving on. Let's bring in Preethy who wants to talk a lot about increasing revenue.

Preethy Vaidyanathan: - Thanks Amir. Hello everyone. I'm going to start out with a quick background on me and my team and then we'll dive into the product features. A little about me, I've led products for high-growth tech companies over the past 20 years, and at Matterport, my team and I, we own a global product strategy and development.

Our product portfolio spans hardware and software products, and then we look at our roadmap. We're really focused on how we drive outcomes for our customers and our partners. Today, I'm super excited to share about our newly launched hardware collaboration and storytelling features, and how you can use these features to increase revenue, to save time.

Operational efficiency, increase productivity, and drive your sustainability goals. You can do all of this from your day-to-day everyday tasks all the way to your biggest annual projects. Let's jump in. Our first product feature is about collaboration. I'm going to do a little bit about the feature functionality and my colleagues who are experts in all of the different customer.

Use cases are going to actually bring this to life with how our customers are using these features. Let's start with collaboration. When I think about this feature, think of this as Google Docs for your property. We've all used Google Docs, so you have creators, you have an editor, you can share the document with other team members.

Matterport collaboration tool is exactly like that, but for your property or your portfolio of properties and locations. As a model owner, you can create, you can invite and share users to collaborate in your account, you can comment, make notes. Here's an example that you see on the screen. It's a discussion between a head office GM, with the hotel site's local location manager.

They're easily communicating all in real time. You can also add or attach additional documents. In the case of this, you could think about an inspection report, a maintenance report from vendors and so on. Flip all of this. The power, what it unlocks is that our customers can do things like facility management tasks online, getting accurate estimates.

For example from a vendor for cleaning repairs, improvements, all in the digital twin, ensure compliance, and monitoring. Space planning, virtual instruction, remote training, and more. All of this collaboration is happening not just in real time, but it's also pinned to the exact location in this photo realistic 3D digital twin, and that's what makes it incredibly immersive and useful.

With a click of a button, you can invite your team members. They can instantly access thousands of your properties from anywhere, you can share with your teammates and external partners making collaboration and decision making easy from anywhere at any point in time. Our customers see this benefit because in some cases they've reduced or even eliminated travel costs.

Time by as much as 50%, ultimately saving thousands of hours on key projects. Just taking a step back, collaboration is really about unlocking that productivity, time savings and project savings. Now cost savings is great and as [inaudible 00:12:09] said, revenue increases even better, so how do we pair that?

Our customers in residential, commercial, real estate, travel and hospitality manufacturing, are always looking for ways to increase sales and grow their business. I actually love seeing everyone's note here or how international our audiences are and for all of us, we've all been on a tour before. It may be in a new place you're visiting a museum.

A friend who's walking you through their native place, and as a visitor, you're more inspired, more engaged, and that memory stays with you. This feature is about doing that for the built world. This is called storytelling, so our group of features are called guided tours and tags, and with our latest product launch.

It's really about how we get that storytelling, that engaging, that inspiring content, all immersed into your digital twin. You can think about this particular example. They're highlighting points of interest in a bar, in a restaurant area. Really trying to call attention to these special amenities. When we take a step back, especially in challenging market conditions that we are in today.

It's more important than ever that you have the ability and the tools to guide your visitors through the highlights of your property. Marketing and selling comes down to storytelling. That's where these products and tools come to life. You now have the ability to bring elements of points of interest, attach files, videos to these points of interests. Talk about what these locations and spaces unlock quickly and easily on screen.

You know your property best, and we want to give you the tools in order to tell the whole story. The impact is what we see is when our customers use the Digital Twin platform on their site, visitors engage more with the content, just like if you had a tour guide walking you through a new place, you remember more facts about it because it was guided.

The same thing as happening there, the visitors are more engaged and they're 14% more likely to buy. Now with our new PRO three camera, it's more easier than ever to create that beautiful, immersive digital twin, not just about your indoor, but including the outdoor as well. If you go to the next slide, last but not least, I also want to mention one of the largest modern challenges for all of us.

Sustainability. When businesses use Matterport, they greatly reduce air and travel and sometimes even eliminate it. But they do all of this without losing any of the productivity of their teammates and their external partners. We are helping our customers reach their sustainability goals because they are reducing in-person site visits.

This is a study that we did with a customer who had 17 members over a 5 month period where they saw 13,000 kg of carbon dioxide was reduced because they were managing 45 US locations. Now with Matterport digital twins, they also saved 400 others of travel time. The opportunity for our technology to reduce carbon emissions is hugely immense, and we love combining that by increasing productivity.

Increasing operational efficiency, reducing costs, and increasing revenue for our customers. As Amir talked about, digital twin use case research, forester shows that over 55% of global software decision makers are already actively looking to adopt digital twins. This is across industries like commercial, residential, travel and hospitality, marketing, manufacturing and facility management and more.

23% of fortune thousand companies have already selected Matterport, and we're super excited to talk about how some of these customers are using our products today. I'm going to invite Bill to highlight some of these customer use cases.

Bill Linehan: Thank you, Preethy. My background includes having the privilege to lead various global sales and marketing teams and travel and hospitality for virtually every segment of hotels and resorts. Over the past 25 years, I've worked on brands with charisma resorts, IHG, Starwood, which is now part of the Mariotti Bonvoy program and independent properties.

Today I'd like to talk to you a little bit briefly about the benefits that Matterport brings to your sales and marketing efforts and how your teams can improve their customer experiences. Let's go ahead and begin. Let's talk a little bit about sales and marketing and how Matterport Digital Twins also impacts commercial lease and sales.

Both in travel and hospitality as well as commercial real estate. When you really think about it, the benefits that our customers realize and when they provide digital twins to their customers is all about, as Preethy had mentioned, storytelling, but storytelling through building trust with familiarization, which is also a challenge for marketers.

On average, bookings increase up to 14% because customers engage more with digital twins or properties that have digital twins 3 times more than just looking at images. This also provides a faster, more economical path to lease and properties. The transaction cycle is reduced by a whopping 85%, which saves over 40 hour and piles alone.

But perhaps the biggest change in the leasing cycle is reducing time and expense associated with travel for multiple site visits. Let's take a look on the next slide on how guided tours, or Matterport's Digital Twins help marketing teams. It helps them by augmenting virtual tours with additional context in content that experiences, or that the consumer can experience themselves on their own terms.

It's a form of perpetual merchandise, and that is both engaging and guided without being intrusive or overpowering. It allows the consumer to learn more, and explore more in hotels, for example, or some of our examples with short-term rentals that allows people who have things such as multi-generational travel on their mind for them to really realize how the venue supports that multi-traveler interests.

That allows lease-in customers the ability to see how their space fits their requirements. Moving on to the next slide and mirror, we look at how this increases top-line revenues. To begin with, comparative listening without virtual tours, with Matterport, Digital Twins realize that 14% on average increase in bookings because 90% of buyers are more likely to purchase with a virtual tour.

Than view a site without one. This also decreases the sales cycle and shopping on websites leading to a faster book. That's probably because consumers, as I mentioned earlier, engage with the Digital Twins. How they engage is actually by moving around based on their wants, their desires, their interests, to obtain more information.

They're the ones that are actually navigating themselves throughout the space. They spend three times more time with your property. They become more familiar. As I mentioned on their terms, they seek out and explore what's important to them. As previously mentioned, we provide additional tools that allow for more information, more context for them to be able to click on and learn a little bit more.

Things such as on-screen captions, and other attention-getting features allow for more content in more context. Sales teams also use the same Digital Twins, but they replicate them. They replicate them for their sales clients. Sales teams use these to customize their RFPs with immersive content. Imagine if you will.

For a moment when an event planner sends out a request for proposal and it has a response that is actually customized with virtual tours, whereby the event planner can see how their program is laid out within the venue. It increases conversions by up to 50%. Because again, they get to experience it right online as they navigate.

Take it a step further, and even advent detailing through collaboration of their teams with the venue's teams also utilizes the Digital Twins with accurate planning and more and more collaboration all throughout any but one's time and availability. This saves a lot of time and improves profitability for both the event venues, and the events themselves.

On that, I'd like to pass it on to Archana, to talk a little bit about managing properties with Matterport.

Archana Kshirsagar: Thanks Bill. As Bill pointed out, you can create an immersive experience for your customers using the photo-realistic twins for marketing properties on your commercial property listings. But how about extending it now to facilities operations? Today, I would like to share some use cases in properties, and facilities operations management.

In terms of introductions, my name is Archana Kshirsagar. Having spent 10 years in CRD, and Facilities Management in various roles, Analytics, Technology, Product Strategy, and Client Services and Management, I'm particularly excited about sharing with you how the Digital Twins can be utilized to transform your property operations.

Archana Kshirsagar: The core of it, as you've mentioned, Digital Twins are replicas. They have replicas of your physical space, or your built space itself. Essentially, when you create a Digital Twin of your building or your portfolio, what you're doing is you're creating a golden source of truth, your single source of truth for your entire real estate portfolio, which is accessible from any place anywhere.

Then that can be utilized to drive efficiencies in your workflows. It could be efficiencies in your training programs and all of that leading to significant time and cost savings. When I think about it, there's a tremendous opportunity here no matter which business function or industry Facilities Management.

Our customers are industrial and manufacturing the largest logos in the world. We have some of the largest CRD companies, and real estate services companies, as well as several large vendors, and occupy ourselves as clients as well, not to mention the travel and hospitality segment of the industry. Now, all of these folks across service lines, be it, occupancy planning, be it soft and hard services

Could be EHS, Building Engineering, and such, what they are utilizing these twins are fun is what I would like to share in the next couple of slides. But the savings alone in terms of reduced site visits have been substantial. We have seen about 53%. This is a single client alone that we are talking about. What Preethy was mentioning as well, from a sustainability standpoint.

Sustainability has been a core initiative for most of our 50 Fortune 500 clients. There's another great advantage here for you to stay competitive, but also embrace this digital platform to accelerate your initiatives. From a user standpoint, I want to just share with you a couple of stories. I hear a lot of our facilities managers saying, how do I drive consistency in my operations?

My site in Chicago is doing extremely well. How do we take the best practices and the way they are operating and apply it to a site in Israel or the Netherlands? Oftentimes I've seen standard operating procedures which was, believe it or not, 10 years back in print format, I've now digital on your company portals itself, but these are all, again, documented by each of your specialty trades.

If you will, that is then shared with the product team. But how do we make sure every team has the same understanding of what your standard operating procedures are? That's one of the points. The other pain points have been around vendor management as well. If you have a large portfolio, you're easily dealing with hundreds of vendors, and so the collaboration itself has been quite heavy in emails.

Probably discussing a campus site where you have your vendors coming in. I give you a good example for a client at Intel where we had a C12, such and such a vendor needs to replace the chiller and then there is a C23. But how do we make sure the vendor knows exactly what the space looks like unless they actually get access to the site and are able to view it?

Now that's where Matterport Digital Twins come in where you can have that collaboration with your vendors and your key stakeholders. Be it on your internal or external client-side, within the platform itself, you can actually pinpoint and tag any particular space, equipment, anything at all within the platform for that particular team member to look at it visually.

That has been a game changer, quite frankly, for some of our largest industrial and manufacturing clients where they're able to pull up their manufacturing facility, and have their conversation over Zoom, where everyone is in that space virtually and being able to have that conversation live. That's just one of the examples.

Within travel and hospitality if you have any conversations with headquarters on your field site or field operations, that's another place they do now the only can leverage this photo realistic view of your space and take that and be able to apply standard consistent procedures across the board. Now, again, just a few examples, students.

But when you think about now taking that and extending it to occupier and employee experience where you want to share what the amenities for a space look like, or the virtual employee training has been another great way irrespective of which service language audience, you could have facility coordinator training.

You could have sought services, or your hard services training where you want your plant engineers to be able to see the space before they actually step into it. No better way to do that is by augmenting your existing what we call LMS or Learning Management Systems with some of these great virtual tours itself. Now, what that has helped is a winding worker injuries, being able to follow regulatory

Compliance for your regulatory assets, as well as just reducing risk overall in general. One of the stats here from one of the latest OSHA reports has shared that there have been about 836,000 worker injuries in a single year itself in 2020. Now, take that and apply it in terms of being able to take a photorealistic tour and tagging places where you're seeing a lot of issues.

These are just some of the examples in which you can utilize multiple twins for your facilities operations, but extending that to occupancy planning, extending that to be able to provide robust training for employees, vendors across the board is how you really can take this information and streamline your operations.

Now, that is how I look at it as a Step 1 date, so anything that you want to do, you want to get started somewhere. I challenge all of you to think about waves, and which service function would best have the greatest impact utilizing these twins. But as you think of it, it's a journey, it's a digital transformation journey that all of us are on.

We can now take that and extend it with a robust set of partners that we have. With the AWS twin maker partnership we have sensory integration as well, and several of our clients have occupancy sensors. Or if you're in a manufacturing setting, there are equipment sensors, or think of it as your performance digital twins itself, video tracking the analytics.

You're tracking alerts related to any equipment failure or irregularities. Now, you actually can increase the micropore platform using API SDK integration with some of the AWS platform itself to be able to visually actually see which facility down to which equipment, right is showing these types of alerts. Over to the Autodesk Revit.

Another great example where you have streamlined your operations, in your site visit, you have now utilized multiple for your training purposes, now how do I extend it by making it really simple to have micropore talk to my downstream systems. We have a deep integration with Autodesk Revit as well, which you can utilize.

Then to be able to switch back and forth between these applications to reduce your level of effort and time to implementation, as you think of some of these use cases. Now take the training of it further. If you have critical environments where access to the space is not easily available, we have several customers actually pushing the envelope when it comes to training by using ARVR experiences.

This has been the latest in terms of being able to take the tour and actually be able to expediency by having an interactive platform during your training itself. That's where the Immersive ARVR experiences come in, we have created partners, so it's able to enable this flawed view using some of the toolkit as well.

No other better time to start your digital twin transformation journey, and quite eager to hear from you during the Q&A sessions, as well as comments in terms of where you'd like to get started. Over to you, Chris, for the design cases.

Kris Atkinson: Thanks, Archana. My name is Kris Atkinson and I'm the EEC specialist here at Matterport. For me with an AAC background, the typical use case of the Matterport solution tends to be less focused on the promotion of the spaces, more on how Matterport can be used effectively in design and build stages of a project.

Essentially, where effectively documenting and collaborating the information relating to a continually changing environment. Workflows during the design and project management fees typically require us to have the best possible understanding of what is happening on-site at that time. For example, for the condition of an existing site as-built.

All the checking, change orders and even sign offs, issues typically occur when these are not effectively recorded and communicated across the project team, allowing them to spiral and to hit into the budget and programs that we have. Matterport Cloud-based platform provides the most unique experience to allow teams to effectively digest the data being collected from site.

Understanding its impact on the project in context, and communicating options to resolve them, all virtually. Or viewer on third party integrations mean the workflows are simpler and more effective, ensuring your teams can keep projects on schedule and on time. But as we know, communication channels with the design team can often be separated or streamed.

And this is where our new feature views can help. Please introduce Matterport views, which is a new feature that provides a new framework to share all the critical data points embedded into your space. We're all interested in information which pertains to our particular job role and the responsibilities of our teams, sometimes this requires us to separate and categorize the information we're actually viewing.

The views feature provides teams with the ability to further collaborate and share the right information with the right people at the right time, all in a single project space. If your focus is health and safety or maintenance serving, or even an as-built condition survey, views provides an environment to simply add labels, my tags, notes on guided tours pertaining to that category or subject.

Views, as you can see in the little demonstration here, is available through a simple dropdown, and each view can be securely set to those who have suitable permissions to access. For Matterport and design, build use cases, there's numerous efficiencies across the whole project life cycle designed around understanding or working sites virtually with the same efficiencies as actually in person.

Providing a simple, accessible experience and powers the teams to understand, ray and resolve issues and extract actionable insights. We can save time and increase productivity by capturing cost-effectively, and that's speed. This allows stakeholders to effectively document and collaborate information relating to that ever changing construction site.

We provide the ability to cut costs by moving more traditional in-person tasks to that of the virtual seamlessly. This also has immediate benefits on sustainability efforts to help us reduce our carbon footprints so today's webinar has been an opportunity for us to showcase some of the new and latest features and use cases for your firm.

All of which have been developed to help Matterport customers, communicate, collaborate, inspect, and understand their species from anywhere. We provide a complete work set, workbench of tools and additional Add-on components that easily allows you to integrate and extract data from the Matterport Cloud and use it in your third party software where it is needed.

Point cloud formats such as the E57, and the xyz, Matterport themes files and schematic floor plans are additional assets commonly used by architects, designers, and facilities managers. They help our clients save a ton of time and budget upfront by jump starting, initial state modeling processes and making remodel and design projects easy to document, plan, and review.

By leveraging a Matterport workflow designers and all the texts don't have to spend the time on molding modeling tasks and can instead focus on cost generating design tasks. Thanks very much, and I'll pass back over to Preethy.

Preethy Vaidyanathan: Thanks Chris. Last but not least, I want to talk about Pro3. Pro3 is our breakthrough new 3D capture device. We just released it a few weeks ago and it sets a new standard in speed, fidelity, versatility, and precision. Before I jump into the Pro3 specific, when we think about our mission at Matterport, what is our product strategy?

It's about creating the right device and tools to capture for every single criteria that you have as our customer and as our partner. One of it may be with our Pro2, maybe a Pro3, but it could also be any of the other devices that you have. But for today, in this particular topic, I'm going to talk about Pro3. What are the features that make this possible?

Preethy Vaidyanathan: When we look at some of the specs, I think some of them are in the next slide. It's a 20 megapixel sensor up to 100 meter range, and it takes less than 20 seconds to scan. The first thing every customer notices is how fast this product operates and the power of the speed is unlocked because of this larger scanning range to reduce the overall number of properties scan points.

So this means our customers can generate larger scale digital twins. They can do it more quickly and they can do all of this. Minimizing the downtime in the field while still creating a transformative experience for their customers and their employees. As a company, we are both a hardware and a software company so we pair this with our AI powered deep learning neural network.

Let me tell you a bit about that. We look at our cortex AI and I think one of the questions in the chat was, does this also cover outdoors and because this is Lidar and our cortex AI is now upgraded to capture phi of x higher range than before. We also stream on-demand so that way our users actually move through the space in much more with faster load times so it's just that visually.

The showcase experience is that much more smoother, that much more detailed, that much faster. But it's performance without compromising any of that details and it's our most accurate 3D camera to date, Pro3 sends about hundred thousand pulses every single second with this rotating mirror that you see and what that means.

It pains that 360 degree view of that spherical space and so with this ultra wide field of view, Pro3 covers that 360 fully and with lidar and our advanced AI, Pro3 digital twin means it can scan both indoor and outdoor in that immersive quality that you have known to expect from Pro2. This means facility management task, documentation.

Collaboration tasks are more accurate and more detail than ever before and all of this, so think about where you would need these larger scans, you might be looking at larger theaters, multi-use rooms, their houses, their time in field is equally important so that's where Pro3 makes a huge difference. I think there was a question in the chat where it said, what does that mean for Pro2?

Pro2 still has a tremendous amount of benefit so it's really about creating different tools based on what your needs are and Pro3 specifically is designed with portability in mind and our team's design process started by re-imagining the complete construct of the camera. It's lighter, smaller, and more portable. It's easy to mount on a tripod.

The shape, as you can see, is not just interesting and desirable, but it's also very, very practical because it gives that color, that right clearance, if you will, to capture ceilings so think about capturing rooms with large ceilings, domes, creators, and arenas. This design is not just sleek and easy and portable. It is actually very, very useful to capture that height.

They also come with a single swap of rechargeable batteries. That means that you can continuously scan and you can swap the battery easily so that you can transform your spaces of all sizes into an accurate digital twin and this means that with Pro3 you can think about transforming your hotel resorts, manufacturing plants, commercial, large-scale commercial building, all into vivid virtual reality.

This helps our customers unlock new revenue streams, create efficiency, combined with all the tools that Bill arching up Chris and I talked about in terms of collaboration, storytelling, enabling your sales and marketing team, your facility managers and your operators, convert their operational day-to-day responsibilities and their larger projects on Matterport digital platform.

With that, I'm going to hand it back to Amir to talk about how our products continue to expand.

Amir Frank: Thank you Preethy, so basically I just wanted to cover the different devices that can be used to create your digital twin and so you have here, you may be familiar with some of these. Your phone, well familiar with that. You can use access. It's a small little rotating device. It's a panel head, if you will. That is automated.

You set up your phone to pivot around the lens and that helps very much with the accuracy of the panel so you can actually use your phone. It does a really, really great job. You can use a number of 360 cameras. These are typically used for action, things like that. Sports, you can use those. They capture the entire 360 degrees sphere in a single shot and that allows you to be very, very fast in your capture.

Process so there's also, that's something to think about and all of these cameras, by the way, serve a slightly different use case. You may even end up using more than one in a single model. When you're capturing your digital twin, you could end up using multiple cameras for different reasons. Just to give you an example, an auto dealership, you can use something like the Pro2 to capture the entire.

Dealership and then once you step inside the car, you can use a 360 because it's significantly smaller, lot easier to put where you need it to be. Just an example. The Pro2 workhorse of a camera, tried and true, the thing has been around for several years, at least, with predecessor Pro1 behind it, so a lot of history there.

Still a very, very good camera for many, many use cases and then the Pro3 is the one that pretty much just spoke about. Grey camera has a lot of advantages in certain aspects to the Pro2. But it is a little bit more expensive as well. The Leica BLK is again, moving in that direction of being more AEC, less photo and photo-real and shouldn't say photo-realistic.

But its image quality is not quite as high because that's not what it's designed to do. It's designed to be a more measurement accurate camera so all of these cameras, again, serve a slightly different purpose with access to being incredibly scalable. 360 is being super-fast. Pro2, doing a great, great job with indoor Pro3 indoor and outdoor and the BLK doing a really good job with measurement accuracy.

We can go into when you would use one or the other and your specific use case. But I'll leave that for now. That's it for the presentation. Let's get into Q&A because we really don't have a whole lot of time, unfortunately, and a whole bunch of questions. Let's try and do this as efficiently as possible. Considering we are running out of time.

If I can have all the panelists get off mute, find a question that you would answer. We'll go with Bill and then Preethy and then Archana and then Kris, we'll just do a round robin and ask your question, answer it and we'll just go around here and try to get through as many as possible.

Bill Linehan: I'll start. I saw a question about BHT and BHT, the acquisition of BHT does allow us to do staging, as well as the combination of different types of captures ourselves. We can customize the capture for a consumer. That includes staging, high girth, photography as well as, of course, the Digital Twin.

Kris Atkinson: There's one there that I can jump on if that's alright. Any advice on scaling highly repetitive environments with little or no identifying features. What I would say is you need something to differentiate. We do actually provide April tags. If you actually go into the Matterport up and actually look in the settings there there's guidance on those AprilTags.

Which are essentially markers that you can put up in the scene. They're all very different and they will allow the solution to understand where they are placed, to have a look inside the capture up and those AprilTags and that she'd benefit you.

Amir Frank: I would also recommend increasing the scan density, the frequency that you're scanning with highly repetitive spaces, that always helps. One quick question for you, Chris, I think is the point cloud file a unified scan or does it contain individual scans for further editing and registration?

Kris Atkinson: You can get the separate scans when I've been converting it to an OCP and bringing in not a five-seven file from Matterport, dropping it in to do that conversion, you do get the individual scan positions. Again, if you wanted to re-register using another platform, or again, if you wanted to remove certain scans, you have the ability to do so.

Amir Frank: All right, fantastic. Another question by Christoph. How is the PRO three AON Center is $0.26 70th floor connected at the example, scan when there are no clear connection points. I would say, and I've actually done this with that much of a difference in floors, but same, same rules apply in the staircase when you're going up, especially in these types of stairwells.

Fire escape cell surfaces as they're identical from one floor to the next. It'd be very simple to start your weight up the scan, skip up to the 70th floor and continue, and purposely have this would essentially be a floor merger misalignment in the scans. Basically, you just intentionally do that to compress it so that you don't have to scan all the way up to the seventh floor.

That's how I would have done it if I was in that position. Let's see here. Yes, please go ahead.

Archana Kshirsagar: When speed changes the date within a facility. How do they make sure there's always that single source of truth for a space. There is what we call stitching. There's a stitching ability as well. If you have a space or conference room or a boardroom that has changed right on within a factory setting, a specific area that has been updated on an equipment replaced.

You can always scan that separately and stitch it back to the original one. So that's where you can continue the integrity of your build to read the digital replica or the version itself. The second point, I think there's one more question about how do I know they'll be too many tax rate when I have multiple teams accessing, and that's where one of the features you will see is called layers or deep layers.

Where you can use a single scan and make a copy of it very similar to how you take an Excel spreadsheet or a Word doc and heavy version of it, be utilized by a completely different team. We say that quite a bit weird. Your soft services team can make a copy of it and request data on exactly how much square footage. That's pieces and be able to pick that for any estimation.

If it's a new space moving from CapEx to OpEx and being able to identify what the maintenance costs look like. Why is another version of it being utilized by the building? Your operations with welding engineer's itself. Hope that answers some of the questions over there.

Amir Frank: I did see a question previously regarding convincing large hotels. This is a great one for your bill to pay that recurring fee. It was saying how I guess they have to convince the customer that the hotel chain or whoever to get a Matterport account in order to host their model indefinitely. I would say, and you can say what you want to say about this.

But I would say that a starter account at $10 a month is literally nothing compared to what a hotel puts out monthly in terms of their marketing costs.

Bill Linehan: In addition, in that, remind the hotel also, this is part of their digital marketing strategy. That link can also be used in other forms and other campaigns such as performance market and such. It doesn't just have to be online. It can be used as links that bring them online. I saw a question that was about use of the additional features we've talked about such as matter tags and adding additional

content and context. Usually that happens in a post-production environment, and it involves the clients since the client knows what it is they want to draw additional attention to as well.

Amir Frank: Yeah. Then lastly, unfortunately we are out of time, but I did want to hit this one up quantised. If a scan has been made one-off, how do you go about day-to-day facility management? I should know this is oneness for you. Is this via Google Docs tool when things happen on site or when the scan by or will the Scan be regularly updated with any on-site data records?

I think updating happens anytime the facility is updated, then you would go ahead and update the scan, and there are different ways of doing that, so you don't have to update the entire model. You can update just that portion of it, but we'll leave that aside. With your experience in Kshirsagar how does that work?

Archana Kshirsagar: Yeah. Since the brighter standard operating procedures. It's a two-fold question. One, the first part that I was answering earlier where you can make sure the facility scale itself is updated all the time. But you can actually use tags to upload your standard operating procedures document as well, you actually can use that for any attachments as well.

Any video recording via tonight or any file within the scan, and Number 2, you can order the tags in the same format as your standard operating procedure. A couple of other ways in which you can utilize the scan to be able to drive that consistency that we are usually striving for in facilities management.

Amir Frank: Yeah. Instead of staring at a spreadsheet of data connected to IoT devices, you're looking at the space itself. That special layer of data and information to look at. All right, great. I wish we could get two more questions. We did what we could in the amount of time we had. We have all these questions which are recorded and we'll do our best to get back to you later offline.

Thank you so much for attending, for asking all these great questions and for participating. I see a lot of a lot going on in the chat there. That was awesome, and Bill prithee is Snowden. Chris, huge, huge. Thank you for helping us out today. Great to be here.

Bill Linehan: Thanks.

Preethy Vaidyanathan: Thanks everyone.

Archana Kshirsagar: Thanks everyone.

Amir Frank: Thanks everyone. Take care. Have a good rest of the day. Bye-bye.
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